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<aw-> abu[7]: hi
<abu[7]> Hi aw-!
<aw-> quick question: how to get the value of a value being tested with '= ?
<aw-> (= 'test *MyVar) returns T
<aw-> but I want it to return 'test
<abu[7]> Yes, = does not set '@'
<abu[7]> You need to keep the value, eg. with 'let'
<abu[7]> But in this cate you know it is 'test :)
<abu[7]> *case
<abu[7]> (let V (foo) (and (= V (bar)) (laber V)))
<aw-> right
<aw-> ok thanks!
<abu[7]> = cannot employ @
<abu[7]> or, more correct
<abu[7]> = cannot return the value
<abu[7]> because (= NIL NIL) should return non-NIL
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<geri> hey, is there a way to exit (while) at an arbitrary point without using (catch)?
<geri> i think i have some weird bug because of it
<abu[7]> No, only throw or an error
<geri> i guess ill do a boolean flag then
<abu[7]> Or use 'do', 'loop' or 'for'
<geri> hm
<geri> maybe loop, but gotta think about how im gonna organize code then
<abu[7]> Yeah, transforming while to loop is quite straightforward
<abu[7]> (while (foo) (bar)) -> (loop (NIL (foo)) (bar))
<geri> whats the difference between nil and t here
<abu[7]> nil and t are functions (?)
<geri> im too lazy to capitalize
<abu[7]> ☺
<geri> i meant in car of clauses
<abu[7]> (loop (T (not (foo))) (bar))
<geri> T inverts the condition?
<abu[7]> yes
<geri> T is "if condition is true" and NIL "if condition is false"?
<abu[7]> yes, then exit
<geri> okay cool
<geri> okay yeah it was a catch error
<geri> remind me to only use it for error handling
<abu[7]> Wrong tag?
<geri> i was using throw/catch to exit a loop
<geri> and for some reason io was acting weird
<geri> like, i had read the symbol but its still in the fd
<abu[7]> catch/throw is needed to exit a nested loop
<geri> yeah..
<geri> ill save buggy code and send it later
<abu[7]> ok but a little expensive
<geri> catch?
<geri> or pipe
<abu[7]> yes
<geri> ah
<abu[7]> catch / throw
<geri> man's gotta do what he's gotta do and all
<geri> how does it work internally?
<abu[7]> It saves and restores environments
<geri> like with (env) and (bind)?
<abu[7]> bindings, files
<abu[7]> llvm~unwind
<geri> can it save stdio? 🤔
<abu[7]> Save in which sense?
<geri> like, in a file you could maybe save its position or the pointer to it or whatever
<geri> but stdio is constantly moving
<geri> maybe im not understanding what you meant by saving and restoring files
<abu[7]> Not the data
<abu[7]> (catch 'a (in "b" (throw 'a
<abu[7]> "b" is closed
<geri> shouldn't it be the opposite?
<geri> (in "b" (catch 'a (... (throw 'a ...))))
<abu[7]> Then throw does not close
<abu[7]> throw may be deeply nested
<geri> is the position in file changed if in ... points im doing smth like line?
<abu[7]> All open channels since the corretponding catch are just closed
<geri> oh huh
<abu[7]> *need* to be
<abu[7]> Else the FDs would dan
<abu[7]> gle
<abu[7]> (vi 'llvm~unwind)
<geri> fun
<abu[7]> Called by throw and other occasions
<abu[7]> (vi 'throw)
<geri> (btw if im vi'd into a file already, how do i edit another one?)
<geri> :e llvm~unwind didnt work i think
<abu[7]> :e file2
<abu[7]> :tag foo
<abu[7]> or click on it
<abu[7]> with K
<abu[7]> or ^]
<geri> okay it was tag
<geri> K yeah
<geri> what was it's opposite?
