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<Putonlalla> My procedure or macro is given an association list as an argument. How can I pass it into `parameterize` to serve as bindings? I can't find any way to control evaluation or macro expansion order to do this in R5RS.
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<Putonlalla> The obvious ``(define (with-instance inst proc) (eval `(parameterize ,inst (proc))))`` doesn't work.
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<samth> Putonlalla: write a recursive function
<samth> Putonlalla: `(define (with-instance l p) (if (null? l) (p) (parameterize ([(caar l) (cdar l)]) (with-instance (cdr l) p))))`
<Putonlalla> If I allow myself to `(#%require (prefix base: racket/base))`, then I can do ``(base:define-namespace-anchor anchor) (define (with-instance-thunk inst thunk) (eval `(parameterize ,inst (,thunk)) (base:namespace-anchor->namespace anchor)))``.
<Putonlalla> Your suggestion fails with `extend-parameterization: contract violation`.
<samth> Putonlalla: what's the rest of that error message?
<samth> doing `eval` is almost certainly a terrible idea
<Putonlalla> The rest says `expected: parameter?` but `given: fmap-method`. I have previously run `(define fmap-method (make-parameter 'unimplemented-method))`.
<Putonlalla> I'm exploring an alternative way to express type classes; one, that also supports constraints/dependent types.
<Putonlalla> It "works", but relies on Racket's `eval`, as you can see.
<samth> Putonlalla: are you passing in the symbol `'fmap-method` rather than the value `fmap-method`?
<Putonlalla> This is what I have.
<Putonlalla> That's the minimized version, anyway.
<samth> Putonlalla: you need an unquote before `fmap-method` in `list-functor`
<Putonlalla> Now it throws some other error. I'll have to investigate later.
<samth> Putonlalla: your alist has an extra cons, so you can either change `cdar` to `cadar` or add a ` . ` in the quoted alist
<Putonlalla> Thanks, I'll have to look into it.
<samth> as an example of what doesn't work with `eval`, try putting a `(let () ...)` around the definition and use of `list-functor`
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