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<ainedixon[m]> 👋 hi
<ainedixon[m]> I have to find how to parse arguments to an attribute macro
<ainedixon[m]> Forexample #[module("users")]
<ainedixon[m]> How can I obtain arg "users"?
<ainedixon[m]> s/to/failed/, s/find/tofind/
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<xiretza[cis]> it's the first argument to your proc macro
<ainedixon[m]> Yeah, but I mean, how do I parse it... (full message at <>)
<xiretza[cis]> ah you're asking about syn, honestly I might just skip it and look at the TokenStream directly for something this trivial
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<pronvis> Hey guys, could you help me with some weird thing inside stm32_hal. To change pin type (input / output) you need to have some weird `cr: &mut <Self as HL>::Cr` which is not used inside actually, so it is just a "own marker" or smth like that
<pronvis> I have struct that speak with UART on half-duplex (using only one pin) - so I need to be able to change pin type
<pronvis> So, my struct need to have `cr: <Pin<PIN_C, PIN_N, Dynamic> as HL>::Cr,`
<pronvis> which is working fine
<pronvis> but now I found that I need several of those structures
<pronvis> so, several structures need to own `cr: <Pin<PIN_C, PIN_N, Dynamic> as HL>::Cr` which is impossible
<pronvis> what interior mutability pattern should I use here?
<pronvis> I dont want to use Mutex, cause it will use CriticalSection, which I dont actually need - because `&mut cr` is not used actually
<pronvis> here is the function from stm32f1xx_hal that using `cr`:
<pronvis> ```rust
<pronvis> fn mode<MODE: PinMode>(&mut self, cr: &mut <Self as HL>::Cr) {
<pronvis> // Input<PullUp> or Input<PullDown> mode
<pronvis> if let Some(pull) = MODE::PULL {
<pronvis> let gpio = unsafe { &(*Gpio::<P>::ptr()) };
<pronvis> if pull {
<pronvis> gpio.bsrr.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1 << N) });
<pronvis> } else {
<pronvis> gpio.bsrr.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1 << (16 + N)) });
<pronvis> }
<pronvis> }
<pronvis> let bits = (MODE::CNF << 2) | MODE::MODE;
<pronvis> self.cr_modify(cr, |r_bits| {
<pronvis> ```rust
<pronvis> #[inline(always)]
<pronvis> fn cr_modify(&mut self, _cr: &mut <Self as HL>::Cr, f: impl FnOnce(u32) -> u32) {
<pronvis> let gpio = unsafe { &(*Gpio::<P>::ptr()) };
<pronvis> match N {
<pronvis> 0..=7 => {
<pronvis> gpio.crl.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(f(r.bits())) });
<pronvis> }
<pronvis> 8..=15 => {
<pronvis> gpio.crh.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(f(r.bits())) });
<pronvis> }
<pronvis> _ => unreachable!(),
<pronvis> }
<pronvis> }
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<JamesMunns[m]> The reason that thing exists is that swapping the config registers for a port/pin is not necessarily atomic, depending on the config changes you are making
<pronvis> Ok, but what workaround should I implement here?
<JamesMunns[m]> it's hard to read your code, matrix split each line into a message for me, but you do probably want a critical section while modifying the configuration registers, as you could potentially corrupt it if you were to change them concurrently (two cores, or one in an interrupt, etc).
<JamesMunns[m]> I'm not sure if `embassy_stm32` handles this any better, but yeah, it's likely that the current stm32f1xx_hal doesn't handle this well. Particulary, peripherals with a lot of "type states" make it very hard to do dynamic changes like that.
<pronvis> but, I need to have several of those
<pronvis> so I cant own `cr: <Pin<PIN_C, PIN_N, Dynamic> as HL>::Cr,`
<JamesMunns[m]> yeah, I'm saying: you probably can't do that using stm32f1xx-hal.
<pronvis> O_o
<JamesMunns[m]> you could write your own unsafe GPIO drivers, use a critical section while making port changes, and do the port changes yourself using unsafe PAC operations.
<pronvis> omg, such a pain
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<pronvis> Maybe I can just wrap `cr: <Pin<PIN_C, PIN_N, Dynamic> as HL>::Cr` into some wrapper that implements interior mutability? On std I could do it with `Box<RefCell<Cr>>`, is there something similar in no_std?
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<dirbaio[m]> No `&mut Cr` :P
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<pronvis> hmm, never use embassy_stm32 previously - is it possible to use it together with stm32f1xx_hal? Cause I dont want to rewrite my entire code
<firefrommoonligh> I use an agnostic Pin that doesn't have ownership of hardware, and/or free-standing functions to set state and clear interrupts
<firefrommoonligh> Doesn't help you here directly, but it's a pattern I like
<firefrommoonligh> s/like/use that avoids this trouble./
<pronvis> @firefrommoonligh do you have some open sourced projects where you used that pattern?
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<firefrommoonligh> No
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<firefrommoonligh> If your case is let several structs use a pin as you said, you would just clone the pin, or use the freestanding fn without ownership, eg:... (full message at <>)
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