it would be a nice experiment to integrate it with pypy and JIT through it
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Trained a very basic proof of concept AI to do in-runtime jit parameters tuning only 7 parameters (threshold, function_threshold, trace eagrness, decay, trace_limit, max_retrace_guards) got x1.2 speed up in sqlalchemy_declarative and sqlalchemy_imperative, the AI was trained on them so that's kinda cheating but it's a proof of a concept, I also run them together instead of separately to make the code longer and then used the geometric mean. And I used only
It got x2 speed up when I trained it first but the tests took only 2 secs(4 secs without the speed) and It didn't do well in longer tests so had to retrain it to do good in the long run.
the informations provided by `get_stats_snapshot()`!
j4at_: note that "cheating" here might be ok
you often are in a setup where you can train the parameters on something, but you are going to be running it repeatedly
like, your tests or your *cough* production
j4at_: JIT tests are a good target btw
there is also very interesting data point that sqlalchemy is something I thoroughly failed to optimize away, it seems to me that it's a crazy target for the JIT
So a lot of those benchmarks are hard to optimize bc of "bugs".
I mean the ones pypy doing bad at.
I decided that for now that stoping retracing and tuning jit parameters is enough, the hooks doesn't expose enough to do inlining. I'm planning to use the `sys.settrace()`, and pypyjit hooks to gather informations.
But needs more hooks exposed, needs `set_before_compile_hook()` `stop_retracing_in_a_loop()` `enable_retracing_in_a_loop()` and `get_stats_snapshot()` but with stats of every loop/guard! All of them should work with built-ins functions too.
isn't the "cheating" there similar to profile guided optimisation?
yes. But i want to make it generalise and to be in-runtime ;)
If i can make it get x1.2 consistently according all tests that will be a huge boost
consistently in* all tests
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I will apprecicate it, If anyone wants to implement the hooks mentioned above :)
atleast the stop retracing one.
I can probably help you implement them?
I don't think I have the capacity to look into that today
fijal: Yeah take your time, I appreciate your help :)
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> i386 is not supported anymore, skip tests
i get the point but still a bit sad-face
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mgorny: oh, where is that?
cfbolz: the tip of default branch
mgorny: that's on for mac os and i386
linux and x86 is safe for a bit longer ;-)