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i ordered 8 leatherman free p2 thumb studs in stainless steel from JLCPCB
$8 each + shipping
hopefully will sell for $20 + shipping
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oh! does openscad have python bindings now? if so that's absolutely fantastic!
julia longtin, when working on ImplicitCad, ended up with the most spectacular fragmentation explosions :)
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just in a very lovely Haskell field :)
teepee: yeess.. :)
i did Functional Programming in 1989, we used Hope - a parallel programming language specifically developed by Imperial College (!)
i could barely get my head round it but remember the basics (forward and backward induction)
it's extraordinarily powerful but hoo-boy
julia solved the "corner rounding" problem by adding it as an extra parameter to cube()
SDF does give that feature relatively automatically
and also solved the "these two objects are butted up against each other precisely and exactly but FP64 rounding determines otherwise, oops"
btw for context i am a 10+ year user of openscad and the de-facto maintainer of pyopenscad
greetings :)
it was very unfortunate that i discovered pyopenscad just literally as its developer was carrying out (but had not released) a rewrite, known as "SolidPython"
* lkcl
salutes teepee :)
so i ended up with far too much effort invested in pyopenscad (3 3D printers and a Category L7e Hybrid EV of dimensions 1.5 x 3.1 x 1.2 *metres*)
and can't now switch without one hell of a lot of work
ah, yes, that's why we need more new languages every year :)
direct python bindings to openscad's *full* capabilities (except for functions, loops, and modules) are therefore a "high priority interest" to me.
I think the way this code works is very neat as at the core it can work without any boiler plate code
well, except the single "output()" currently, maybe there's a way to even around that one
well with 1/3 the world's programmers knowing python, it's the highest bang-per-buck, but to be absolutely honest pyopenscad and SolidPython do a damn good job, freeing you up from any "urgency" to focus on "doing one thing and doing it well"
keeping the spirit of the openscad hello world: cube()
from pyopenscad import cube, union, scad_render_to_file
the other one that tends to go down well in the embedded world is lua, because it is so tiny and self-contained
but, again, just like pos/SP, you can treat SCAD as a machine-code-target, so why add {insert-language-here}-bindings again?
oh pyopenscadobj auto-generates a BOM CSV file btw
simple open source answer - because someone wants to do that
if anyone is ever thinking "damn that's something i really need"
yes. because need.
and because easy [for me]
like julia, doing ImplicitCad.
one of the goal of openscad is: start typing - get 3d model
for *everyone*
is SolidPython and pyopenscad on the list of "alternative ways to use openscad", on the website?
if we can make that happen with the new python bindings, I think that's a great addition
please please if you are going to spend the time do look very closely at pos and SP
pos does not generate loops, does not generate functions. it outputs the *primitives* and...
are you familar with assembler "loop-unrolling"?
that's what pos does.
you use a *python* for-loop, a *python* function, a *python* module, a *python* object
and you add cubes/spheres/cylinders/STLs/polygons to a difference() object or a union() object
where the "+=" operator has been *overloaded* on the union object to *return another union object*
that's probably a discussion for guso78
it's extremely elegant and natural, you just do:
who's not here at the moment
u = union()
u += cube([1,2,3])
u += translate([3,4,5]).add(cube([9,10,11]))
* teepee
does not like that at all
it's extremely natural and obvious to any experienced python programmer
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because it is an accepted OO paradigm that is *already established* as a convention / standard, within the *python* community
* lkcl
been using python since 2000. holy cow 23 years
existential moment :)
I don't like most of OO stuff either, it has proven to be very annoying in code maintenance
lkcl: And what about d = difference()?
lkcl: Always evaluate the awkward case rather than the clean case.
InPhase, ah, there the first thing that is added is as you would expect, and the second (and subsequent) begin the actual "removal"
I suppose that could have a single initial parameter?
and overload -= ?
teepee, yes i believe -= returns a difference()
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you do actually have to inspect the resultant openscad the first time you use it, because it is not entirely obvious when it comes to color() and so on
it took me about a year to work out why i had some mistakes in my use of pyopenscad, during a particularly complex project (a 15in Laptop casework made from *36* separate parts). 18 months work (!)
in the end i stopped using the "-=" and "+=" operators and just used "add"
u = union()
d = difference()
d.add(...) # the main object
d.add(...) # the first thing to subtract from the main object
d... etc.
that then became my default usage style for the next 6 years
I don't really python, but wouldn't it make more sense if ".subtract" was used for difference?
