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<user3456> Where could I find Steno(Board)? Googling it directly gives too many results and I can't find anything on the picolisp wiki
<user3456> I've tried Penti but my fingers are too long to fit comfortably on a phone screen
<beneroth> hi user3456
<beneroth> I guess it's not officially publicly available yet
<beneroth> it's in a sense similar to Penti, but only using one finger with tap and slide gestures, afaik
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<abu[7]> Hi user3456, StenoBoard is public, but not in PlayStore
<abu[7]> It is only mentioned on the Penti pages so far
<abu[7]> It can be used on much smaller phone screens, I believe even on a smart watch
<abu[7]> Steno is a little slower than Penti, but more relaxing to use. It needs only one finger, and can be used while the phone lies flat on any surface, while Penti works best if you hold it in the other hand.
<abu[7]> And: Steno is easier to learn, I believe, because most strokes and key assignments are more mnemonical (this can be seen in the README above)
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skyjuice has joined #picolisp
<skyjuice> Hello all
<abu[7]> Hi skyjuice
<skyjuice> I have a small movie app I'm working on to learn picodb and
<skyjuice> the new `search` function.
<skyjuice> The `*DB` has movie objects in it, however the `search-all` function
<skyjuice> does not render and returns `NIL` when called from the repl.
<abu[7]> It searcher over 'nm', but only 'dat' has an index
<abu[7]> eg. (rel nm (+IdxFold +String))
<abu[7]> or perhaps (+Key +String) if the names are unique
<abu[7]> 'date (stamp) is not correct
<abu[7]> (stamp) is a string, not a date
<abu[7]> better 'date (date)
<skyjuice> thx
<abu[7]> ☺
<skyjuice> I've got `(class +Movie +Entity)
<skyjuice> (rel nm (+Key +String))
<skyjuice> (rel info (+String))
<skyjuice> (rel date (+Ref +Date))
<skyjuice> `
<abu[7]> 👍
<skyjuice> but the search-all component still doesn't render, tried restarting the server too
<skyjuice> *replaced stamp with date also
<abu[7]> Did you delete and create the DB?
<skyjuice> no
<skyjuice> Will do
<abu[7]> The new index must he bui4t
<abu[7]> built
<skyjuice> Got it
<abu[7]> :)
<skyjuice> Database recreated and all is working perfectly, 🥳
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diogenes has joined #picolisp
<diogenes> So I tried to build picolisp from source and I am running into strange issues. For some reason it is looking in the nix/store for stuff.
<diogenes> is an an example
<abu[7]> Is it on Debian or a derivate of Debian?
<diogenes> it is on deb
<diogenes> well a deb derivative called popos
<abu[7]> OK, then the description in INSTALL should quite match
<diogenes> outside of emacs i get linker errors to the nix store but in emacs i get the stuff i posted
<abu[7]> What error do you get?
<diogenes> even weirder i get different errors in emacs and outside emacs
<diogenes> 2
<diogenes> 1
<diogenes> 3
<diogenes> 4
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<geri> hoya, joining a bit to try to debug the linker issue
<geri> no idea if diogenes is still here though
<bjorkint0sh> geri: if the username does not complete, the user is problem afk.
<bjorkint0sh> *autocomplete
<geri> "the user is problem"
<geri> spooky
<abu[7]> T, he quit
<bjorkint0sh> hahaha
<bjorkint0sh> I meant to say. 'the user is probably afk'
<abu[7]> :)
<geri> okay, i have another channel just thought hed still be here
<geri> looks like a nix issue to me
<geri> (more esotheric issues yay)
<geri> autocomplete succs, id rather make my own mistakes bjorkint0sh
<geri> there are like complete compilations of people getting into hilarious misunderstandings because of it
<bjorkint0sh> well, gahr
<bjorkint0sh> I mean. geri.
<geri> rawr
<geri> that actually looked like you had a stroke there
<geri> although this particular autocomplete messup is very relatable
<geri> okay, messed around a bit, time to sleep :D
<geri> laters
<abu[7]> o/
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