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<re_irc> <therealprof> USB<->SPI Adapter?
<re_irc> <therealprof> STM32MP1 board? 😄
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<re_irc> <GrantM11235> I started writing some notes, but I got way too mean 😭
<re_irc> <GrantM11235> and I misspelled "paraphrased"
<re_irc> <GrantM11235> The short version is that I don't think that any sort of "documentation only" change is going to work
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<re_irc> <explodingwaffle101> dirbaio: sorry i missed the meeting- did you guys decide on this api or the other one?
<re_irc> (no real preference just curious)
<re_irc> <Chris [pwnOrbitals]> Are we allowed to share / "advertise" job offers here ? We’ll be opening positions soon so could be interesting to share the job descriptions
<re_irc> <therealprof> Chris [pwnOrbitals]: I think that would be great.
<re_irc> <hdoordt> Does anyone know if the modem firmware of an nRF9160 can be flashed using probe-rs?
<re_irc> <marmrt> probe-run --list-chips | grep nRF9160 suggests yes
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<re_irc> <hdoordt> Yes, flashing application firmware works without problems, but how about modem firmware?
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<re_irc> <dkhayes117> hdoordt: I'm not sure if it can or not. I updated mine by flashing a precompiled bin from nordic's website, that has their bootloader included, MCUBoot. The bootloader is required to update modem firmware I believe. Once that is flashed, I used probe-rs-cli, it is pretty easy to update modem using nordic's flash tool. Just make sure you are in MCUboot mode before you update fw. It won't do it otherwise, you have to hold a mode button...
<re_irc> ... while you reset the device to get into MCUBoot mode.
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<re_irc> <hdoordt> Alright, thank you
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<re_irc> <dirbaio> explodingwaffle101: no decision yet, but the more I think about it, the more I like the new version
<re_irc> <dirbaio> so I'll maybe prototype it
<re_irc> <Zacck Osiemo> Hi team, I am running into a bit of an issue when trying out the serial rx with DMA example with a st
<re_irc> <Zacck Osiemo> Hi team I am currently trying to implement serial receiving with the "stm32f1xx-hal" however it seems to me like the example I am trying to use this one is out of date as I cant use the "Serial::new" function neither can I access the rx channel as "serial.rx" would anyone have a newer example or please point me in the direction of newer info, thank you so...
<re_irc> ... much.
<re_irc> <ryan-summers> Are you sure that the example is outdated, or could it be that the version of the HAL you're using is earlier than that example?
<re_irc> <ryan-summers> It looks like that example was updated a week _after_ the latest release, so I would guess that "master" has a changed API than the latest HAL release. Check out the example from the 0.9.0 tag if you're using that version Zacck Osiemo :
<re_irc> <ryan-summers> The reason I'm saying that is that it looks like their CI builds all the examples, so I somewhat doubt the examples are broken
<re_irc> <ryan-summers> * broken, but I haven't looked super hard
<re_irc> <Zacck Osiemo> It does indeed look like I was arranging my code wrong
<re_irc> <Zacck Osiemo> It compiles now, now to find the result
<re_irc> <jessebraham> Is it not possible to modify a register's "dim" field using "svdtools"? 😕
<re_irc> <Zacck Osiemo> so seems like my rx never gets fulfilled and hangs in the wait state
<re_irc> <burrbull> jessebraham: I'll look at this tomorrow
<re_irc> <jessebraham> Awesome, thanks. Not the end of the world, but would be nice to have 😄
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<re_irc> <Trevor Gross> I am looking for ways to do interact with the inputs/outputs of embedded peripherals in qemu. Is there any prior art for doing this?
<re_irc> <Trevor Gross> Super simple example: I write an I2C driver and would like to plot the waveform and mock response data
<re_irc> <Trevor Gross> This could be done with unit tests, but I don't know where to start looking for a way to encapsulate things like target-specific timers. So I guess more of a driver integration test is the goal
<re_irc> <Trevor Gross> I have come across this basic project for raspberry pi but am wondering how difficult it would be to make this process generic over any existing embedded target that we have SVD files for
<re_irc> <ithinuel> Hiya, some bits of are outdated, does anyone know/remember where are the sources of that doc hosted ?
<re_irc> As an example: "cargo clone" does not have a "--vers" flag (anymore?) but expects "crate@version" instead.
<re_irc> <ithinuel> Should PR be made against "staging" ( ?
<re_irc> <ithinuel> Also the toolchain won't compile "panic-semihosting@0.3.0" (as used in "cortex-m-quickstart@0.3.4") because the "panic_implementation" feature has been removed.
<re_irc> <ithinuel> +(current)
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<re_irc> <jannic> ithinuel: Staging is so much older than master, I guess that's an abandoned branch.
<re_irc> <ithinuel> The doc is still online so people are using it to learn (embedded) rust. (some colleagues are having those issues)
<re_irc> <jannic> Yes updating the docs makes sense. I only saw that the master branch does has recent commits, while staging is from 2018.
<re_irc> <adamgreig> staging is just a bors automatic branch for testing merges
<re_irc> <adamgreig> master's the branch to target
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