<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> But in this code, "hclfreq" is of the type "Herz" .. while I need a u32 value for the creation of the delay object
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> * "Hertz"
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> is there a way to convert a "herz" variable to a "u32", .. or am I using the wrong function to get the configured speed of the AHB bus?
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> * "hertz"
<therealprof> @kristoff:c.krbonne.net: That sounds off. That frequency should be the clock frequency of the internal clock of the SYSCTL peripheral which is implementation dependent as far as I'm aware.
<therealprof> Anyway, newer versions of the HAL are using "fugit" for timing functionality... You should be able to call https://docs.rs/fugit/0.3.6/fugit/struct.Rate.html#method.to_Hz to turn it into a "u32" with the frequency.
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> Thanks ... i'll look into that crate
<burrbull> why are you using delay from cortex_m? use delay from hal
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> burrbull: because that is what I found in the example-code :-)
If there is a better, more standard way to do delay, I am intertested to know
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<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> Do you mean I should use
"board::hal::delay::Delay::new() " ?
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> I need two parameters, SYST and clocks
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> I guess clocks is rcc.cfgr.freeze()
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> but where do I get SYST ?
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> Do you mean I should use
i guess it could just look at the names of the remaining fields, but i guess that would be weird
<dirbaio> yea it has to be the exact same type..
<dirbaio> and for enums it'd have to be the same variant, which you can't guarantee at compile time...
<dirbaio> struct-like enum variants are super annoying, they're "almost like structs" but not really
<dirbaio> I always end up doing a real separate struct :S
<dirbaio> there was some discussion about making enum variants "real" types iirc, so you could have a variable of type "PublicationFrequency" (the whole enum) or type "PublicationFrequency::SemiMonthly" (the struct for that variant) for example
<dirbaio> that'd allow using the "..c" syntax ;D
<explodingwaffle101> yeah i saw. i imagine that'd be a lot of effort though.
<explodingwaffle101> isn't there still the compile time issue there?
<dirbaio> dunno
<dirbaio> seems like it should be possible to get that to compile fast
<explodingwaffle101> dirbaio: oh uh i meant knowing the type _at_ compile time 😅 sry
<dirbaio> if there's separate types for each variant, dunno why not
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> Hi all, I have this error:
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> in the interrupt part, he says he cannot find 'EXTI'
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> he says I should import it
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> but I do import it (see some line above)
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> he says I should "use" it
<dirbaio> import the "interrupt" macro with "use stm32f407g_disc::stm32::interrupt;"
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> and for the "use stm32f407g_disc::EXTI0;" he says it is not use
<dirbaio> not from somewhere else like "cortex_m_rt::interrupt"
<@kristoff:c.krbonne.net> ah ok ... I'll try
<dirbaio> it's a very cursed side effect of how the "#[interrupt]" macro works, you have to import it from the PAC so that it can find the interrupt names
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