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<rg1> i don't think that'd be a trivial effort you might want to start with ruby itself.
<caleb> > or, has anyone tried sidekiq-scheduler or enterprise sidekiq?
<caleb> aesthetikx: I've always had sidekiq pro everywhere I worked that was serious about engineering and it was worth every penny
<[jamez]> aesthetikx: I haven't read all your backlog, but I am in love with enterprise sidekiq.
<[jamez]> aesthetikx: We had sidekiq-scheduler before and had issues with it. A lot of the 3rd party gems for sidekiq aren't written to run on multiple servers. Sidekiq enterprise fixes that with a "leader" that does the scheduling, etc.
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<[jamez]> We run about 1 million jobs a day on two servers with a total of 96 threads. Most of those jobs happen between 10am and 11am each day.
<caleb> Pro tip from experience, no matter how many times the PM says "we can make a real API throttle after we launch MVP", don't try to bastardize Sidekiq::Limiter into managing rate limiting of calls to external APIs. That needs to be its own thing.
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<aesthetikx> [jamez] what kind of app do you work on? and, when jobs fail for some reason do you get like ~100k errors in your error handler, and 100k sidekiq retries?
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<[jamez]> aesthetikx: We make software for financial advisors. We never have "all jobs fail for some reason", but if we did, our retries count would skyrocket, and datadog/pagerduty would be blowing up my phone :D
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<michigan> rg1: was that for me?
<michigan> i dont think it'd be trivial either. openbsd is my favorite OS and all their features from the system configuration to their webserver/firewall/mailer daemon/tls suite etc. are all supereasy to use.
<michigan> pledge and unveil however, two of its flagship security features (not that it needs any - its already the worlds most secure OS by default), are all expert level.
<michigan> to then combine it with a rails app, i'd imagine you'd have to be a supergenius like jeremy evans himself :-)
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<michigan> * all of its features
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<michigan> -- good luck understanding that lol
<rg1> my very limited understanding of pledge is that it required the rewrite of existing tools to follow its model
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<michigan> rg1: yep looks like it :(
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<aesthetikx> are .heic files the bane of anyone elses existence, or just me?
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<adam12> aesthetikx: tbh, only just recently started seeing them.
<aesthetikx> all the time we are getting weird errors about heic files not being supported but it seems like all the mime gems and even paperclip shoudl support it, I really don't know what the deal is
<aesthetikx> newer iphones generate them for some reason
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<michigan> hey, i just installed devise and then uninstalled it, deleted vendor/ and checked it out to a commit before i installed devise. yet there are traces of it in .git/. then when i reinstall it, it adds -dirty to my files in vendor/cache and i dont like that. does anybody know how to completely remove all traces of devise in .git/ .git/EDIT_COMMITMSG?
<aesthetikx> only thing I can think of off the top of my head would be like git gc
<michigan> it didnt add -dirt to my devise files in vendor/ the first time i installed devise
<michigan> hmmm
<aesthetikx> also lol vendor/ ,are you on rails 2.3 or something
<michigan> nope, COMMIT_EDITMSG:# new file: vendor/cache/ruby/2.7/cache/bundler/git/devise-5f7a813e06b9239dd778d5ac2ebc8aa760afa0fb/packed-refs etc.
<michigan> aesthetikx: what should i do instead? :)
<aesthetikx> not sure exactly, we don't 'vendor' gems, we just have a Gemfile and a Gemfile.lock
<aesthetikx> but you may have a specific setup for a reason I don't have context about
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<michigan> not other than wanting everything locally in ~/ for that extra security
<michigan> redoing everything from scratch though without setting vendor/cache, hope it works
<weaksauce> i'd think setting path once would be easier
<weaksauce> bundle install --path ~/.gemswoo
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<michigan> weaksauce: yep
<michigan> i wanted to do `rails new` in this case but got `Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_file_s_rename - (/home/apps/.gem/ruby/2.7/cache/rake-13.0.6.gem, /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7/cache/rake-13.0.6.gem)`
<michigan> seems the solution is to run `rails new myapp --skip-bundle`, then enter myapp and do `bundle install --path /home/apps/.bundle/`
<michigan> awesome!
