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<J2224> my modules have the warning if the object is missing  MO();  ⇒ 🔴»»» T has no children!"
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<Guest57> can anyone tell openSCAD is mesh or primitive
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<J2224> Guest57 can you please specify your question a little
<Guest57> is it for software assest or hardware
<Guest57> designs
<J2224> so results are images or  3mf / stl
<J2224> but you can also get the CSG tree
<Guest57> can you please tell can i able to create design for my robot hand for 3d printing
<J2224> yes that is it is for
<Guest57> thank you
<J2224> !tutorial
<J2224> tutorial!
<othx> tutorial is The OpenSCAD tutorial is a great place to learn how to create designs in OpenSCAD, and can be found at: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_Tutorial
<Guest57> i have a book
<Guest57> already
<Guest57> so thank you
<J2224> ok then ..  let us know if you struggle so we can help
<Guest57> ok take for advice and support
<Guest57> *thank you
<J2224> u're welcome
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 3 modifications (Merge pull request #4253 from ntfshard/fixcppwarndeprecated Removing deprecated std::unary_function.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/841808390d8d063c62c60cb70fa02064be2255d6
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<phryk> Can I get the width/length/height of a passed object in a function or should I rather just define a module instead of passing objects to functions to modify them?
<J2224> there is a option of resize but that is not ideal
<J2224> phryk also i am not sure what you mean by  passing objects to functions  as in SCAD function deal with numbers not objects like a cube()
<phryk> Oh, I just assumed that would be possible…
<J2224> there might be some data conversion of objects in future releases
<phryk> want to make a function for 45° bevels into which i can pass any cube. But really sounds like I should just define a module instead.
<J2224> Also there is a functional library that deals all objects as a function
<teepee> or maybe check existing libraries :)
<phryk> openscad is already inperformant as hell, i really don't think i want to bloat it up with something like that.^^
<J2224> either you have a function that defines points which are then converted into an object by a module
<teepee> phryk: wrong strategy
<phryk> teepee: please elaborate.
<teepee> a) library authors often have added some special cases to make things go faster
<J2224> or you do something like  minkowsky (){cube();cylinder(h=1,d=1,d2=0,$fn=4);} which will chamfer it
<teepee> b) in alsmost all cases it's the geometry calculation that's taking time, so even the huge library written by J2224 is adding maybe a second or so
<phryk> teepee: for each rendered frame? o_O
<teepee> huh?
<teepee> what frame
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<phryk> when rotating in the viewport
<teepee> that has nothing to do with the code anymore
<phryk> that's what's inperformant for me.
<phryk> really? that's good to know.
<J22> no  .. but each preview (F5) can have 200ms
<teepee> then use nightly build and enable the *vbo* options if it's preview
<phryk> i have openscad from freebsd ports, really not feeling like doing a manual build. also the current project should be simple enough for openscad to remain usable-ish.
<J22> vbo?  is that new?
<phryk> just pouring an established subwoofer design into code this time. :P
<teepee> no
<J22> i don't have a vbo feature :(
<teepee> hmm? how is it called then?
<J22> vertex object render?
<teepee> right it's spelled out, vertex-object
<teepee> vbo = vertex buffer object or something like that
<teepee> basically hand over graphics data to GPU in a big buffer
<J22> (also what is sort stl .. if i have 3mf?)
<teepee> that's sorting the vertices so it's more obvious for diffs in text mode
<J22> phryk here https://bpa.st/LFHQ   for you
<J22> teepee   diffs in text mode what? .. so it is not just for stl files?
