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<pkoevesdi[m]> `embassy-executor`.)
<pkoevesdi[m]> Hey. I'm trying to bring parts of my rust program into the external QSPI flash.
<pkoevesdi[m]> To achieve this, I linked a custom `memory.x` with `"-C", "link-arg=-Tmemory.x"` inside my `config.toml`. But it seems, it gets pulled in twice, because for every entry in it, I get a "region '###' already defined" error from rust-lld, no matter how I name the region. I think, it's pulled by `cortex-m-rt-b26624eecb12fef9/out/link.x`, which has a "INCLUDE memory.x" in it. I can comment that out there and my crate compiles, but I
<pkoevesdi[m]> don't think that's the intended way of giving a custom `memory.x`. If I leave out my `-Tmemory.x`, it also compiles, but where are the memory regions defined then? In the search paths for the rust-lld (to my knowledge PATH and -L paths), there's no "memory.x". So, what's the correct/recommended way of making `cargo build` use my crate's `memory.x`, but only once? (Still using `cortex-m-rt` of course, needed by
<pkoevesdi[m]> I cannot leave out the -C", "link-arg=-Tlink.x" from my config.toml. Then it compiles, but cannot be flashed ("No loadable segments were found in the ELF file."), understandably.
<JamesMunns[m]> cortex-m-rt's link.x already includes memory.x, so you just need to make sure that's in the linker include path
<JamesMunns[m]> There's two ways to include your memory.x in the linker path, lemme find you examples...
<JamesMunns[m]> The currently recommended way is to emit this in your build-rs:
<JamesMunns[m]> ah wait, that just includes the link.x, that's not a good example, hold on
<JamesMunns[m]> IIRC, the root of the crate is already in the link path, so if you put your memory.x in the same folder as the Cargo.toml, you should be good to go
<JamesMunns[m]> otherwise, you can add the path to the link path like the example I showed
<diondokter[m]> Yeah, normally you don't specify anything about memory.x to the linker
<JamesMunns[m]> you say it "just works", then that is it working correctly!
<JamesMunns[m]> stating the link args in .cargo/config.toml is the older way of doing it, but it still totally works.
<pkoevesdi[m]> Sorry, I have to correct myself: If I leave out my -Tmemory.x, it doesn't compile, because it doesn't find my memory.x. It compiles, if I put the feature "memory-x" into embassy-stm32 in Config.toml. But that memory.x doesn't contain some of the regions I need (OCTOSPI).
<JamesMunns[m]> gotcha, yeah, you SHOULD be able to:... (full message at <>)
<JamesMunns[m]> if THAT doesn't work, I can help debug more :)
<JamesMunns[m]> if the memory.x is in a library crate, for example if you are making a custom BSP or something, then that lib needs to add the memory.x to the linker path. If that's the case, lemme know.
<pkoevesdi[m]> Ok, thank You very much for You help. Just putting in a memory.x in my crate root I did before, and also removing the embassy memory.x feature. But obviously not in conjunction. :-) Thanks for pushing me in the right direction! Probably soon I'll ask here, how to bring parts of my program into that OCTOSPI region... :-)
<pkoevesdi[m]> Ok, sooner than expected... how can I add up to the cortex-m-rt-b26624eecb12fef9/out/link.x? If I put a link.x in my crate root, it replaces (probaly gets pulled before) the one from coretex-m-rt.
<pkoevesdi[m]> * Ok, sooner than expected... how can I add up to the cortex-m-rt-b26624eecb12fef9/out/link.x? If I put a link.x in my crate root, it replaces (probaly gets pulled before) the one from cortex-m-rt.
<JamesMunns[m]> ah, do you want to replace link.x, or just memory.x? usually you don't modify link.x?
<JamesMunns[m]> cortex-m-rt EXPECTS to provide the link.x, which INCLUDES your memory.x
<pkoevesdi[m]> Well, I thought I must change both? memory.x to define my OCTOSPI region, and link.x to put something in there. For the latter, I didn't mean to replace the cortex-m-link.x, just do add something. But, let's start one step earlier: I have a OCTOSPI-memory region defined now. How can I bring "something" into it?