<weaksauce> nicely done
<michigan> :D
<michigan> we did it together
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<michigan> actually `bundle config set path /home/apps/.bundle/`seems easier so I don't have to set the path every time I wanna add a new gem
<michigan> and dont have to run --skip-bundle and manually run bundle and rails webpacker:install afterwards
<weaksauce> michigan once you set it is always that way for that repo
<weaksauce> er directory
<weaksauce> but yeah if you do it as a bundler config it should be global
<michigan> yep
<michigan> high five man! we prevailed at last
<weaksauce> ^5
<michigan> hehe
<michigan> i wonder why doesn't show you how to do local user install though
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<weaksauce> i think npm and yarn all default to local packages typically
<weaksauce> which also blows up the space requirements
<weaksauce> and then installing a global package overrides anything in your local lockfile... i can't imagine the thought process there
<aesthetikx> yeah that never made sense to me
<weaksauce> in no other system have i seen something like that
<aesthetikx> for any given version of any given package, aside from yanks, it should just be installed in /var/cache/bignodeboy/ or whatever
<weaksauce> maybe a mechanism to override packages if you specify it but to have that be the default for just installing it globally is backwards
<weaksauce> and yeah not to mention it should just be in one place and setup paths for it
<weaksauce> you know... like bundler does
<aesthetikx> yeah
<aesthetikx> i always find it entertaining when people praise cargo as like the first good dependency manager
<aesthetikx> like, we've been in bundler nirvana for years
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<aesthetikx> sorry you came from pipenvhell
<weaksauce> haha yeah bundler is pretty awesome
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<weaksauce> pip and environment management is terrible on that side of the fence
<weaksauce> yarn and npm are about as broken as you'd expect from javascript world
<aesthetikx> i feel like yarn was supposed to fix npm and then just became npm 1.3
<aesthetikx> not quite a 2.0
<weaksauce> the crew that brought you oh lol you mean you can't let people delete packages that are widely used and then have some other person pick up that name and shut down the internet for a day
<weaksauce> yeah
<weaksauce> also the same crew that thought lpad was worth making a package for
<michigan> it seems i can install node modules locally with nvm:
<michigan> the guys in #node.js talk a lot of trash about yarn :)
<michigan> do we really need yarn?
<weaksauce> i think facebook thought it was a #big improvement#
<weaksauce> made some stuff faster
<weaksauce> i don't really know though as they both seem lame
<aesthetikx> yarn i would say is for sure better,
<aesthetikx> at the time at least, or maybe by default, npm didn't have like the concept of a lock file
<aesthetikx> there may have been that shrinkwrap thing or whatever
<aesthetikx> but can you imaging lol just getting random versions of packages every time you clone a repo
<weaksauce> homebrew comes to mind
<weaksauce> yeah
<weaksauce> his famous tweet "lol google didn't hire me but 90% of their engineers use my software"
<weaksauce> yeah i use it but it's not great
<aesthetikx> homebrew makes me want to scream
<aesthetikx> I don't use osx unless i really have to, but often have to use homebrew on a friends computer or whatever
<aesthetikx> understandably osx is like a hostile developer environemnt so I give it some slack but its still a nightmare
<aesthetikx> that tweet is funny though
<weaksauce> yeah it's pretty bad
<weaksauce> i guess it's better than installing it by hand
<weaksauce> marginally... now i'm on an unsupported version of osx and it compiles every package from scratch instead of downloading a cached build
<michigan> so really we should just use yarn for now?
<michigan> #node.js talks trash about haml and coffeescript too.. but i tend to agree with that :)
<weaksauce> so cool updating youtube-dl now takes 5 hours
<weaksauce> because it has to recompile python
<weaksauce> argh
<aesthetikx> I use yarn, yeah
<aesthetikx> also cofeescript was cool
<aesthetikx> haml is also gods gift to this earth and I will not accept any other opinion
<weaksauce> haml is ok
<aesthetikx> and last time I checked hamlit was the fastest ruby templating language
<aesthetikx> so thats a bonus
<weaksauce> what do they use in nodeland michigan
<michigan> lets find out :-)
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<michigan> just npm it seems
<rg1> afaik yarn is recommended for rails environments. now that microsoft bought npm i imagine it will be tough competition.
<aesthetikx> I forgot about that
<aesthetikx> embrace, extend , ...
<rg1> yeah it could go either way but at this rate MS will own a lot of the stack developers rely on.
<Rounin> Hmm... GitHub... VSCode... .Net... What else... TypeScript?
<Rounin> Will they be the new Sun or the new Oracle, that is the question
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<weaksauce> michigan i meant what do they use instead of haml
<michigan> ah
<michigan> dunno. you dont like erb?
<weaksauce> michigan i'd rather do something like haml over erb
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<weaksauce> or slim
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<rg1> i like erb
<rg1> i dont like reinventions of the foundations of the web stack
<aesthetikx> xml bad
<aesthetikx> something like emmit.vim makes it less painful but eh
<rg1> it's just another thing to learn when you'd benefit more learning what's underneath
<aesthetikx> true, you definately need to know and understand html
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<weaksauce> i think that criticism is only valid if you don't know html
<weaksauce> haml is a tool that spits out html without a bunch of fuss matching brackets
<rg1> it has its place but if it were my call id avoid using it just because its another layer of abstraction and it has its costs, even if serious effort goes into optimizing it.
<michigan> shouldn't `rails new myapp --webpack=stimulus` install webpacker by default?
<rg1> webpacker is installed by the Gemfile afaik
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<michigan> damnit, now i have to redo everything for the 10th time today :-)
<michigan> live and learn
<michigan> rg1: yeah. there's also a --webpacker option in rails new but idk
<rg1> i don't know much about it
<rg1> generally speaking ruby dependencies are covered by the Gemfile and switches change what is generated so it could include a different Gemfile
<michigan> ah i see
* michigan reflects upon what he would be hadn't it been for irc and you guys :-)
<michigan> probably would even have known what ruby was
<rg1> same here. i found ruby on irc.
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<leftylink> hmm. I found Ruby because a friend liked it
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