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<heat> wat
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<nikolapdp> gorgonical: did you use the proprietary drivers
<heat> ugh my kernel just oopsed again
<heat> how long is a regular memtest generally?
<nikolapdp> what are you doing heat
<heat> nothing
<heat> zswap hit a page fault
<heat> i know zswap has been kinda buggy but i want to finally rule out the memory is fucked problem
<nikolapdp> so don't use zswap?
<heat> no?
<nikolapdp> > i know zswap has been kinda buggy
<heat> i would like for them to not fuck up
<heat> but in order to diagnose this at all i need to make sure the DRAM isn't fucked
<nikolapdp> ah are you running memtest
<heat> i'm going to
<heat> zswap has worked well for several years, this is something that just popped up on the last few releases i think
<nikolapdp> potential regression then
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<nikolapdp> using ollama is a breeze
<nikolapdp> why did no one tell me about it before lol
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<Ermine> npu npu npu npu
<nikolapdp> works great on my rx 7800xt too :)
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<heat> did 2 passes of memtest86 and it was squeaky clean
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<Ermine> yotld
<nikolapdp> REGRESSIONNN