<geri> or there isnt one
<abu[7]> Q o ^T
<abu[7]> ^] and ^T are from VI
<abu[7]> K and Q are easier
<geri> K works in vim i think
<geri> idk what it does though, im using it in evil mode in emacs
<geri> there its for documentation
<abu[7]> IIRC "K" is free in vim, I set it in .vimrc
<abu[7]> Maybe I redefined it
<geri> im installing vim in a container just to check it
<abu[7]> ok :)
<geri> podman is nice to have time to time
<geri> K seems to run man with whatever's under the cursor
<abu[7]> Ah, yeah
<geri> im using throw to get out of deeply nested recursion
<geri> just as the creator willed it :)
<abu[7]> 👍☺
<geri> oh btw
<geri> how do i catch eof overrun
<geri> is that the label name? "EOF Overrun"
<abu[7]> Yes, "EOF Overrun"
<geri> oki
<abu[7]> afk a little, we have Pizza :)
<geri> also-also, is there a convention for writing macros with ` and ~?
<geri> enjoy
<abu[7]> Thanks :)
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<geri`> i was like "my pc seems to be struggling" and i actually forgot it was unplugged
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geri` is now known as geri
<abu[7]> :)
<geri> does inlining functions with `~ do anything for performance?
<geri> like, the full function is executed, but you inline it within another function
<abu[7]> A little
<geri> cause 1 less function call :D
<abu[7]> one fun call overhead
<abu[7]> yes
<geri> but you get to eval an extra NIL if you do ~ with a normal function without args
<geri> so probably very a little
<abu[7]> yes
<geri> i think i fell in love with IO in picolisp btw
<abu[7]> but fun calls are expensive
<abu[7]> (vi 'llvm~evExpr)
<geri> hows it different from evlist
<abu[7]> evList evaluates a list
<abu[7]> (1 7 9)
<abu[7]> (foo ...)
<abu[7]> ewExpr does the lambda stuff
<abu[7]> binding etc
<geri> ah, youre calling evexpr in evlist
<geri> okay
<abu[7]> T
<abu[7]> So you probably know, it starts at 'llvm~eval
<geri> yeah
<abu[7]> *the* eval
<abu[7]> :)
<geri> inline eval :D
<geri> what does use @ do in that one
<abu[7]> evList is a bit involved, as it also handles cases like ((getFun) arg)
<abu[7]> 'use' preserves it
<abu[7]> Compile time, not runtime
<abu[7]> '@' in the compiler
<geri> like it makes a new binding so when you're popping out of use its back to prev value?
<abu[7]> Right
<geri> neat
<abu[7]> in List it is same
<abu[7]> (use X (setq X
<abu[7]> same as (let X
<geri> i remember you said use is "the main thing"
<geri> i guess im actually getting it now
<abu[7]> Yes. First PicoLisps had only 'use'
<geri> and @'s?
<abu[7]> It was called 'local' back then
<abu[7]> Not sure
<abu[7]> '@' was not durinp the first years I would say
<abu[7]> *during
<geri> and setting @ is pretty lovely
<abu[7]> yes, extremely convenient
<geri> what's the fastest way to append a single symbol to alist?
<geri> rn using append
<geri> s/alist/a list/
<abu[7]> Perhaps 'queue'
<abu[7]> (unless you don't start with 'make')
<geri> (append (chop Str) '(" "))
<geri> with queue i guess id need to let Str first
<abu[7]> yes
<abu[7]> a var
<abu[7]> 'conc' is a lot faster than 'append'
<geri> actually i can queue to unchopped symbols
<abu[7]> but destructive
<geri> thats fine in this case
<geri> i think :D
<abu[7]> yes, if Str it "fresh"
<geri> i can conc symbols as well
<geri> fun
<abu[7]> only to a cell
<geri> and it doesnt seem to affect original, probably cause chop
<abu[7]> T
<abu[7]> chop maket a fresh list
<geri> yeah the result is a list of symbols so i need its car
<geri> wait actually it didnt work :thinking:
<abu[7]> (conc (chop Str) (list "a"))
<abu[7]> (setq Str (conc (chop Str) (list "a")))
<geri> i think it works
<geri> wait so append clones very link??
<abu[7]> copies all cells of the first arg list
<abu[7]> then 'conc's the second arg
<geri> ah
<geri> is there a way to (read) but not convert in the end and just return a list of characters?
<geri> honestly doubt, asking just in case cause theres a builtin for everything
<geri> :D
<abu[7]> Something like (till) ?
