barafael[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 172800s]
mkj[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 172800s]
pronvis has joined #rust-embedded
SergioGasquez[m] has joined #rust-embedded
<therealprof[m]> "Are any Espressif guys online?" <- I guess I'm a bit late to the party (?)😅
<SergioGasquez[m]> "I guess I'm a bit late to the..." <- You are but no worries, I was just curious what you'd consider the state of RISC-V toolchains to be but I looked around and it seems to me that it's looking great already.
pronvis has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<SergioGasquez[m]> "I guess I'm a bit late to the..." <- I'd say the RISC-V toolchain is in a pretty good shape, maybe mabez can also share input.
jedugsem[m]1 has joined #rust-embedded
Hello I'm struggaling to read values from a gps
I cant figure out how to read the bytes to nmea sentences
I need to split them, but if &[byte] == b"\n" doesnt work
Any example out there for reading strings from serial
enaut[m] has joined #rust-embedded
jedugsem: I'm not sure I get your problem. I created a for loop and iterated it maybe with that example you can solve your problem?
Thanks a lot, but thats like i have it, there seems to be another problem, maybe i'll ask again later
Part of the problem was missing data because of slow print statements
You definitely should look into BufferedUart (if you are using embassy), or similar items if you are using a different HAL. In general, you need to be "always listening" to make sure you don't lose data, then parse from the buffered data.
IlPalazzo-ojiisa has joined #rust-embedded
Makarov has joined #rust-embedded
<jedugsem[m]1> "Hello I'm struggaling to read..." <- #1: [this lib]( works well for decoding NMEA.
#2: I recommend using the UBX protocol instead; it is a simple byte-aligned protocol. NMEA is an awkward protocol that's neither conveniently human-readable, nor conveniently machine readable.
Rolling your own NMEA parser sounds not fun
* machine readable. Which GPS is it?
NMEA is not that hard to parse
I've written parsers for NMEA, UBX, Zodiac and SiRF
the binary ones mean you don't have to convert strings to numbers though
I've written NOTAM parsers, and still wouldn't recommend it to anyone! (Another awk in-between format)
* written NOTAM and TAF parsers, and
mabez[m] has joined #rust-embedded
<SergioGasquez[m]> "I'd say the RISC-V toolchain..." <- Sorry missed the meeting yesterday. Struggling to follow what the topic was on matrix, was this around company members being part of the wg, or something else?
Anyone knows what additional capabilities the web usb class provides by adding explicit support in the embedded device over implementing a conventional usb class? Is it mainly the landing page stuff?
<mabez[m]> "Sorry missed the meeting..." <- The question was around the availability/quality of OotB RISC-V toolchains. I was just trying to get confirmation for my impression that we're in a good shape now.