Like 3dthing.subtract(...)
lkcl: One option is += as "union this" and -= as "difference this", except that then you don't even want union() and difference() to form the starting point. You would want something more like c = cube(...); c -= cylinder(...)
lkcl: This is why u = union(); u += ... might not be intuitive, if it collides with intuition on the other operators.
Under this thinking, I'd rather something like a difference take a list parameter. Like difference(*objs)
And then you could optionally do difference([main, sub1, sub2])
Or maybe difference(main, [sub1, sub2]) would be clearer.
Yeah, the second is clearer.
But I wouldn't commit to that until seeing the full set of operations written out for cross-comparison and self-consistency.
line 308, that's exactly the syntax supported!
union(*objs) or difference(*objs), through an overload of __call__,...
oh wait
u = union()
newobj = u(obj1, obj2, obj3)
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lkcl: That was also developed so far without the sort of broad community discussion that really benefits language development.
(Which is not a criticism per se. It was rapid development of an interesting new feature. And maybe a feedback stage should be happening now/next.)
InPhase, pyopenscad was abandoned 10+ years ago when its original authors were converting/renaming to SolidPython. i am trapped as the only user and de-facto maintainer!
so it's not that there's been *any* kind of community discussion because it's literally a community of qty one (1) person - me! :)
but the sheer astounding size and complexity of the designs i have been developing with pyopenscad gives some extremely useful - community permitting and willing - insights
Oh. That's not the thing I thought it was. Sorry, I was busy with work and only quick glanced at it.
i mean for goodness sake is there anyone else in the world that has constructed a *6* cubic metre 3D CAD design with openscad, comprising 500+ parts? :)
ah you mean the openscad python bindings?
Yeah. I thought you were linking to an example of that.
if that's what you meant, i've only just found out about them 1 hour ago (and am delighted to hear they exist)
Perhaps you should join forces on that PR.
Then your community size would at least double!
There might be elements mergeable or lessons convertible.
Although you'd have to accept that the final syntax will probably differ in breaking ways. But the usage could end up very nice.
well an adapter/converter is always possible.
but there are two mitigating factors (unfortunately): 1. i am a Libre Developer. i closed my github account after my debian dev friend told me i was being hypocritical, i agreed with him and immediately terminated the account
Oh. Well, most of the open source world remains on github, so that's where we need to do our business.
and 2) i am extremely happy with pyopenscad, and how pyopenscadobj auto-generates the BOM, which saved huge amounts of work for the three (very complex engineering-wide) 3D printers i designed
I do generally love Python. I prefer to avoid it for 3D model design primarily because I like the security benefits of a domain specific language being able to promote unrestricted sharing of designs and libraries.
converting would involve re-reading some fantastically-complex OO python that in the case of the 15in laptop was 18 months work, in the case of the Hybrid EV it is... 6-8 months work
well you can always share python libraries the same way
and you have the added bonus of access to scipy, numpy etc.
Yeah. I do a lot of data analysis at work with those, so I'm an advocate in other areas. :)
i have a spline-surface-generator for example, you give it a 2D array of 3D points, tell it to spline first along the rows and second along the columns
and a thickness "normalisation" vector - i pieced it all together from stackexchange recipes :)
sshh, don't tell anyone
It's just that there's an element of trust required, and most 3D modellers are not equipped to do code review for security issues. So it's a different development target I think, to build up a large safe sharing community.
there is a similar "problem" (wrong word: "mindset / training" would be better) in VLSI (hardware design)
I like them enough that I introduced numpy into our OpenSCAD testing suite for image comparison.
both VHDL and Verilog, the primary languages, are approximately 30 *years* out-of-date. VHDL is actually ADA, and Verilog was developed initially for test suite purposes
It's a different target when we're sharing code to be run by other developers.
yes, very much so. i love but also despair of thingiverse :)
There will be another thingiverse I think. Several are trying.
you know what i mean. i absolutely love the herringbone gears scad libraries, used them for building a circular compact direct-drive extruder (pure PLA, no metal)
oh good to hear
can i get some help simplifying a design so that it can be printed on JLCPCB stainless steel?