<abu[7]> ie (till NIL NIL)
<abu[7]> the whole file as a list of chars
<geri> hm
<geri> maybe
<geri> btw i also found out json.l can parse "{a: b}"
<geri> idk how i feel about it honestly :D
<abu[7]> Yeah
<geri> pretty simple though
<geri> what's an escape symbol for linefeed
<abu[7]> Shall I change to 'name',
<abu[7]> \n
<geri> i had the fix in the file i sent like yesterday
<geri> probably gone now
<geri> in atom case you wanna do (pack "\"" (name @) "\"")
<abu[7]> No problem, let me try
<geri> and in T case just replace sym with name
<geri> mvp fix :D
<geri> is there a find function but not higher order but just finds element in a list?
<abu[7]> 'member', 'memq' etc
<geri> oh xd
<geri> im literally using those
<abu[7]> How about this: ?
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<geri> i was talking about packJson :D
<geri> sec
<abu[7]> Yes
<geri> parse just checks if its correct?
<abu[7]> but we had parse
<geri> or its like read from string
<abu[7]> no, it builds a list
<abu[7]> 'sym' was not good
<geri> hm
<abu[7]> sorry!
<abu[7]> wrong paste
<abu[7]> moment
<geri> xd
<abu[7]> I've not tested at all :)
<geri> much better
<geri> i can test
<abu[7]> Thank!!
<geri> breaks on '((1 . b)) but imo that's a good thing as its not valid json
<abu[7]> Yeah
<abu[7]> good indeed
<geri> oh wait, it actually cant pack numbers at all
<abu[7]> oh
<abu[7]> right :(
<geri> ;-;
<geri> also null true and false, but let's ignore that for now
<geri> xd
<abu[7]> Hmm
<geri> give me like 10 minutes and ill drop some very bad code
<abu[7]> Then let's keep 'sym'
<abu[7]> ok
<geri> reasonable enough
<abu[7]> That's why I used sym
<geri> also its less accurate but you could just use (recurse (caar X)) in key of object
<abu[7]> I think I have no use case for packJson anyway
<geri> imo you only need read and parse json and others you implement with input & print
<abu[7]> T
<geri> gonna be half amount of code
<geri> xd
<abu[7]> I'll revert the change
<geri> yuh
<abu[7]> True
<abu[7]> :)
<abu[7]> No problem
<abu[7]> There is no "perfect" Pil <-> Json
<geri> its only 110 lines as is xd
<geri> abu[7]: 10 minutes...
<geri> well, like 5 now
<abu[7]> ok
<geri> uwu
<geri> demo effect already kicking in...
<geri> here's my piece of crap code
<geri> i think this is the most accurate schema we have
<abu[7]> Looks good at the first sight
<geri> i had to encode floats in a cons cells, same with arrays and objects
<geri> but full type info is saved so that's nice
<geri> NIL is empty string, empty array/object is (cons 'array/object NIL)
<abu[7]> I don't want to complicate the distro, but you could publish it in the mailing list on in the Wiki
<geri> ye i dont expect it to get any use lol
<abu[7]> *or in the ...
<geri> btw i tested with my swaymsg -rt and it works
<abu[7]> Me neither :)
<geri> xd
<abu[7]> great
<geri> then you owe me pack/read cleanup in json.l :D
<geri> its so cool that i can just use (input) and not care if im reading from stdin or a string
<abu[7]> replace packJson with printJson via 'output'?
<geri> replace printJson with packJson + print, unless you're doing something fancy there
<abu[7]> packJson + print is overhead
<abu[7]> garbage
<geri> rewriting same function 3 times is also overhead
<geri> maintainability wise
<abu[7]> Yeah, but producing huge garbage strings is not a good idea
<abu[7]> We should throw out packJson
<abu[7]> redundant
<geri> print + output then?
<geri> (i hadnt used output though, idk)
<abu[7]> as we now can print into a char list
<abu[7]> Lel's keep it as it is now, I don't want to break anything
<geri> sad
<geri> how do you print into a char list
<geri> except something like pipe print + till
<abu[7]> (pack (make (output (link @@) (println 1 5 3) (print 'abc))))
<geri> okay cool
<geri> so that could be new pack
<geri> xd
<geri> aight gotta sleep
<geri> laters
<abu[7]> Good night! o/
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