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<BazzaBazaa> hi all, trying to update an old app. rspec ests currently do: `page.should have_selector(:xpath, '//foo/bar', visible: false)
<BazzaBazaa> any suggestions on updating this style to expect style?
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<BazzaBazaa> for example: `expect(page).to ... '//foo/bar' ...
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<aesthetikx> BazzaBazaa I think its really the same, e.g. expect(page).to have_selector(:xpath, '//foo/bar, visible: false)
<aesthetikx> there may be a more eloquent way of expressing your specific example, depending on the use case, e.g.
<aesthetikx> expect(page).not_to have_content('Some Text')
<aesthetikx> or,
<aesthetikx> expdct(page).not_to have_css('.some.css')
<aesthetikx> but have_selector is still valid and used i believe
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<dorian> hey can anybody point me to a type assertion/coercion/data structure validation library *other* than dry-rb?
<dorian> this is the third time i have tried to use dry-rb and every time i find some totally ordinary use case it doesn't do
<dorian> preferably something that's more like Type::Tiny for perl
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<hexology> is anyone interested in providing some code review on my first ruby program? https://git.sr.ht/~wintershadows/polyglot-benchmarks/tree/master/item/running-stats-cli/implementations/ruby/calc_loop_optim.rb this is a port of a python script https://git.sr.ht/~wintershadows/polyglot-benchmarks/tree/master/item/running-stats-cli/implementations/python/calc_loop_optim.py and it's intended to be a sort of language runtime benchmark. open to suggestions about
<hexology> performance improvements as well, on 30 million rows cpython is finishing in ~4 seconds and ruby 3.2 with yjit enabled is finishing in ~6 seconds
<hexology> i assume this `def main` isn't entirely idiomatic, but i wasn't sure
<hexology> i suspect that cpython cheats and just uses a much larger stdin buffer than the other runtimes it surprisingly beats (e.g luajit, common lisp), but i'm not sure how i'd check that. is there a way to see the size of the stdin buffer in ruby?
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<libsys> where does the guy from socketry hang out? I'd like to ask him about the usage of rubydns or async-dns
<libsys> specifically, if I should use rubydns or async-dns for new projects heh
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<mooff> hexology: that's a pretty straight translation of the Python into Ruby
<mooff> surprising that cpython beats luajit..
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<mooff> can i see the lua?! lol
<hexology> mooff: unabashedly so :) i did however benefit from rubocop's suggestions in removing the extraneous being/end inside the do blocks.
<hexology> i think i might have lost track of the lua version i had a while ago. the logic was basically the same but i don't know if i was reading from stdin correctly
<mooff> the equivalent of if __name__ == "__main__" in Ruby is if __FILE__ == $0
<hexology> thanks. is that idiomatic or is it just me transliterating python to ruby syntax?
<mooff> what do you mean by "that"?
<hexology> putting "if __FILE__ == $0 \n main \n end" in a script
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<ox1eef_> It is the normal way to detect if the script being executed is the same script given to Ruby at the command line. But not once did I ever need that.
<mooff> it's not terribly common to see such a main method defined, but it seems fine
<Momentum> hi folks
<ox1eef_> I often define name for CLI tools.
<ox1eef_> s/name/main/
<ox1eef_> o/ Momentum
<hexology> thanks all
<Momentum> hi ox1eef_ good to see you
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<ox1eef_> You too :)
<Momentum> the ruby package on arch has been stuck on 3.0.5 for a while
<hexology> it's usually not needed in python, but it's become idiomatic "just in case" you also want to import things from your module in other code, e.g. for calling functions in a test suite
<mooff> hexology: how many lines does it process during the benchmark?
<Momentum> should i use RVM? or there's a better way?
<ox1eef_> That's unusual for Arch.
<Momentum> yeah
<Momentum> they seem to be aware of it though
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<weaksauc_> rbenv i like more Momentum
<mooff> surprised you don't get updates from every commit to Ruby trunk on Arch :P
<weaksauc_> if not that then i'd probably invest time in asdf
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<ox1eef_> chruby / ruby-install is what I'd generally recommend. Personally I compile from scratch.
<Momentum> nice mix of options
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<weaksauc_> technically ruby-install compiles from scratch doesn't it?
<Momentum> how long does the compiling from source take i wonder?
<ox1eef_> I think so. But not sure.
<ox1eef_> 15 minutes maximum.
<weaksauc_> not very long Momentum
<Momentum> manageable
<weaksauc_> i think last time it was like 10 min
<hexology> i installed 3.2.2 with rbenv the other day and it only took a few minutes, but i'm on a powerful machine
<weaksauc_> but i didn't time it and forgot about that tab for a while
<ox1eef_> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.rubies/3.2.2; make; make install - then add $HOME/.rubies/3.2.2/bin to $PATH
<hexology> mooff: 30m lines, of which ~900k are blank (matching ^\s*$)
<ox1eef_> You definitely don't need tooling for it but it can be nice and easier to manage
<Momentum> thanks ox1eef_ i will try that
<Momentum> i should create the directory, right?
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<Momentum> ~/.rubies that is
<ox1eef_> Check out --program-suffix too. If you have multiple versions, and don't want to rely on shell shims, it can be helpful. And yeah, can't hurt to do that.
<mooff> hexology: interesting. want to try a modification?
