ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<novakane> who would have thought that life is better without freeze :P
* yyp didn't even run into freezing
<novakane> my brain still want to switch tty sometime though, muscle memory working hard :P
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<aruhier> leon-p: about the "cursor follows focus" feature and my question about the config option, we can also discuss it here if you've some question
<leon-p> sure
<aruhier> to be fair, if you make it mandatory, I'll patch river to make it optional, so just tell me and I can do a PR over yours
<leon-p> aruhier: my question is, why turn it off? We should only add config options for things where turning them off actually makes sense
<aruhier> yeah, so I gave you an example on the issue
<aruhier> global answer is that I don't like that my wm moves my cursor for me
<aruhier> I find it super unintuitive
<leon-p> I see, makes sense. Ask ifreund then if he is open for a new config option.
<aruhier> but it's mostly because I'm used to jump from output to outputs and continue my work on my main screen
<aruhier> like right now, I jumped to my output where weechat is, and I talk to you without needing my cursor there
<aruhier> but after that I can jump again on my main screen and continue what I was doing
<aruhier> however, I don't mind if it's true by default if it makes more sense for a majority of users
<leon-p> makes sense, I just find it interesting that you care so much about the cursor position. When I focus a different output, my mind has already forgotten where the cursor used to be on the previous one :P
<aruhier> depends on what I'm doing
<aruhier> if I'm in a terminal I don't care, if I'm in a GUI (and mostly in a web browser), I do
<aruhier> don't ask me why :D
<aruhier> also, if I jump on a terminal for example, it's super annoying if the cursor jumps on the middle of the screen, as it'll not been hidden until I type something
<aruhier> * jump to a terminal
<aruhier> I cannot really avoid that on a single screen, but if I can avoid that on multiple screens by not putting the cursor there if I don't need it, that's nice to have for me :p
<aruhier> anyway, don't make a big thing out of that, if it adds too much complexity, don't worry
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<leon-p> aruhier: it's not about the complexity. I just don't want to add another config option until we know how the config will work like in the future. Currently it is a bit inconsistent.
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