<JamesMunns[m]> typically, you would define the OCTOSPI region as FLASH
<JamesMunns[m]> if you want to XIP from octospi
<JamesMunns[m]> but, you might need a bootloader to enable OCTOSPI on startup?
<pkoevesdi[m]> Yes, that's what I want in the end.
<diondokter[m]> Everything in memory.x *is* added to link.x
<diondokter[m]> Link.x includes the memory.x which works like include in C (as in it just gets copied)
<JamesMunns[m]> generally, cortex-m-rt is very simple, it expects only a single FLASH and a single RAM range, which it uses for .text, .data, and .bss
<pkoevesdi[m]> The bootloader I'll take care of later, first I want to achieve being able to flash something into the external flash with probe-rs (I'll read out the external flash with another tool and see, what happened there) - so, a step-by-step-approach, hopefully ending up having understood all the mechanics. Ok, good, I'll try with naming my OCTOSPI-region as FLASH. Thank You!
<JamesMunns[m]> so, there's three ways I can think of to solve this:... (full message at <>)
<JamesMunns[m]> * so, there's three ways I can think of to solve this:... (full message at <>)
<JamesMunns[m]> I recommend doing 1, then 3, then 2, in terms of "how I would do this".
<pkoevesdi[m]> Great, thanks. I had mostly something like the first option in my mind.
<pkoevesdi[m]> But first, let me come to the point being able to flash by probe-rs. :-)
<JamesMunns[m]> then some complications:
<JamesMunns[m]> 1. I'm not sure if the probe-rs flash algos are smart enough to set up octospi, so they can do the flashing. That might require a custom flash algorithm
<JamesMunns[m]> 2. if you go with option 1, you might need to be careful on some chips and HALs. For example, embassy-stm32 doesn't "like" when you set up RCC already before you call `embassy_stm32::init()` - it can cause weird crashes
<JamesMunns[m]> for 1: you can ask in if anyone has tried this, if it doesn't Just Work.
<JamesMunns[m]> for 2: I'm not sure how to handle this. might require patching your HAL
<FreeKill[m]> (As a C-creature now actually getting to write some embedded implementation stuff in Rust, it's pretty dang sweet 🦀)
<JamesMunns[m]> pkoevesdi if you haven't seen, it explains how a lot of this machinery works!
<JamesMunns[m]> (at least the linker script and startup behavior)
<pkoevesdi[m]> I already wrote a custom flash algorithm, which works with my own written wrapper, but not with target-gen test of probe-rs. In the probe-rs channel they told me, that target-gen test might be broken. So, now I try to test my or an exisiting flash algorithm with this approach here, by trying to flash something. Because that would have been the next step after target-gen testanyway.
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<omniscient_[m]> Hi all. I'm new to Embedded Rust (about 1 week :P). I'm curious what RPC libraries or messaging everyone is using in embedded to communicate with a server. I'm looking at `postcard-rpc` but it doesn't seem to be too mature yet and is only (currently) wired up for serial/USB, not TCP. Other options that come back from a Google seem quite old and unmaintained (`urpc`, `rust-remote-hal`) . I'd like to maybe contribute to
<omniscient_[m]> postcard-rpc but for the purposes of my current project something that I can get up and running with immediately would be good
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<ryan-summers[m]> might be interesting to you :) In general, I tend to just keep simple registers as u8/u16 internally because I'm lazy and users very rarely need them outside of the driver. For the rare ones where they do, you can expose them
<ryan-summers[m]> If you want a sample of my lazy style, I just finished cleaning up and publishing one for the Si1145 (ambient light sensor) that you can look at for inspiration/reference:
<ryan-summers[m]> <omniscient_[m]> "Hi all. I'm new to Embedded Rust..." <- If you're looking for pub/sub models, like for IoT devices, I maintain an MQTT driver:
<ryan-summers[m]> It works really well for simple telemetry + command/control interfaces when you have a network of devices
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<juliand[m]> <ryan-summers[m]> "If you want a sample of my..." <- That looks very clean (or lazy ;D), indeed, thanks! Having the registers as enum variants with a value associated would make more sense for my driver, as well. And since some registers have a HIGH and a LOW byte, its probably best to keep just the first address in the enum. Then I can have the knowledge about which registers need combining into one particular function. Instead of
<juliand[m]> distributing it over multiple files and having read/set/clear etc.
