James Munns: does it sound like a pain to implement a postcard-rpc for the host (for libsigrok, I do have a Rust application which is separate) in C? I guess the most annoying part is going to be that C has no proc macros...
It might be easier to FFI to Rust from C, depending on what you are doing
Yeah libsigrok seems to have plenty of device specific dependencies so maybe I could get away with FFI. Although I know that Linux distro packagers love to complain when Rust suddenly becomes a dependency (even if optional)
I have some newer things I'm working on, like postcard-dyn, that might make it possible to implement encoding/decoding from C if you have a way to export the schema, like a side bin that just prints the schema out
Yeah I'm not doing anything currently given you said that things are exploding currently
you can look at postcard-dyn in the main postcard repo, it takes a schema, and gives you back a serde_json::Value (and the other way around too)
so it's basically a template of "how to manually decode/encode postcard data to JSON"
Whatcha planning on doing?
i509vcb[m]: (can confirm, is exploding)
Kind of think of it like a Nordic PPK2, CMSIS debugger, and low end logic analyzer in 1
Hah! I was planning on working on that next :)
i509vcb the new versions of postcard-rpc will have a built-in way to "get all schemas spoken by the device", which you can then use with postcard-dyn (or something that does the same thing) to decode messages, even if you don't know the schema ahead of time
but if your firmware is relatively fixed, it might be easier to manually write encoding/decoding tools for it, or something that does code generation. Eventually, I want to have a way to specify schemas/endpoints in a non-rust file, kind of like protobuf .proto files, which will be easier to codegen for other languages.
Yeah codegen is probably the easiest option for now
Just in case anyone tries to tell you "But no-one is using Embedded Rust in production" again.
diondokter[m] has joined #rust-embedded
thejpster[m]: Anybody still saying that is clearly not looking. So many awesome things happening!
Oh, and did everyone catch the new Rusty Bits? He looks at RTT and defmt, and yikes, formatting a single f64 with core::fmt costs 20 KiB in .text.
how do you allocate a block with appropriate alignment?
also, should this just be in embedded-storage?
or should we add the non async trait to that crate?
<thejpster[m]> "also, should this just be in..." <- Maybe, but they also don't care about alignment iirc
but maybe we should improve embedded-storage in that regard, I recall embassy-nrf having some work around for that with its flash driver
<thejpster[m]> "or should we add the non async..." <- I'd happily accept a blocking trait PR there
<thejpster[m]> "how do you allocate a block with..." <- In embedded-fatfs, it's up to the caller to ensure alignment, and I have an adapter that firstly converts a block device to something that implements the embedded-io traits, but secondly will use a user provided buffer directly if the alignment and length is correct: https://docs.rs/block-device-adapters/0.2.0/block_device_adapters/struct.BufStream.html
Ralph[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 172800s]
James Munns: Postcard question: Why is the `MaxSize` trait currently experimental?
Because I haven't used it enough or heard enough about it to be sure it doesn't have any rough edges
the schema trait WAS used pretty extensively for the last 6mo or so, and I just pulled it out into it's own crate, I'd probably give the MaxSize trait the same treatment
It's also somewhat limited, MaxSize doesn't work for a lot of common heap allocated types, like `Vec<u8>`, and I have no idea how to solve that
I don't think there's anything wrong with what DOES work there
(and if there is, please open an issue)
JamesMunns[m]: That just means it's an error to try to derive MaxSize for a type that has that, right? Seems reasonable to me
so - the answer is, it's experimental because it isn't "1.0 quality", and today I'd probably say it should be pulled out into a non-1.0 crate so it's reasonable to iterate on it without breaking "postcard proper"
I'd definitely take a PR that does that, in the same style as postcard-schema.
that also makes it easier to take PRs to impl the trait on arbitrary other crates
I don't see a way to size your buffers at compile time, without just guessing, without it though. Of course if you have alloc, you don't need the trait anyway
basically, you can recurse on NamedType and DataModelType info from the postcard-schema crate, and calculate that by working down until you hit a primitive
every type boils down to one of the twenty-something data model types, most of which have a size, or things like seq (like Vec) would always return None
for a struct, you'd take the sum of all subfields, for an enum you'd take a varint(usize) + the max of all variants