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<mwnaylor> If I have path value, how can I test it to see if it is a file or directory?
<samth> mwnaylor: `directory-exists?`
<mwnaylor> Seems like there is a weakness there. (map directory-exists? (directory-list "..")) yields a list of all #f, not a #t there.
<mwnaylor> I think there should be at least one #t, since the current directory is contained by the parent directory.
<samth> mwnaylor: `directory-list` does not produce `.` and `..` in that example
<samth> sorry, that's not what you asked
<samth> the problem there is that there's a confusion about current directories -- `directory-list` does not produce absolute paths
<Tuplanolla> You have a race condition on your hands if you ever find yourself asking that question.
<Tuplanolla> Try to read the path as a file or as a directory, and handle the failure if it occurs.
<mwnaylor> How does the race condition occur?
<mwnaylor> (directory-exists? (path->complete-path "~")) -> #f
<samth> mwnaylor: ~ expansion is something your shell does
<Tuplanolla> The directory may vanish between asking whether it exists (or whether it is a directory) and accessing it.
<mwnaylor> samth: I figured that out. Still, after retrieving the contents of a directory with directory list on an absolute path, directory-exists? returns #f for every item, including the subdirectories.
<samth> mwnaylor: you're still getting confused about the current directory
<samth> mwnaylor: you want (map directory-exists? (map path->complete-path (map (lambda (e) (build-path ".." e)) (directory-list ".."))))
<mwnaylor> (directory-exists? "/home/mwnaylor")
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<mwnaylor> That returns #t. But (map directory-exists? (directory-list "/home/mwnaylor")) yields #f for every item.
<samth> mwnaylor: right, because `directory-list` does not produce absolute paths
<samth> and your current directory is not `/home/mwnaylor`
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<mwnaylor> Thanks for the help. Seems a bit clumsy to need the build-path step to get the absolute, but now I know it's a requiered step.
<mwnaylor> BTw, is there a directory-tree function? Something like directory-list, but would recurse into subdirectories?
<mwnaylor> I should have been using this form: (directory-list <path-or-string> #:build? #t)
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