ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
<aruhier> I should avoid opening issues at 3am…
<aruhier> I'm wondering where is the split between what the layout should handle and what river itself should handle
<aruhier> my feature request is about having directions for the focus_view
<aruhier> but should it be to river to handle that or the layout?
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<leon-p> aruhier: focus operations other than next / previous are technically possible, but massively complicated
<leon-p> so I see no chance for your feature request
<leon-p> as far as what river does and what the layout generator does: The only thing caring about where windows are placed is the layout generator.
<leon-p> for river itself windows are just a list
<leon-p> that is on purpose
<leon-p> there are two possible ways to give river spacial awareness, meaning being able to focus up / down / left / right. The simple one is checking for which view is next to another, which will have bad results for complex layouts. The complex one is giving river more info on the layout, which would seriously complicate the layout protocol.
<leon-p> I consider both those approaches to be bad ones
<leon-p> you could also let the layout generator itself decide which view to focus, but that would be an overstep of what layout generators are supposed to be. And it would probably require giving them a better awareness of the window list, which we avoided on purpose in the current protocol
<leon-p> in short: If you want to use spatial navigation, use sway
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<aruhier> I'll answer once leon-p reconnects, but even if I understand the limitation in river, I don't really get why there's this wish of limiting so much the layout protocol
<aruhier> xorg also stores its windows in a list, but a wm can maintain its internal state to do the layout it wants
<aruhier> I mean with this limitation, I don't really see the purpose of having a customisable layout, as this behavior will pretty much only fit a layout with a stack
<aruhier> (so dwm like)
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<leon-p> aruhier: (Saw your messages on the log) The purpose of limiting the functionality of the layout protocol is to keep things simple
<leon-p> you strongly underestimate how much complexity your proposal requires
<aruhier> leon-p: I also understand
<aruhier> no I know, but at this point, if there's too much complexity involved with having a customisable layout, why not merging back rivertile in river and get rid of this protocol?
<leon-p> and yes, river is designed for dwm-esque layouts. There are still infinite variations of those, so custom layout still make sense
<aruhier> hmm, ok I see
<aruhier> and to answer to your "use sway", that's my major critic about sway, I don't like its wm and find it super rigid
<aruhier> things I liked with river and be able to split the layout from the compositor
<leon-p> and even if we integrated the layouts back into river, it still would require some kind of system to determine which window is left / right / above / beneath another one, which is not trivial
<leon-p> well, with river you also have rigid window management. You have a list of windows you can traverse in two directions. That's it.
<aruhier> yeah it wasn't really linked with the spatial navigation
<aruhier> leon-p: yep, I just misunderstood the purpose of the compositor
<leon-p> layout generators are not window managers.
<aruhier> yeah, that's my mistake, I misunderstood that
<aruhier> which is fine, just river as it is right now (and mostly the vision of it) is not for me I think, so I'll see which solutions I have
<travankor> write your own compositor :p
<aruhier> (for the moment on wayland, it seems that I don't have any that is close enough to bspwm, but I'll see :D)
<aruhier> travankor: maybe not my own but I was wondering if forking something existing could do it
<travankor> you can write plugins for wayfire if you don't want to write everything
<aruhier> I looked at changing the behavior of sway's wm but a lot of stuff are relying on its current layout
<travankor> aruhier: take a look https://github.com/javyre/swayfire
<travankor> might give pointers on what you want to accomplish
<aruhier> ha nice
<aruhier> does it seem like a hack at usage or it's pretty well integrated?
<aruhier> by that I mean does it seem like a tiling plugin in gnome-shell or wayfire allows to have a good tiling system?
<aruhier> (sorry if I'm slowly moving out of topic, btw)
<travankor> considering gnome-shell extensions run in javascript, I would say a lot better than gnome
<travankor> but i didn't use it, so i can't see much else
<aruhier> well, I'll try swayfire to see how it runs and works and ask on their irc channel
<aruhier> travankor: yeah my question was more like : is the integrated wm is gonna fight against the plugin, which was pretty much my feeling when I tried a tiling wm plugin on gnome
<aruhier> (a while ago, I think it improved a bit)
<travankor> no, it should be native
<aruhier> cool
<aruhier> thanks a lot for your help, travankor, I knew a little bit about wayfire but I didn't know that it has this plugins system
<travankor> np, if you have problems with your plugin you should ask in their channel
travankor is now known as realrasengan
<crr> realrasengan: *gasp* are you rasengan
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<ifreund> wow, so freenode is even more hostile than I thought
<ifreund> apparently because I had the string "libera" in the topic of the old #river on freenode they took over the channel on me and changed the topic
<ifreund> also I get kicked for saying libera
<dnkl> ifreund: me too. Was de-op:ed and de-voiced
<dnkl> And just about everyone else... :/
<ifreund> very glad we got out so quick
<ifreund> I was offline most of yesterday so I guess I missed this happening
<dnkl> ifreund: in case you haven't seen already: https://mastodon.sdf.org/@kline/106299403921451814
<ifreund> thanks, I hadn't
<ifreund> that confirms that it was network-wide then
<ifreund> great way to destroy any last shred of credibility they had
<dnkl> My thoughts exactly
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<novakane> also this nice article... https://freenode.net/news/for-foss
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