tonyg changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with (Dr)Racket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
<shawnw> Am I weird for wanting to reimplement the csvkit bundle of utilities in racket from the original python?
<shawnw> (curry comes from Haskell Curry)
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<shawnw> (but Moses Schönfinkel was first)
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<norm_tsp> i'm pretty clueless about racket, could someone please tell me if my interpretation of foldl functioning is wrong
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<norm_tsp> i suspect that i'm wrong, but i can't pin point the order of operations and evaluations here
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<norm_tsp> not a lot of activity around here
<bremner> norm_tsp: not too much. Alas most racket people seem to like shiny web things.
<bremner> norm_tsp: did you have a racket question?
<norm_tsp> yes, i will repost it
<norm_tsp> <norm_tsp> i'm pretty clueless about racket, could someone please tell me if my interpretation of foldl functioning is wrong >
<norm_tsp> it probably is, but this construct is pretty tricky for people unfamiliar with functional style
<bremner> norm_tsp: is it intended that your initial value is a function?
<norm_tsp> yes
<norm_tsp> i'm not sure why
<norm_tsp> with i understood how this works
<norm_tsp> wish*
<bremner> right, it is pretty cryptic.
<norm_tsp> looks like a good interview question
<bremner> norm_tsp: are you by chance studying continuation passing style? because that is what it looks like to me
<norm_tsp> it's just one of the examples of racket magic i came across, but now i want to understand it
<norm_tsp> it's above my current understanding for sure
<norm_tsp> i will get back to it once i reach continuations theory
<bremner> norm_tsp: you can trace the execution of brainteaser in the debugger, maybe that helps
<norm_tsp> you mean the "compiled" version?
<bremner> the foldl happens at "compile" time, and generates a complicated function
<bremner> yeah
<norm_tsp> i can't read that either
<bremner> just break at the call to brainteaser
<bremner> (pause, in the jargon of drracket)
<bremner> replacing + with cons makes the order of operations clear
<norm_tsp> i guess something like that might work, maybe on a smaller list too
<norm_tsp> application of g function in particular is puzzling to me, it certainly does something...
<bremner> g is like a continuation in that it receives the result and does the remaining calculation
<norm_tsp> that sounds plausible
<bremner> if you replace + with cons, you get '((((5 . 4) . 3) . 2) . 1)
<bremner> so things kindof happen backwards from how you might expect with foldl
<norm_tsp> like i suspected, this functional style is beyond me at the moment
<norm_tsp> gotta start small
<norm_tsp> at least my expanded code seems to be correct
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<samth> cpli: quasisyntax/loc is like quasiquote, but with a few differences. first, it constructs a syntax object, not just a list. second, the unquote is spelled #, and third syntax objects have source location information and the first form tells what location to use
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