<mooff> rather than $stdin.each_line do |line| ..
<ox1eef_> You could also use chruby alone with that setup, where you're compiling rubies in ~/.rubies/X.X.X
<hexology> mooff: yes please!
<mooff> try: while line = $stdin.readline
<mooff> that's LESS idiomatic, but may run faster
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<hexology> mooff: interesting, why would it be faster? also, would i need to add an explicit `begin` inside the loop, right?
<Momentum> alright ox1eef_
<mooff> hexology: yes, i believe it would need an explicit "begin", then
<Momentum> not familiar with chruby so i will have to check that
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<ox1eef_> It is focused on switching ruby versions in your shell environment, and does not do more than that (eg installing rubies).
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<weaksauc_> Momentum chruby is fine but it can run into some issues with some tooling
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<weaksauc_> i find that the shim approach works better with tools like vscode
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<Momentum> i see
<mooff> hexology: method / block calls are relatively slow in Ruby
<ox1eef_> Of all those tools, I believe postmodern got it right. One tool, one responibility.
<weaksauc_> technically ruby-install is separate from rbenv
<mooff> although #each (which calls a block for each item) is by far the most common way to iterate in Ruby, with high iteration counts, the block calls themselves add up
<weaksauc_> while doesn't create a new scope
<Momentum> i actually used rbenv before, seemed like a pretty solid tool i almost thought it was something official
<ox1eef_> The evolution was: RVM -> rbenv -> chruby. And I think chruby learnt from the mistakes of the past.
<Momentum> sounds good
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<Momentum> okay ruby-install along with chruby seems pretty good for me
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<Momentum> this is also better than relying on arch packages even though i wasn't planning to install multiple versions
<mooff> hexology: pardon me, you want $stdin.gets rather than $stdin.readline
<hexology> thanks
<ox1eef_> I rely on my system's package manager and a custom port (at least on FreeBSD where their default ruby installation is butchered).
<mooff> ($stdin.readline is the same as $stdin.gets, except it raises EOFError on eof)
<mooff> tested here and the change described works
<hexology> ox1eef_: i've been using rbenv because i'm very familiar with pyenv, which is apparently based on rbenv. what does chruby improve on?
<hexology> the asdf version manager has also become popular, but that's largely because it's able to handle *any* program with a plugin system. from what i remember, it works very similar to pyenv/rbenv
<hexology> mooff: good to know. i assume exception handling also has some additional overhead?
<ox1eef_> I prefer chruby's interface, and its ability to co-operate with other tools - which comes from doing one thing well.
<mooff> hexology: i think it does, but i haven't measured it
<hexology> ox1eef_: thanks. i'll look into it, happy to learn from other people's good ideas
<ox1eef_> Time is precious !
<mooff> you might even get a better treatment from the JIT if you can avoid exceptions
<mooff> something like "x = line.to_f", then "if x == 0.0; # check for blank/invalid line" might be optimal
<weaksauc_> that doesn't really give you the ability to use 0.0 in your data though
<weaksauc_> which would skew it
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<mooff> yeah, you'd need to let valid 0.0's through
<mooff> sort of micro-optimising for the benchmark
<mooff> maybe not fair even if you got a boost
<mooff> ooh.. Float() takes exception: false
<weaksauc_> ah nice you can then check for nil
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<mooff> try this https://dpaste.org/RbfhT
<weaksauc_> you can get it faster still if you compile the regex and use match?
<mooff> :D
<mooff> = 0.0 and "btw zero is truthy"
<ruby-eval> => "btw zero is truthy"
<mooff> only nil and false are falsey, period
<Momentum> who's got period?
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<hexology> mooff weaksauc_ thanks for these!
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<mooff> hexology: curious for the new measurement
<weaksauc_> you're welcome
<mooff> ^^
<Momentum> > bad interpreter: No such file or directory
<Momentum> when i run anything other than ~/.rubies/3.2.2/ruby
<Momentum> like gem
<Momentum> did i mess up somewhere?
<weaksauc_> probably
<weaksauc_> which way did you go?
<Momentum> i used ruby-install then i just put the PATH in bash_profile
<weaksauc_> `which ruby`
<mooff> a shebang is pointing to something that doesn't exist
<Momentum> >/home/k2/.rubies/3.2.2/bin/ruby
<weaksauc_> that too use #! /usr/bin/env ruby generally
<mooff> `which gem`
<Momentum> >/home/k2/.rubies/3.2.2/bin/gem
<mooff> `head -n1 $(which gem)`
<Momentum> >#!/home/k2/.rubies/ruby-3.2.2/bin/ruby
<mooff> but `gem -v` doesn't work?
<Momentum> yeah
<Momentum> >bash: /home/k2/.rubies/3.2.2/bin/gem: /home/k2/.rubies/ruby-3.2.2/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
<mooff> o.O
<Momentum> OH
<Momentum> i see
<Momentum> that's dumb
<Momentum> i change the name of the directory
<Momentum> it's supposed to be ruby-3.2.2
<Momentum> lol
<Momentum> i shouldn't have done that
<Momentum> changed*
<mooff> sanity restored :D
<Momentum> true
<Momentum> more like mine lost by changing the directory name after it was set as a prefix probably or whatever
<Momentum> time to go to sleep
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<libsys> havenwood: thanks a lot
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<isene> What are the general recommendations for speeding up Ruby?