havenwood: rcurses are getting fuctional - but there's a snag that I cannot get my wits around. I added `rcurses_example.rb` in rcurses_example.rb. When I run it, I get this error (as if io/console was not pulled in - but it is, otherwise I will get another error on .raw in another place); rcurses.rb:144:in `getchr': undefined method `ready?' for #<IO:<STDIN>>
... or anyone else in here that wants to check this out...
It should be noted that running the content of rcurses_example.rb in irb works just fine
isene `ruby -e 'p $stdin.ready?'` also fails
`ready?` might just be for stdout?
hm`ready?` might just be for stdout?
nope, t's in `io/wait`
isene `ruby -rio/wait -I./lib rcurses_example.rb` works; you should add `require 'io/wait'`
Damn, that was the one. Thanks.
How did you find it?
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cd'd to the ruby repo on my computer and did `rg '\bready\?' .` . It told me it was in `./ext/io/wait/wait.c`, so i tried `-rio/wait` and it worked
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also isene, you should make a `csi` and `esc` functions, so you can `def scroll_down = esc('N')`
and on line 174 and co did you literally type in the character `\x01` lol
That I didn't understand. Could we try Swahili?
which part
ah. ignore it, i was just being silly
Something more important is that ruby actually has escape sequences for control: `"\C-A"` is actually the same as `"\1"`
so you can `when "\C-A" then chr = "C-A"`
ruby also has `\M` so you can `"\M-\C-A` if you really want to lol
If I 'gem install rack', should I expect to see a rack binary? I see 'rackup'. Is there a gem command to view all associated files with an installed gem?
'gem which rack' might help, that'll show you the unpacked gem, and you can see what files are included
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o0x1eef: I'm having an issue with nginx unit being unable to load rack. https://bpa.st/NXJA 'rackup' seems to run fine on its own. Just trying to get to the heart of the problem.
Do you have a config.ru file ? Are you using Bundler ? Maybe you need to activate Bundler first ?
You can do that with "require 'bundler/setup'"
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Btw nginx unit looks cool indeed
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o0x1eef: https://unit.nginx.org/howto/samples/#ruby I'm trying that config.ru. What I'm getting is the error in the paste above. Adding the require 'bundler/setup' doesn't get me any different result.
does 'gem list' include rack ?
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Yes. Rack, rack-session, rack-test, and rackup
It does not look like bundler is used in that example. Your system gems should be used. Are your gems installed local to a user or for all users ? What user runs nginx unit ? How does 'gem list' look for that user ?
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o0x1eef: Gems are installed locally. There's only one non-privileged user, which I'm running these attempts as. Unit has its own user 'unit'.
'su unit' asks for a password. That's not something I've set up... any attempt fails.
Did you install the gems as root ? Or as an unprivileged user ? If done as root then they should be available to all users, 'unit' included
If rbenv or chruby or similar is being used, then you might need to adjust the approach. Those tools usually isolate installs to one user.
Gems are installed as my user 'bovis'. No use of version control. Ruby is installed from the Alpine repo.
Changing the chown unit:unit to the config.ru doesn't change the result.
bovis: You have a Gemfile in that folder I'm assuming?
(Gemfile and Gemfile.lock?)
The problem is that you have installed gems as boris, and those gems are isolated to that user. That's my guess with everything you said so far.
bovis: Can you share your nginx config?
Oh. Unless the only thing you have is a `config.ru`?
(the example at the top of that Unit docs page)
adam12: No Gemfile for my attempts with https://unit.nginx.org/howto/samples/#ruby. I'm trying to narrow down a wider use of Rails where Unit won't upload a config, and I'm receiving the broader '/usr/bin/ruby No file or directory' even though it's definitely installed.
bovis: How'd you install nginx unit? and what distro?
adam12: Alpine linux. Nginx Unit and the Ruby module are both from the repo.
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So you've installed unit-ruby?
adam12: Yes
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o0x1eef: If it's a user isolation issue, then I guess I'm unsure about how to give Unit access to my gems.
Looks like Unit looks to that path... which would be wrong.
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You should investigate where 'boris' installs their gems. My guess is that their installation is unique to them. /usr/lib would require root access to write - at leaat typically.
And solving that problem is a challenge in itself. Ideally you would not install gems as root. Bundler might help.
Later, though. Thanks for now. I appreciate the help.
No worries
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So, rcurses is now tested and fully functional as far as I can see. I just may start porting my curses programs to this new library (astropanel, telescope, rtfm, imdb, etc.). Editing text in panes is now much smoother than with ruby-ncurses and the code is a lot less. Any and all suggestions for functionality or improvements are highly welcome. (https://github.com/isene/rcurses)
Sampersand: How does Ruby get Ctrl-Alt-Shift-PgUp as escape code? Is there a complete list of codes somewhere? This could simplify rcurses a lot...
is that even soemthign ruby _Can_ capture?
Well, the problem is it's multi-character, hence my Rinput part of rcurses. But if I could somehow simplify that, it would be nice...
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not sure, i only jsut started learning about escape sequences actually
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hmm. how do i require dl?
was it removed in ruby 2.x maybe?
i'm trying to call a windll on this machine
ok i got it working somehow. i had to type Fiddle::Function and Fiddle::TYPE_VOID
why do i need that if I required fiddle already?
frankly i'm amazed this works at all. all the examples are for linux and the *sole* example for windows is here and not really commented well
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I used Fiddle a little bit for interfacing with capsicum(4) and it was a very positive experience. I enjoyed it more than writing C extensions, but it's not always easier. Depends. Still definitely worth exploring imo
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