<juliand[m]> Thanks for the input!
<juliand[m]> <ryan-summers[m]> ""; <- Great reminder, I've seen that a while ago but never got around to actually use it. And then forgot. I'll give that a shot.
<ryan-summers[m]> I'm personally not a fan of custom DSL syntaxes because its another thing I have to keep in memory :/ Otherwise I like the idea. Just wish it could be more basic rust code
<ryan-summers[m]> But that's more a gripe against Rust macros in general
<ryan-summers[m]> <juliand[m]> "That looks very clean (or lazy..." <- > <> That looks very clean (or lazy ;D), indeed, thanks! Having the registers as enum variants with a value associated would make more sense for my driver, as well. And since some registers have a HIGH and a LOW byte, its... (full message at <>)
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<juliand[m]> <ryan-summers[m]> "I'm personally not a fan of..." <- Agreed, that easily makes it a lot more complicated and unless you have a ton of registers or different chip flavors (like stm32) it is a lot of overhead for little gain.
<ryan-summers[m]> Does anyone know if you can use quote! for docstrings in generated code? I'm trying to past things but only getting the #ident literal
<ryan-summers[m]> * Does anyone know how you can use quote! for docstrings in generated code? I'm trying to past things but only getting the #ident literal
<ryan-summers[m]> Ah the trick is to use #[doc = ""]
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<omniscient_[m]> <ryan-summers[m]> "If you're looking for pub/sub..." <- thanks ill check it out ^_^
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<JamesMunns[m]> Hey adamgreig or other cortex-m people, do you think we could define a variable in the linker script, and reference it in `cortex-m-rt`, so if people are missing a "real" linker script, it becomes a louder link time error, and not a delayed "no loadable sections in the elf file" thing we see reported occasionally?
<JamesMunns[m]> like, it feels like a waste to use a variable to force it, but I feel like we could extern define it in Rust (or asm?), and touch it at least once to make sure it doesn't go missing
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<adamgreig[m]> oh yea, maybe so
<adamgreig[m]> we've talked before about having something set up to help catch missing "-Tlink.x" stuff
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<newam[m]> This overflow test in cortex-m-rt takes a long time to fail, 3m on my system, and 10m-15m on GitHub actions runners:
<newam[m]> Anyone have ideas on what could be causing it to take so long?
<JamesMunns[m]> newam[m]: Open an issue on rust-lang/rust?
<JamesMunns[m]> Or is it execution that fails in qemu or something?
<newam[m]> it's a compile time test that ensure overflowing sections result in a failure
<newam[m]> I think this is a rustc issue, I'm hoping to be able to give them more information though
<JamesMunns[m]> Hmm. Could flame graph it, or enable compiler pass timing
<dirbaio[m]> it takes 7.8s for me
<dirbaio[m]> linux, rust 1.79.0
<newam[m]> were you in the cortex-m-rt directory? needs to pick up the .cargo/config.toml from there
<dirbaio[m]> yeah
<newam[m]> huh...
<dirbaio[m]> btw newam while you're here could you review ? 🙏
<dirbaio[m]> I can review all the others
<dirbaio[m]> but if I merge the others that build on mine i'd be effectively self-merging mine and I'd rather not to
<newam[m]> Strange, that was also quick for me.
<newam[m]> I'll review that now!
<dirbaio[m]> nightly also takes ~9s
<dirbaio[m]> s/9s/8s/
<dirbaio[m]> newam[m]: how do you repro the slowness then?
