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<heat> oops was actually pretty effective here
<heat> kswapd passed away but the system was able to somewhat chug along
<nikolapdp> neat
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<heat> yeah i used to think keeping the system running with weird state and held locks was a bad idea, but it seems to work fine
<heat> and i've read a paper that confirms this as well, the vast majority of oopses leave the system in an okay state
<heat> okay enough to gather more data and report the bug or something, at least
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<nikolapdp> lol told ya you could recover from most ooms
<heat> this is not an oom
<heat> it's an oops
<heat> it's a completely different thing
* Ermine writes a patch to arch linux kernel to panic on oops by default
<heat> skrew u
<heat> what's next, panic on warn?
<Ermine> yes
<Ermine> then panic on acpi errors, so no one could boot
<heat> i don't have ACPI errors on boot I think
<Ermine> I saw acpi errors on most machines on which I've booted linux
<heat> i have a warning but nothing else
<Ermine> On on HP machines Linux said 'ur bios is borked'
<Ermine> not a single AE_NOT_FOUND?
<\Test_User> dwaasdawd
<heat> tbf booting is absolutely insane and awful
<heat> ACPI Warning: \_SB.PCI0.RP01.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20230628/nsarguments-61)
<Ermine> that's new to me
<heat> i've seen this a lot, NVIDIA dGPU stuff
<Ermine> ACPI: [Firmware Bug]: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
<heat> haha
<\Test_User> *keyboard user error, ignore
<heat> your BIOS tries _OSI quirks
<heat> that's not a strict error, they just reject it for compat reasons
<nikolar> I've seen lines like heat's
<nikolar> But I don't have Nvidia GPU
<nikolar> I think it was usb related though not sure
<Ermine> Also I have the same line about \_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS10._DSM , but there's no dgpu
<Ermine> XHCI is USB3 iirv
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<dostoyevsky2> What would it take to make qemu an OS? It's fascinating from an osdev perspective because you could just write a couple of drivers targetting qemu and then qemu interacts with the real hardware
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<mcrod> that doesn't make sense at all
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<netbsduser> mcrod: dostoyevsky2 means what would it take to make qemu one of the so-called "bare metal hypervisors"
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<mcrod> oh
<kazinsal> presumably the answer is "choose a linux distribution"
<netbsduser> and a not bad idea even if i do say so myself
<gog> wsl2
<gog> best distro
<netbsduser> real hardware is so hellish sometimes
<mcrod> gog pet me
<kazinsal> last time I installed a rocky box I recall seeing that one of the presets was basically "kernel, coreutils, qemu-kvm, virsh, go get 'em chief"
<netbsduser> the intel i219 ehternet controller is borderline-undocumented (the official datasheet doesn't say much, and while it's just another e1000, there are some incompatibilities that must be found out the hard way)
* gog petpet mcrod
* mcrod prrr to gog
<gog> good boy
<dostoyevsky2> kazinsal: Could I put a statically linked qemu right into initramfs?
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* blockhead reads scroll back and wonder ... conceptually, how would qemu as an os resemble a bare metal hypervisor such as Xen?
<dostoyevsky2> blockhead: Wouldn't Xen conceptually be like only the kvm part of qemu?
<netbsduser> dostoyevsky2: the distinction is tenuous nowadays
<netbsduser> it only really makes sense if you compare a hypervisor without a kernel component
<blockhead> dostoyevsky2: good question, beats me
<dostoyevsky2> but I think qemu being a linux application makes a lot of things easier, e.g. writing your own hard disk drivers with nbd ... also very easy to develop, just as a normal program running on Linux
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<rsjw> does anyone know where I can find a version of the Synaptics TouchPad Interfacing Guide that covers touchpads with version 8.1? the latest I can find is one from 2001 and it only covers up to 4-point-something
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<geist> hmm, nope
<geist> re qemu and xen, i'm guessing it emulates some of the xen paravirtualization interface
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<dostoyevsky2> xen does paravirtualization also, so e.g. a network card would always appear as a e1000 in your OS (like in qemu)? I thought Xen would just do something like passthrough the actual hardware
<dostoyevsky2> But I guess Xen doesn't require an OS to run like qemu