<phryk> J22: Oh, I was just looking into how to make this a module with a single call to polyhedron…
<J22> it is much more work to build a polyhedron with all faces  (8 + 12 chamfer)
<phryk> I have no idea what chamfer is, tho^^
<J22> a beveled edge
<teepee> J22: it's only for STL in this case. I think 3mf already has similar code enabled
<J22> teepee  ok  but what do you mean with "diff" and "text mode"
<teepee> it makes more sense for ASCII STLs, not sure it's useful for BINARY
<teepee> although the sorting works for binary too of course
<J22> ah so it is really if i edit the stl files and compare them
<J22> SCAD didn't have ASCII anymore (iirc)
<J22> hm F7 is still STL export even i have that nice 3mf button Ü
<dalias> 3mf >_<
<dalias> such a disgusting format
<teepee> best one for meshes at this point
<J22> diffable is not a word  ..  diff- able  maybe
<dalias> full of invisible application specific cruft that might or might not get interpreted by a program reading the file in ways that break things, that requires manually unzipping and digging around inside to find and figure out what's happening
<dalias> (same as ms office files, etc.)
<dalias> stl is really the best format for meshes because there's no room for anything but the mesh
<teepee> in theory yes, it's based on that container spec
<teepee> still
<teepee> 1) open, free spec
<teepee> 2) open, free, MIT library which is multi-platform
<dalias> neither 1 nor 2 has anything to do with the format being good or bad
<teepee> STL is not a format, it's just some random text some tools may interpret as geometry
<dalias> sure it is. you can even write a regex to match it :-)
<teepee> yes it does, I'm refusing to do anything further on AMF
<dalias> because it's a *regular language*
<J22> dalias yeah the 3mf from microsoft are not working in slicer/cura
<teepee> they can shove their spec somewhere as they have it behind a paywall
<dalias> j22, at least "not working" is a better state than "something mysterious happens when you go to slice because the model author embedded their idiotic slicing settings in the model file"
<dalias> STL is the ideal format. screw AMF and 3MF
<dalias> it's ideal because it has no room for anything extraneous
<teepee> no STL is garbage
<J22> well not working was meant as  UB
<dalias> expressiveness is an antifeature. the most constrained languages are the best
<teepee> it was good while nothing else existed but that was when everyone was using fortran ;-)
<dalias> and regular is just *heart emoji*^10000000
<phryk> everything is garbage unless i get a general-purpose matter printer that can print nanometer-size circuits. >:F
<J22> however  3mf is smaller, can have color and a thumbnail. So the problem is how slicer software implemeted it
<J22> phryk  exist .. but is terribly slow
<phryk> J22: really? i can print a cpu with like 14nm scaling?
<J22> if you have aeons time
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<J22> In astronomy an aeon is defined as a billion years (109 years, abbreviated AE).
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<phryk> how much does one of them cost? i assume at least half a million?^^
<phryk> site doesn't list prices. that probably means it's far outside my price range. :P
<J22> the dual photon systems are not that  expensive ( still not affordable for private)
<J22> moving Atoms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA4QWwaweWA  is  expensive and slow
<othx> J22 linked to YouTube video "Moving Atoms: Making The World's Smallest Movie" => 1 IRC mentions
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<J22> but for electronics they have developed a nanoparticle ink  so they can be printed with a more or less normal inkjet printer
<phryk> that sounds a bit like ye olde DIYbio printer project.
<othx> J22 linked to YouTube video "Printing the Electronics of the Future | Dr. Troy Townsend | TEDxLeonardtown" => 1 IRC mentions
<J22> but i fear the yield is terrible if you print a full CPU
<phryk> Yup. A proper (i.e. usable for a modern desktop) CPU should be doable within a week – optimally a day.
<J22> first try to get the design right
<phryk> something, something opencores? ^^
<J22> you can etch gates .. but the problem is the amount and all need to work, so you might need to develop an architecture that is redundant
<phryk> aren't CPUs already design liked that? i thought the lower grade processors are just processors with more faults?
<J22> and if you want something like https://cerebras.net/  .. well
<J22> partially true  mainly they are selected and  that give the speed (frequency) they run - also XEON are selected
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<J22> "silicon lottery"   good LED strips use that to ensure all look the same with the same color
<peepsalot> dalias: STL is actually incredibly stupid and wasteful. absurd amount of redundant/useless data
<peepsalot> i mean astoundingly, inconceivably stupid. i simply cannot stress enough just how bad it is
<dalias> you mean redundant vertex coordinates?
