tonyg changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with (Dr)Racket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
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<Putonlalla> This is about as minimal as I could make the example.
<Putonlalla> In this example, `identity-filter` changes the behavior of `current-input-port`, at least in DrRacket.
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<mister_m> Am I understanding correctly that a `.rkt` source file is implicitly a module, and I don't explicitly need to put everything into a `(module ... )` ? I can just `(provide ...)` various definitions from my file?
<samth> mister_m: if it starts with `#lang <something>` then it is a module
<mister_m> got it, thanks
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<mister_m> Is there a keyword argument destructuring shorthand in a function definition similar to what I'm used to in clojure? I can do something akin to `(defn wow [{:keys [first second third]}] ...)` where the keyword arguments are `first` `second` and `third`.
<mister_m> that is actually really destructuring a dictionary
<mister_m> ah question about module basics -- I have a project with the folder structure of `my-project/src/util/blah.rkt` and `my-project/src/stuff/down/here.rkt` -- In order for the deeply nested `here.rkt` to use my `blah.rkt` util I need to `require` that util with a relative path such as `"../../util/blah.rkt"`.
<mister_m> Without installing my utility module _globally for my whole racket install_ is there any way to refer to `blah.rkt` without needing a `"../../"` sort of path construction?
<mister_m> If I move anything around these relative paths will break
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<msiism> Is there any problem with removing the executable bit from Racket modules (in Unix file permissions)? I just tried it and it seems to work just fine.
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