ever wanted to murder a printer with (mostly) virtex7 tiles?
I can just disable the search functionality, I guess
and can definitely disable the print functionality
but it'd be nice if I could just exclude the autogenerated parts from search
or hm
actually searching for a bitstream attribute name sounds like a desirable feature
... how the fuck do I make this work
I have an annoying feeling that doing this properly may involve hooking way deeper into mdbook than it wants to be hooked into. or perhaps writing something bespoke.
oh gods the searchindex.json contains literally the entire fucking book as json format, with just the HTML tags stripped
I may want to put all generated tile documentation on separate pages, one per tile
I didn't do it with sphinx mostly because it was such a hassle, but with how I'm hooking into mdbook now it should be quite painless
Wanda[cis]: oh boy
I mean, yeah for local searches... but also wow this is widely inefficient for this use case
I don't think there are documentation systems out there designed to deal with this kind of crap
also hm
I actually have more ambitious plans for the future
like actually rendering a floorplan of every device, and a viewer where you can switch layers on/off
just... so far I was mostly busy with actually reversing this crap, and most of the docs that I did actually write is more of random crap I needed to write down to not forget it than actual proper docs
I wonder if all of this ends with prjcombine.wasm in the browser generating HTML on the fly
I can try to split it up tile per page all I want
but it doesn't change that this little fucker is a single tile, and a single bel even
-rw-r--r-- 1 mwk mwk 8.5M Mar 12 12:26 gtz.html
a single tile that's like 10% of the entire book by volume
Wanda[cis]: I wanted to say that given that mddoc would already have a json of everything, it was a missed opportunity not to do the rendering client side.
there's value in having pre-rendered stuff
search engine indexing, for one
well, I was not suggesting rendering the raw DB directly, there would still be a pre-processing step. It just feels a little silly to have the same data in two formats
but is this the best use of time to address? Probably not ;)
especially since I assume the json for search gets downloaded after the page is done loading, right?
it is, but it slows the browser down noticably
no surprises there, yeah :s
mei[m] has joined #prjcombine
<Wanda[cis]> "search engine indexing, for one" <- pretty sure some time in the last 10 years the web got fucked enough that google fucking gave up and started crawling through headless chromium