<newt> I recently listened to a podcast and learned about glscope client...id like to purchase a new scope as I need one for work (they are paying for it), and need recommendations. I have the desire to do some FPGA work in the future, and would like something decently fast, decently supported by GL scope client at the moment, and ideally below $1500 usd. Ive read the manual in part, and it seems like the siglent scopes might be a good choice (the
podcast suggested so as well, but im just guessing.) Thanks @azonenberg for your work on this!
newt: for low cost, siglent seems to be the best option. be advised that waveforms/sec throughput over their usb or ethernet interface is not great
i am hoping they can squeeze more out of the firmware, we're working with them
PicoScope stuff is much faster but their higher end models are outside your price range and their lower end models are not (yet) supported
People are very interested in the DScope from DreamSource Lab, which seems to have good potential. but there is not currently a driver for it
i've been talking to someone who wants to sponsor development of one
<newt> @azonenberg ok, fortunately I have some time before I really need one (~3 months), i might sit tight and do some more research. I may be able to get my hands on a rigol and try the software out....thanks for your reply
all Rigol models we've tested are extremely slow
MSO5000 series for example i think got 1 WFM/s max
Siglent lower end scopes hit 2-4 WFM/s at shallow memory depths. Which isn't good, but not nearly as bad
A PicoScope is probably going to be your best bet for performance with glscopeclient however their lower end families are not currently supported by our driver
that can change of course
Did you have specific channel count / sample rate / BW targets?
Huh wow, the DScope is really cheap
Maybe I could get one in a few months, this looks really usable in combination with a laptop or so for floating measurements (I guess you'd need to circumvent the ground protection though), their source code is on the internet too, so I guess not too hard to add it to glscopeclient
@MP was talking about wanting to send me one and have me write a driver
i said i was busy but that if one showed up i'd work on it when time permitted
So we'll see if/when that happens
Sounds exciting
in any case near term i want to finish the digilent driver to "minimum usable" state
which means adding triggers
then digital channels can come later
<newt> @azonenberg i really appreciate your feedback. I wish I had some better specs of the work ill be doing, so I had some clear answers. I know the project will be fpga related, and that 4 channels should be plenty. in terms of sample rate / BW specs, ill have find that out and circle back. thank you
On the higher end, Teledyne LeCroy scopes have excellent performance with glscopeclient and also much nicer analog specs in terms of BW/sample rate
but their low end ones are mid 4 digits USD and those are slow arm soc based, the halfway decent ones with x86 cores start at low 5 digits USD
so quite a bit over your stated budget
<dannas> @newt Keep an eye on https://www.crowdsupply.com/eevengers/thunderscope as well. I think there are plans for a glscopeclient driver. Maybe the creator Aleksa Bjelogrlic is even on this forum.
The author reached out to me a while back about sponsoring development of a driver
he sounded super interested
havent heard anything lately, not sure if there's delays on the hardware side or what
<newt> @dannas thanks for bringing this up! I’ll take a look
<Aleksorsist> Hi all, it's Aleksa from the ThunderScope project. We're still really interested in glscopeclient support, and supporting the project in general once we start selling our hardware! Progress on glscopeclient support has been slow since most of our software effort has been on building a new API for the hardware. But with it, it should be easier to add support. We've got a discord server so join you want to ask questions / contribute / follow
along with our development so we don't clutter this channel