ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
<ifreund> tiosgz: ah thanks, I see it now too. I should have known trying to refactor the scary old logic would break something but I really wanted to try and make this function easier for myself to understand.
<ifreund> I'm off to bed for now though o7
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<tiosgz> adamcstephens: well, you'd have to add xdg-decoration support to gtk. ifreund: maybe you should explicitly mention this policy change in the 0.3 issue and release notes? (even under 'breaking'?)
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<tiosgz> ah, why can't we have some real reasons to eat keys -- good, yummy, healthy, whatever
<tiosgz> leon-p: would you mind reviewing #8 on codeberg? i'd really like to actually fix the logic -- and more eyeballs, ...
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<LarstiQ> https://codeberg.org/river/river/pulls/8 I presume? Not sure my eyeballs are good enough, but I can try and have a look
<LarstiQ> heh, eat_reason
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<adamcstephens> tiosgz: thanks. looks like there has been some efforts at this, but none have been finished yet
<adamcstephens> ifreund even started one years ago. this appears to be more active though https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/merge_requests/6398
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<LarstiQ> some response to the review comments is needed
<tiosgz> adamcstephens: oh, there's a new one! cool. for a short moment i can hope again it gets merged :)
<LarstiQ> ouch
<tiosgz> (new == since last time i bothered to check)
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<leon-p> tiosgz: I'll do so tomorrow. Just came back from dinner with my mother and am on way to the club, so I don't really have the time today unfortunately
<tiosgz> leon-p: that's cool with me. have fun :)
<ifreund> thanks for the PR, I'm heading out to see some progressive metal bands now but I should find time to take a good look tomorrow or monday :)
<tiosgz> aye, enjoy as well :)
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<Guest97> Trying to compile river from source (with wlroot 0.17.1). It returns an error. http://sprunge.us/I4WhdY
<waleee> are you using a post 0.11 version of zig?
<waleee> the build summary was added after 0.11 I think, but I might be misremembering it
<Guest97> yes, Im also using a distro called kiss linux
<waleee> try with 0.11, river isn't following the master branch of zig
<Guest97> I think this is the problem Im having "https://github.com/riverwm/river/issues/834"
<waleee> that build error wasn't a segmentation fault so I would say that you aren't experiencing the same issue
<waleee> (the person that filed the issue also clearly managed to actually build the binary)
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<Guest97> Im still getting an error after install zig 0.11 "https://sprunge.us/zgYJQr"
<waleee> notice that it at least attempts to build the wlr-code
<waleee> well rather an slightly different build log at least
<leon-p> Guest97, waleee: looks to me like it's trying to link with the wrong wlroots version. make sure there isn't a conflict between locally installed and a globally installed version, that one gets me often.
<leon-p> (and make sure you're on river master, don't chekout a release tag)
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