Wanda[cis]: Your commentary reminds me on how every time a 1-byte guy (8-bit Guy) video came out I had to will myself to not point out the stuff he oversimplifies or gets wrong lmao
also a thing I'd really like is to be able to specify just a (base name, number) tuple (like [HPIOB; 26] in this example) and have it automatically fill out an array instead of... well the shit this is currently doing
but everything I can think of involves const traits which are not a thing.
what if you make it less recursive
and more iterative
oh, you need to increment the index.
this is what makes it quadratic
I'm uh.
thinking of making a proc macro, despite my better judgement
can you use a const fn in the middle or something
make a const fn that returns an array of indices
I know, right
core::array::from_fn could fix everything
however, as you know, const traits
(Fn is a trait)
what if I thread $previous.to_idx_const() as the accumulator
instead of manually incrementing by one (or rather, making a giant AST for it)
that still doesn't give me arrays, but eh
I can just suffer
okay that did the trick, rust-analyzer is usable again
oh gods
this results in different kind of bullshit
this triggers in client crate upon trying to use a const defined in the public crate
the public crate already has a bumped recursion_limit
but somehow the queries run when compiling a dependent crate? does it not serialize the computed consts into whatever metadata thing it's using? I'm so confused
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<Wanda[cis]> "any idea how to make it not suck..." <- hm i think the motherfucker might be quadratic
concept: have the macro define a private enum, and then a bunch of typed consts that... hold on why isn't this an enum in the first place
because it needs to be type-erased for generic code
ie. I want every target to use a common type for the bel slot index
okay, that makes sense
yeah, then a macro-internal enum and then a bunch of consts that each independently cast a variant of the enum to an int and then the BelId or whatever
yeah that would avoid the recursion I suppose
I don't suppose you have any idea how to do the array thing?
you don't even need the tt-muncher business
wdym array thing?
<Wanda[cis]> "also a thing I'd really like..." <- this
note how repetitive the ultrasale bel list is
and how I then manually gather the repetitions into their own arrays
do you care about having both the individual names and the arrays?
I don't need the individual names if I have the arrays
and then have the macro collect into: an enum that will be used to index the GROUP_START array, and the GROUP_SIZES array
you can have an additional enum member at the end to be able to provide the size of the array involved
ohhh right
you can actually create arrays with the [dummy_val; N] syntax, ok
I was too hung up on array::from_fn
yeah, it seems like the type of thing you'd need to use for const fn, doesn't it?
like, it has a very consty vibe
oh, because they added it as part of const generics becoming a thing that actually exists
ok, so, this handles the slot consts
but I also need the list of all stringified names
and I don't suppose I can stringify numbers in any const-fn way
hm, or
I could just make a list of (name, first index, optional length) and deal with that crap in non-const code
this actually seems workable?
optional length?
well I have both arrayed and non-arrayed slots
feels like length=1 with extra steps
different display
or hm
i hope you're not planning to interleave the array ones with the non-array ones because I don't think you can write a performant macro to handle that
I would like to, actually
okay actually it's doable, because both [MEOW; 2] and just MEOW are one tt
one expr even
if you parse it with expr you can't unparse it later
and you'll want to
does this go through one of these invisible grouping things
macro_rules is a funny drug
just barely good enough that you'll spend hours or days trying to get this thing to do what you want
cpp is much easier to deal with. you just immediately conclude the situation is hopeless and go write a TableGen instead.