A somewhat untrustworthy source (who does have a good connection with various Lattice people but has not been correct about everything) claimed that the dedicated I2C routing was missing a level shifter and could damage the device if used
oh cute
except it doesn't make all that much sense
the default state if you don't instantiate the controller is that all inputs to the controller come from dedicated pins
so if it was dangerous, that'd mean that empty bitstream would be capable of damaging the device
... should obtain an actual devboard first tbh
the only ice40 I have is in a glasgow
ip_wrapper.v is most important one. this was upduino and my custom adapter
not any official lattice board
got the cursed thing to work
there's another condition in bitmap that disables dedicated pin routing for SB_I2C and SB_SPI specifically, while allowing all other hard IP with dedicated pins to use them
(note: there is no other hard IP with dedicated pins)
so they really went and disabled all the logic post-release, huh.
<Wanda[cis]> "the default state if you don't..." <- also I'd like to retract that, turns out the mux is 3-way
fabric, dedicated pin, nothing?
(also there must be a third place where they disabled the dedicated pin logic, somewhere in the router, but having extra routes in the bitstream isn't a problem for my purposes, so I won't bother fixing it)
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<Wanda[cis]> "also I'd like to retract that..." <- or not, I confused two different muxes
... I should just hw-test it, worst case an UP5K goes up in smoke