My Ruby skills are quite rusty - is there any scenario where `primary_search_term` would already have a value if this is the first reference to it in a module?
My understanding of ||= is "if variable has no existing variable assign it this"
orbyt: primary_search_term is a local, so likely not.
bonhoeffer: exact error?
orbyt: and your understanding is _slightly_ wrong. It's basically if variable is nil or false.
orbyt: Show more code and we could probably look into it a bit more deeply, since a lot of context is lost by just showing the single statement.
So if `primary_search_term` was null or a boolean == false, assign the following?
Yea, I just saw that operator in a PR and it struck me as an error because I couldn't find how it could possible already have a value
Wanted to check here before bringing it up in the PR
orbyt: Correct. It's often used for memoizing a value of a method call. `def foo; @foo ||= expensive_call_to_get_foo; end`.
Cool, thanks
We'll see what the PR submitter thinks
orbyt: If it's not passed into the method, and this is the first time it's being used, the ||= is probably unnecessary. But again, we lose a lot of context just seeing the small piece of the puzzle.
Yea, I did a path search in rubymine and it's only used twice; there and then used again to reference a property: `term_display_name: primary_search_term.provider_description`
The `||=` is likely not hurting anything over just `=`, but it's definitely a source of indirection.
Maybe the entire method you pulled it from is wrong? The use of `#map` there looks wrong...
I'd expect `find` there.. since presumably the assignment would be a single value and not an array of nil's.
primary_search_term definitely doesn't need an or-equals
Cool, figured as much.
I think the #map is working because it always returns a value.
if it was `#find` and never matched, line 63 would crash with NoMethodError.
So it's a happy accident that it works
(if it was `#map` and never matched it would be an error too)
This whole file would benefit of being a class with smaller methods, imho.
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Ok, made some comments and noted the issue with map
Thanks for taking a look - I don't do server dev at this company but have a very small amount of ruby experience from years ago
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ruby-magic is failing with the error Magic::MagicError (could not find any valid magic files!). If I strace a simple script, I see this: https://tpaste.us/Lm6W. Why is it trying to look for those files in that location? /usr/local/bundle/gems/ruby-magic-0.4.0/ports does not exist.
This is in a ruby:2.7-alpine docker image
libmagic is installed, which has the mgc file in usr/share/misc/magic.mgc
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