argh that is so simple to use and gets almost precisely the results i need
that's really funny and annoying at the same time. annoying because 1 *week* of printing 5+ kg of PLA i only then learn of this useful primitive, ah c'est la vie
yea, if you get stuck you can post an image or the code in this chat and get some help
there are literally books on how to use python and openscad :)
but I do like your way of integration as it brings a simplicity most other solutions can't easily provide
teepee, very interesting. i dont know any. i know that there many openscad-pthon- "wrappers" ...
which does not make them bad or anything, just more targeting people who know programming
teepee,i used ths feature previsouly. i know that openscad automatically re-renders when the source file change. that means, another tool can create the openscad in background and openscad just shows the new object
teepee, haha, didnot know that. would you still reccommend to me when i have coded the python bindings ?
it's vastly different from those generators and like I said, in some aspects much better (obviously in my personal opinion ;-)
consider getting one of them
but my main goal with openscad is rather "more features" than "write it down simple/intelligent"
teepee, you won't believe it, but the main reason i did the python bindings was the fact, that i was not able to reassign variables in openscad. i did understand the recursive approach to circumvent it , but IMHO is still a hack.
that's fine, I see quite some potential in having those different options
plus sharing and hopefully extending the geometry engine will benefit both ways
which is why I believe this could be one of the cases where the result can be much more then just the sum of it's parts
teepee, yes, once the python is somehow established, you can use callback-functions for the extrude. the cross section will change along its way
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and once the offset is there, you can round any object by offset(-x) then offset(+x, round=True)
the framework for that exists in openscad scripts too now
it probably should be an expression as parameter, implictcad shows how that can work and be very powerful
same is possible with python too of course
teepee, yes i learned, but the framework is based on openscad(with openscad the expressions might be longer than needed and as an interpreted language not as fast c)
for most operations the geometry stuff is slower by many orders of magnitude
yep, unfortuntely
if the mesh calculation takes 5 minutes, it does not really matter if you script ran in 0.1 or 0.0001 seconds
on the plus side, there's possible ways there too, with fast-csg and maybe even Manifold + GPU support
teepee, you are right here.
i have looked in the BOSL2 code and i had some issues to read the code.(but this is probably true for any foreingn code)
yeah, it has some very cool and complicated stuff, and has to do lots of things in awkward ways due to missing lower level geometry support
that does not have too much to do with the language used
two days back i was able to successfully walk a octaeder and a cube in parallel" with my facetracer script in python. i am wondering if i will ever reach quality of CGAL here(and how speed compares with CGAL)
no, the two objects did not yet interact
next is to calculte cuts between edges and faces
teepee, did you succeed in using manifold for a simple application ?
I'd need at least a quiet block of time more than 2h
right now it feels more like being the white rabbit always jumping into the next rabbit hole
teepee, was able to create a Manifold::Cube but i was not able expport it to something i could see
I'd love to have a look, but probably some of the PRs should have higher priority
teepee, it appears you do not even have bandwidth to grab the low-hanging fruits ...
teepee,whats the openscad native function to calculate the cross product vector?
right now, no, except very low hanging stuff like new (human) language support and such obviouls things
ah, its an eigen function
they have a test folder in the Manifold repo, I might be able to give that a try at least
but first, dinner :)
have a nice dinner
teepee, they have a great test suite, which says "pass" to all their tests, but i was not able to output to see myself ...
the test folder seems to have some SDL based examples, I would expect those to show some window at least?
teeepee, i dont know, i did not focus on the SDL ...
haha, no, misread SDF :)
cool, that's also in there?
SDF counds familiar, not SDF
i believe they export in another 3d fomat which was not common to me and i did not easily find converters
yes, glTF
hmm, sorry, cant recall
oh, my, using assimp library
which in theory is great with lots of formats supported, but I did have some problems reading even simple files with that (some time ago)
the only reason the rest of vehicle_3d looks "more" is because i have evolved waaaay beyond even 1,000-line programs, into 10k LOC
lkcl1 , yes, both is python syntax, but my approach does one execution per line, where you rather fill in a database and output the result in the end
i was not the initial author of pyopenscad, but i think what they do is accumulate an internal Abstract Syntax Tree data structure, which is then parsed (node-walked) by the scad_render_to_file() function, to generate the ASCII text which oh look! the ASCII text happens to be SCAD!
iow pyopenscad is actually a language-translator, technically speaking