<dalias> who cares? the redundancy should compress well (and does in practice)
<peepsalot> i mean there's no reason to calculate a normal and include that for every triangle, if you just put things in a proper winding order
<dalias> if that were the issue someone could have given us a new format with separate vertex array and triangle array
<dalias> rather than giving us "ms office hidden datastreams hell for 3d models"
<dalias> also: i can write a program to transform an stl file (rotate, scale, etc.) from scratch in 10 minutes in any language i know
<dalias> doing that to 3mf? good luck...
<dalias> actually just ripping out the geometry file inside the 3mf and using that as your data format would be pretty cool
<dalias> but nobody does that. they keep the 3mf file full of malicious application-specific cruft
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<InPhase> phryk: Also, some tools for smoothing stuff on boxes and such: https://github.com/rcolyer/smooth-prim
<InPhase> phryk: Scroll for the demo pictures.
<phryk> Thanks, but I absolutely don't want smooth anything. I need to build this stuff by hand. :P
<InPhase> Your hands like rough edges? :)
<phryk> my manufacturing capabilities like rough edges. :D
<phryk> also yes, things being well stackable is a boon IMO :P
<phryk> if i ever get to build speakers with industrial robots, that's when I'll want smooth edges for things like horn designs, but as long as I'm building them myself, no thank you.^^
<InPhase> phryk: I often like to just take corners off, to reduce the stabbing damage dice roll. Hence the feature in that library for it.
<InPhase> phryk: An example here, very cubical except the corners have been deweaponized: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3024698
<othx> InPhase linked to "Toothbrush / Toothpaste Holder, Philips Sonicare and More by rcolyer" on thingiverse => 5 IRC mentions
<phryk> yeah, for household items that's undoubtedly nice. but i'm making a big honking PA :P
<phryk> back to topic: is there something like a ruler module? I want to be able to highlight some dimensions to make them easily readable when viewing the assembly.
<InPhase> Not really. Although you can construct a series of echos to print key calculated dimensions to console.
<InPhase> The OpenSCAD philosophy targets shape design rather than engineering document preparation, and follows a calculate-first workflow, but you can record whatever consequences of those calculations you want.
<phryk> Mhh, there's an issue with a bounty: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/3638
<phryk> Well, this wouldn't only be useful for documentation, I've often found myself wanting something like this during development.
<InPhase> You can enable view crosshair and make use of that to assess the locations of various features.
<InPhase> The crosshair coordinates are displayed.
<phryk> not accurate but still extremely manual…
<phryk> I use computers so I *don't* have to calculate shit. :F
<InPhase> Yes. That is typically done during the calculate steps.
<InPhase> The design flows from the numbers.
<InPhase> That crosshair thing doesn't need to be used very often. It's more of a sanity check on a small handful of things to make sure you didn't screw something up.
<phryk> Yes, but I also need to be able to review the final dimensions easily to actually check for correctness without it being a constant struggle.
<InPhase> It's a can of worms with things other than trivial shapes. For example, round a square's corners, and suddenly no edge represents its dimensionality. Want to know the curvature radius of the corners? Well they're not even round by the time it gets to the display window. They've already been turned into a series of tiny edges tracing out the curve.
<InPhase> Programmatic calculation is digested heavily by the time it gets to display form.
<phryk> a cube defined by outer edges of a cube containing a module would be good enough for me.
<phryk> but openscad doesn't have *anything* for visually confirmed measurements.
<phryk> honestly, a module that just takes two coordinates and is displayed in the viewport alongside its length would be the idea minimal tool that would be sufficient for my use.
<J22> phryk  my lib has a "caliper"  to  add  viewable  measurements in drawings .. also  a 3 way projection module
<phryk> J22: no idea what the latter is, but do you have a screenshot of the caliper tool?
