Nice that I found more machine processable data for the mspm0, but did it really have to be JSON with fields that contain IDs you need to look up elsewhere?
This information seems to be good enough that I could actualy generate kicad symbols from it as well
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is this a new room?
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ubiquitousproxy9: Not sure exactly when this room was started, but I've been here for more than 4 years already :P
I'm just now seeing it now
I just stopped using Rust because certain features I was trying to use were still in their infancy stages so I moved back to JS and Python
I hope things continue to grow especially in 2025. Once I'm done with what I'm working on, I look forward to returning to Rust
Cool, well if you have questions about embedded Rust feel free to ask them here!
For non-embedded rust (for instance web, servers, apps, cli) then there are better places
absolutely. thank you 😁
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