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<skyjuice> Greetings all
<abu[7]> o/
<skyjuice> Pleased to report that I've now reached a consistent 32-36WPM with Penti
<abu[7]> Wow, congratulation!
<skyjuice> thanks abu, being able to write code/text with minimal hardware has been super convenient
<abu[7]> I'm very glad to hear that ☺
<skyjuice> well worth the learning curve.  For anyone looking for a good typing tutor I recommend ttyper on termux.
<abu[7]> Cool, I take a look
<abu[7]> It shows curwe in the end
<abu[7]> what is the average?
<beneroth> hey skyjuice - awesome, congrats. Thanks for the recommendation
<abu[7]> Looks like around 25
<abu[7]> (I use StenoBoard, as I can't use Penti any more)
<abu[7]> StenoBoard is inherently slower
<skyjuice> I run it with the  `ttyper -w 30` for a 30 word test, found the default a bit too much when doing back to back tests
<skyjuice> thats a shame abu, what happened that caused you to stop?
<abu[7]> I have a problem with my finger
<abu[7]> Dupuytren-Kontraktur (Wikinger-Hand)
<abu[7]> That's why I wrote Steno in February, and use it since then
<abu[7]> Cause Penti with left hand is even slower
<abu[7]> I will train more :)
<skyjuice> Very strong abu, 30WPM + in no time
<abu[7]> I will use -l german
<abu[7]> a little slower perhaps due to more upper case keys
<abu[7]> and umlauts äöüÄÖÜß
<skyjuice> cool I didnt
<skyjuice> know they had language flags as well
<abu[7]> Indeed a very nice program!
<skyjuice> how does your condition affect your day to day tasks?
<abu[7]> No big problems
<abu[7]> it is the little finger on the right hand
<abu[7]> Difficult
<abu[7]> to wear a glove
<abu[7]> and Penti
<abu[7]> but othewise OK
<abu[7]> I should check what can be done medically
<abu[7]> Can be operated, but I'm not to eager about that
<skyjuice> Glad to hear its not a major hindrance elsewhere, and it looks like you're doing fine without penti
<abu[7]> Yep :)
<skyjuice> Good idea perhaps there's some non-invasive therapies out there
<abu[7]> Let's see, no big hurry
<abu[7]> I stop for today. Thanks skyjuice for the good Penti news! ☺
skyjuice has quit [Quit: Client closed]
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<skyjuice> hey beneroth, thx hope it helps
<skyjuice> Bye abu[7]