is resolved_path is NULL, string gets malloc'd instead
im pretty happy with my script all things considered
native allocates the struct from the nrgument list, fills R, and discards the mem
Yes, but perhaps this acceses free'd memory
Let me check the sources of native
if it accessed freed memory i bet it'd crast 10k times while testing q
No, depends
it is allocated on the stack
From the ref: "native takes care of allocating memory for strings, arrays or structures, and frees that memory when done"
so all is good?
The return value is the pointer to the struct
(%@ "getenv" 'S "TERM")
from the manual for %@
how is this any different from realpath example
Good point
afaik the base idea is - %@ allocates some buffer, no idea how much and fills it with data that realpath returns
after, it allocates a symbol (cause 'S) normally and returns that as the response
and then the buffer gets discarded
Thats the question
*when* it is discarded
output value is now on the heap as usual symbols are with 0 references to original buffer
idk, you wrote it, you tell me :D
but in my experience this realpath is pretty reliable so far
when i read wrong memory it usually crashes my programs every 5th or so time
I dig into it, forgot the details
anyway, script works and works nicer than ever before
i love not having to covert between strings and symbol and numbers
Such memory behavior is not predictable. May work a million times for a give calling setup
and is still by luck
because the setup does not yet overwrite the mem
let me dig into it
The question is *when* it is freed
while you're researching ill go for a walk
'native' does (tailcall (ffi Exe Lib Fun Args))
'ffi' calls 'ffiCall' in src/lib.c
'ffiCall' allocates the structs on the stack, fills variables like 'R', and returns
Thus the memory of the struct is no longer valid
'ffi' thea looks at the return value
In case of "realpath" this is however the pointer to the struct (which may still be on the stack on a lower address, but can any time be overwritten)
So there are 2 "correct" ways:
(use R (%@ "realpath" 'N "lib.l" '(R (`PATH_MAX C . `PATH_MAX))) (pack R))
(buf P PATH_MAX (%@ "realpath" 'S "lib.l" P) (struct P 'S))
(%@ "getenv" 'S "TERM") is OK, because getenv() returns a pointer to a static string in the environment
(cond ((atom) a) ((pair) b)) is a bit overkill ;) (if (atom) a b) should do
In any case very nice
ikr :D
Ahoy geri, abu[7] :)
diogenes has joined #picolisp
hello, i was curious what the equivalent for let* was in picolisp. I want to define things locally sequentially and be able to refer to them in my function.
Hi diogenes! PicoLisp's 'let' behaves like 'let*'
(ie. binding one after the other)
oh then my function must have another bug with it...
(de time-in-secs (n unit)
(seconds 1
minutes (* 60 seconds)
hours (* minutes minutes)
days (* hours 24)
work-days (* 8 hours)
weeks (* days 7)
work-weeks (* days 5)
months (* days 31)
years (* days 365)
work-months (* work-weeks 4)
work-years (* work-weeks 49) )
(case unit
The let looks fine
then my case is fucked up
Please note that for locally bound symbols upper case is recomended
(let (Seconds ...
But here is no conflict I think
What goer wrong?
well it doesn't return anything when i run (time-in-seconds 2 sec) -> NIL
I expect 2
Perhaps some typo in one of the variables?
'*' gives NIL if any of the args is NIL
I would set a breakpoint
(! case unit
okay thank you
Then look at each symbol
let me try that now
okay weird it says that seconds is NIL
so there must be something weird happening with the let binding
'minutes' is also NIL then?
yes so is weeks etc
Strange indeed
it says time-in-seconds -- Undefined
Just from looking it seems ok
But you called it?
to get to the breakpoint
It is time-in-secs
lol no wonder
it works now lol
i learned about break points so that is a success imo
hours (* minutes minutes) is correct, but more clear would be 60
how would i go about adding something like a documentation string to my functions? kind of like cl's defun that includes and optional doc string. does plisp have a way to do this?
Not really, just com
no built-in for that, but it would be possible in principle
e.g. making another variant of (de) which then sets a documentation string as property, similar to how (de) sets the *Dbg and doc properties
then again, why do a doc-string when you have the full source :)
i guess i do like to just do (explain 'func)
no need to nav to file
kind of like being able to pp
there is (pp) for that :)
but pp ignores comments
also some functions are foriegn. and pp de gets you just apointer
so functions like that
pp doesn't help
when you started picolisp in debug mode (with + argument at the end in CLI), you can do (de my-func ...) and then (show 'my-func) to see the 'doc and '*Dbg property of the 'my-func symbol which were put by (de)
built-ins refer here to their source code in the LLVM code
yeah i see that now
on one hand, programmers should strife to name and structure the code clear-enough for it to be self-explanatory. on the other hand, this is not always possible. on third-hand, in cases where the code does such a complex thing a short string is probably not a good enough explanation and it needs a dedicated txt file anyway.
I see what you mean, sometimes when deving i usually just put a doc-string as like a way to remind what this function should do i guess. but what you said i understand
well, find a way which works for you and makes you productive :)
I use comments a lot, especially to explain functions or their parameters. and I try to have a certain system/pattern when naming things.
what does your system look like?
a lot is also just a matter of habit. Picolisp favours shorter names as it has no strong separation between source code and the running program, the running program is just a binary representation in memory.
so shorter code uses less memory and therefore is often also faster
afk for a while
back already
diogenes, it's really highly recommended to follow the naming convention, protects you from most accidental mistakes: https://software-lab.de/doc/ref.html#conv