<dalias> is there really no newer tag than 2021.01 ?
<dalias> trying to get distro to package an up-to-date version and they just pointed out to me that this is the latest :(
<phryk> dalias: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/tags looks like it
<teepee> correct, no new tag
<J22> if you have a cube it will give you the 3 views  ( side top front)  flat  side by side like you need in a tech drawing
<dalias> is there a reason there's not?
<dalias> aiui current has lots of geometry speed improvements and experimental features i want :)
<phryk> J22: mhh, usable for displaying lengths, but no calculation taking two vertex points. i think i might look in the source and make a module taking to coordinates out of that…
<teepee> yes, there's a reason
<teepee> and no, it's not a technical one
<dalias> :/
<dalias> i can relate
<J22> phryk  if you have variables with the size you can feed this into the module - else there is no way to get these information out
<phryk> J22: huh? vector math?^^
<J22> oh there is  i think it is the line module in that lib that display the length between two points ..   but  if you have a cube you can't get the dimensions (bounding box) from a geometry
<phryk> len(v1 -v2)
<phryk> J22: yeah, that's what i stumbled over earlier with function vs module^^
<J22> and it is norm not len
<phryk> J22: yup, tho i like the look of the caliper tool more, so I'll probably combine both.
<phryk> J22: yeah, this wasn't supposed to be valid openscad code. :)
<phryk> J22: oh, this is CC0? Would you have anything against me publishing the combined tool as GPL3?
<phryk> (seeing as I'll "plagiarize" a good bit of your code for this)
<J22> good luck with that Ü ..  feel free to do what ever you like with it
<phryk> The Free & Open Rave Technology project thanks you. :P
<J22> there is a translation value  enter the first point there and center=false  so you only need to rotate and giving the length
<J22> rotation can be done with atan2(x,y)
<phryk> why not just by putting rotate(){} around it?
<J22> phryk here https://bpa.st/3X4A
<J22> you can rotate it manually  . .that way it will automatically  connect both points
<phryk> thanks. might get to work on this friday. but first, I'll continue with this woofer design. :)
<phryk> saved the paste in the project folder so i don't loose it somewhere :)
<J22> (hope you saved the content not just the link)
<phryk> yes. :)
<phryk> i always assume pastes to be temporary.
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<AndrewStone[m]> @J22, how are params like nozzle used? (does your lib somehow implement a slicer?)
<J22> you can create gcode with it but not like a slicer from geometry, you need the vectors and do the math
<J22> but  nozzle and layer and line  are used  for e.g  wall(.5);   which is calculating the width so it matches with the used linewidth
<AndrewStone[m]> ok, makes sense!
<J22> also you can access   line(5)  to get 5 lines + padding so the slicer  later will give you 5 lines
<J22> or n(5)  for nozzle
<J22> if your line and layer are not matching with your nozzle you get a warning  and also statistic in the menue
<J22> like:   Layer: 0.08(19.1%) Line/Nozzle 0.3/0.4
<AndrewStone[m]> what's T() and Tz()?
<J22> T is short for translate while you can access  T(y=5)   and Tz (5) is the same like T(z=5)
<AndrewStone[m]> gotcha, of course! (and yes I mostly read your README, so now I went back and did a search -- they aren't docced there)
<J22> Tz is not just lazy but using it makes it clear that something is on the same position just on a other level .. as  with [0,0,5] this is not always that clear
<J22> hmm yeah  they are in the image .. i really need to put those in text so they get searchable
<J22> a wiki would probably be even better
<J22> i think in the example.scad i have short descriptions
<AndrewStone[m]> will check that out -- I was most interested in your knurls and gears so I just jumped to those...
<J22> if  something is unclear just let me know so i can improve  it
<J22> hmm is there a way to get doxygen docu into git  - or can i save time here?
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<phryk> https://paste.xinu.at/VSoH/ subwoofer enclosure components defined and laid out. :)
<J22> nice, you could have linear extruded a polygon ..  but often the way is the goal
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