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<abu[7]> n
<abu[7]> oops
diogenes has joined #picolisp
<diogenes> so i did not realise that i have been disconnected the entire time
<diogenes> i was wondering why there was no response
<bjorkint0sh> diogenes: so who were you talking to in the mean time?
<diogenes> i just posted and thought everyone was afk
<diogenes> but i just added the stuff that i learned while debugging so that people could see it in the future
<diogenes> lol
<diogenes> this is the paste bin with my previous error, i have since moved past this though by deleting linuxbrew which was causing issues. Linuxbrew had an installation of clang which seemed to cause conflicts.
<diogenes> That said the issues is not yet resolved and I got other errors now.
<diogenes> llc: error: llc: picolisp.bc: error: Opaque
<diogenes> pointers are only supported in -opaque-pointers
<diogenes> mode (Producer: 'LLVM18.1.8' Reader: 'LLVM
<diogenes> 14.0.0')
<diogenes> this was the next error that I recieved, i figured that to resolve this i should add the opaque-pointer flag to the binary, this did not work i just got another error. Instead, i figured installing a new version of llvm was the solution
<abu[7]> LLVM is 14, right?
<diogenes> yes
<abu[7]> Perhaps tankf33der has an idea, he tested many s
<diogenes> I installed the latest version of llvm and clang, then i changed the make file to refer to this local installation. this did not work
<abu[7]> on many systems
<diogenes> got it, i am interested in asking anyone that can help
<abu[7]> tankf33der here? o/
<abu[7]> Let's wait a little ;)
<diogenes> yeah. tankf33der, I have ended up with this error by the way: clang+llvm-18.1.8-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04/bin/llc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<diogenes> make: *** [Makefile:39: ../bin/picolisp] Error 127
<abu[7]> Oh, 18 ... did he test it already?
<diogenes> i just tried it doesn't seem to work on my machine. I might spin up a ubuntu vm and test there to see if i can get it working there
<abu[7]> On 2024-06-28 he wrote "llvm 8,13,15,16,18,19 - opt1-3 - ok"
<diogenes> but not 14 hahh
<abu[7]> 14 is common, used to work
<abu[7]> I have 18 on Termux and 16 on Debian
<beneroth> diogenes, I think the server kicked you
<beneroth> <diogenes> 4
<beneroth> * diogenes hat die Verbindung getrennt (Excess Flood).
<diogenes> yeah i tried to post my error and got kicked
<beneroth> I have no ideas where the limits are
<diogenes> i know to put stuff in a pastebin from now on
<beneroth> linuxbrew is the same thing as homebrew on mac?
<diogenes> pretty much, i think there might be some diffs but not sure since i have never used a mac before
<beneroth> why do you use it?
<beneroth> seriously curious :)
<diogenes> just has some binaries that are newer than deb
<beneroth> ah ok
<beneroth> you know about their telemetry spying?
<diogenes> no
<diogenes> when did that happen
<beneroth> dunno if its in the linux version too, but I'd assume so. Stirred a bit of surprise when users found it in the mac version.
<beneroth> some years ago already. they kept it. I think the CLI asks you once in non-obvious terms for your consent.
<diogenes> don't remember that for linuxbrew but it has been quite a while since i installed it
<beneroth> also they had vulnerabilities in their repos in the past, which allowed malware into the repo and on the homebrew client:
<diogenes> damn thanks for the resources
<beneroth> so.. as far as package managers go, not as bad as NPM, but not much better
<beneroth> you're welcome :)
<beneroth> I find it quite unfortunate, because especially for MacOS where there is not really a standard package manager it would be very useful.
<beneroth> but with this issues I want to avoid it
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<tankf33der> here
<tankf33der> hi all
<abu[7]> Hi tankf33der! Nice to see you!
<abu[7]> diogenes is gone
<abu[7]> Do you have any idea what goes wrong?
<tankf33der> impossible without his replies :)
<abu[7]> T
<abu[7]> np
<tankf33der> afk
<abu[7]> o/
Core4426 has joined #picolisp
Core4426 is now known as diogenes
<diogenes> hry
<diogenes> hey
<diogenes> I saw that tank is here?
<abu[7]> Yes, but left already ;)
<diogenes> rip
<abu[7]> Maybe tomorrow ... ?
<diogenes> yeah seems like a good idea. gives me time to try any wacky stuff I need to anyway
<abu[7]> Perfect
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