<meithecatte> "pretty sure some time in the..." <- I think some search engines penalize you if they have to resort to a headless browser, either by downranking you or by not crawling as frequently.
I’m not sure if that is actually true, though.
that's so cursed
current status: have spent an inordinate amount of time debugging why icecube doesn't let me use the (not very documented, but mentioned in a few places) dedicated I/O pin connections for SPI and I2C IP
apparently they just don't set the "has dedicated I2C pins" and "has dedicated SPI pins" feature flags for relevant devices in sbtplacer initialization code for unclear reasons.
I've had to wade through considerable amounts of boost to learn this fact.
luckily, the problem can be easily fixed by two well-aimed nops patched into the .text section
or... not? the placer seems happy and puts the USE_DEDICATED_PINS attribute on the cursed thing as expected, but the router and bitgen don't seem to care?
jeanthomas has quit [Remote host closed the connection]