<newam[m]> it was slow for me with time cargo build -p cortex-m-rt --example data_overflow --target thumbv6m-none-eabi --features cortex-m/critical-section-single-core
<dirbaio[m]> from the cmrt dir, or repo root?
<newam[m]> cmrt dir
<dirbaio[m]> yep it's slow with that command for me too
<dirbaio[m]> weird!
<newam[m]> that's good data though!
<dirbaio[m]> 2m40s on nightly
<newam[m]> Yeah similar here, good to know it's reproducible, but only with cortex-m/critical-section-single-core. That's a good hint.
<dirbaio[m]> why would that matter tho 🤯
<newam[m]> <dirbaio[m]> "btw newam while you're here..." <- Approved! Thanks for all the work on heapless BTW! I haven't had time to keep up with PRs.
<dirbaio[m]> don't thank me, I haven't kept up either 🙈
<dirbaio[m]> i'm going to catch up tonight
<dirbaio[m]> hopefully
<dirbaio[m]> the *View types are super cool
<newam[m]> Yeah, makes it a lot closer to actual vecs in terms of usability.
<dirbaio[m]> we also have
<dirbaio[m]> > warning: /home/dirbaio/cortex-m/panic-itm/Cargo.toml: no edition set: defaulting to the 2015 edition while the latest is 2021
<newam[m]> Yeah, need to fix that, but I got nerd sniped trying to make CI go faster before other changes 😅
<dirbaio[m]> bisecting rustc ... it's down to nigthlies from Feb, still slow
<dirbaio[m]> now at Jun'23
<dirbaio[m]> do we know if it was fast at some point, or has it always been slow?
<newam[m]> There is some history, which I just found out myself.... (full message at <>)
<dirbaio[m]> that is quite a history 🫠
<newam[m]> so short version, I made it slow without really taking the time to understand why originally, and now I'm paying the price :D
<dirbaio[m]> ah so it's slow because reading the entire array? reading only one byte isn't slow?
<newam[m]> Yeah, I'm fixing it all now, if I increase the RODATA size to reflect the linker changes and case the pointer to a *const u8 so it only reads a single element then it's fast again.
<newam[m]> s/case/cast/, s/*/`*/, s//`/
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<Wildrose[m]1> We're having a party
<newam[m]> smells like spam? I ain't clicking on those links.
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<dirbaio[m]> how widely used is ufmt these days?
<dirbaio[m]> it seems unmaintained
<dirbaio[m]> I'm wondering if we should keep supporting it in heapless or not
<newam[m]> I'm looking at reverse deps, it seems like the AVR ecosystem uses it, which makes sense, they have tiny amounts of flash.
<dirbaio[m]> hmm okay
<newam[m]> Yay cortex-m CI is back to 5m now instead of 45m
<newam[m]> newam[m]: Hmmm, though these AVR crates don't use heapless directly either.
<newam[m]> It may break some AVR application code that's not on to drop ufmt support in heapless.
<dirbaio[m]> yea we'd drop it in 0.9 of course
<dirbaio[m]> not sure what policy we have on nightly feature usage?
<dirbaio[m]> const split is nice on paper, but the example code with it is about as gnarly as the example without
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<newam[m]> I would be curious if it actually saves any time/space, or if it's just to make it read better.
<newam[m]> If we mark it `#[inline]` rustc might be smart enough to figure it out?
<newam[m]> Ah, I read the body of the PR... they want to make a nice static out of it.
<dirbaio[m]> i'm not sure what you gain by const split, because then you also pay ram for the static of the consumer, which main does .take() on and never uses again
<newam[m]> it's all just ease of use I think
<newam[m]> it's not getting run in CI at the moment, we don't have anything that does --all-features
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<adamgreig[m]> newam: is 544 ready to merge? all lgtm but wasn't sure if you had anything else
<newam[m]> Yup, it's ready, got all of it out of my system 😄
<newam[m]> I still want to rework the cortex-m(-rt) CI to consolidate all the testing mechanisms (ci/, compiletest_rs, xtask, ect.) but that's probably for another day.