ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<ifreund> novakane: I'm not sure what's up with firefox extensions popups with regards to damage
<ifreund> I took a look with wlhax and they are a subsurface of an xdg-popup, which we should be handling correctly
<novakane> yeah that's weird I don't understand too
<novakane> It's not even laggy it's doesnt render text if I don't move my mouse
<novakane> I also try librewolf and waterfox, based on firefox, librewolf has the same but problem but not waterfox
<novakane> and waterfox is based on a less recent version of firefox iirc
<ifreund> is waterfox even wayland-native?
<novakane> hmm good question I didn't thought of this
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<novakane> oops close river instead of river in river...
<novakane> looks like waterfox is wayland native so that explain that
<ifreund> is or isn't?
<novakane> isn't sorry
<ifreund> no worries :D
<ifreund> The issue is almost certianly due to a missing damage call somewhere, i just don't see where
<novakane> I don't see where too for now :/
<leon-p> ifreund: managed to crash river. I have an application on the float filter that does something fishy (haven't debugged that yet) that causes the application to not appear. Trying to move or resize it via pointer either causes weird pointer movement or a reaching unreachable. Resizing by keyboard works.
<ifreund> interesting, I thought I put both of those on the same code path for the actual resize
<ifreund> oh no, that was for moving
<ifreund> we should probably do the same thing there and factor the common logic and critical bounds checks into a View.resize() functions
<ifreund> s/bounds checks/clamping/
<leon-p> probably. But before that I'll figure out what exactly is happening
<ifreund> I wonder if using signed integers for width/height everywhere would make this less error-prone
<leon-p> What happens: Application creates view, river sends toplevel configure (size 0x0), river sends xdg surface configure, application renders, river sends toplevel configure (same size as the buffer already is), river sends xdg surface configure, application does _not_ render because the size did not change.
<leon-p> That makes river unhappy somehow
<leon-p> if I change it to always render on xdg surface configure, it works
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<novakane> leon-p: oh you made a layout generator
<novakane> I think you makefile install/clean is wrong though
<leon-p> probably
<leon-p> It is nothing more than a few modifications to contrib/layout.c with the setup I used to test it
<novakane> oh ok you just didn't update the name in makefile then
<novakane> well I never try it, I should one day
<leon-p> the idea of the layout is that having too many windows should not cause small window sizes, hence the "card deck" and that I like to have three windows side by side on my ultra wide screen, hence the main area being devided into columns instead of rows
<leon-p> oh, and my gaps are a bit smarter than rivertiles. They are actual gaps instead of just padding
<leon-p> but that's it, really nothing all that special
<novakane> oh yeah makes sense, probably not super useful on my small screen then
<novakane> I rarely open more than 3 windows on a tag
<leon-p> yeah, not super useful then :P
<novakane> 3 columns on a 13" screen... yeah no :P
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