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<marex> is there some reason why the list in "targets" is enumerated when, if I try such a simple thing as "targets 0", I get a message "use <long-cryptic-name> as target identifier, not 0' ?
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<Xogium> heh now at least the wifi doesn't disconnect with reason=0 anymore… Which I'm glad for because reason=0 we have no idea what happens
<Xogium> but now getting this at random with my wifi automatically reconnecting after, as if nothing out of the ordinary happens
<Xogium> Jan 25 09:37:35 Tsenahale wpa_supplicant[1149]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=24:5a:4c:6e:b5:fa reason=3
<Xogium> aka it decided to leave just like that ? Maybe powersaving
<Xogium> guess that rebooting my AP helped in a way because I don't get reason=0 anymore
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<Xogium> I tried and disabled powersaving again, wonder if it will help. I also notice packet loss when no actual disconnect occure so it might be partly due to powersaving. 1183 packets received against 1211 packets sent. Not *that* big, but still on the mean side. It could be normal for wifi though?
<PaulFertser> No, 50 % loss is not normal.
* karlp counts on his fingers...
<karlp> nope, I still only come up with 2.3% loss.
<karlp> (which is still kinda shit)
<karlp> (do you have antenna connected? some dev boards only have an anntenna connector, and you'r emeant to attach it yourself later. and things.... work, without antennas, just not very well)
<Xogium> indeed 2.31% packet loss
<Xogium> karlp: I don't think this one has external antenna. Signal strength is also -40 DBm
<Xogium> then again I'm right beside the AP ;)
<Xogium> thanks ping for being half translated
<Xogium> with powersaving turned off
<Xogium> 1583 paquets transmis, 1583 reçus, 0% packet loss, time 1584111ms
<Xogium> I suspect powersaving was messing up pings
<PaulFertser> Lol, I couldn't read the "packets received" number because I use a broken LCD panel which has vertical stripe on that area, sorry.
<Xogium> haha
<Xogium> PaulFertser: it was
<Xogium> 1183 r 1211 s
<PaulFertser> Guess I'm just too sleepy to understand anything, sorry.
<Xogium> hehe that's ok
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<borneoa_> No antenna connector on stm32mp1 board.
<borneoa_> Xogium: as I already told you there was some report of low throughput. Maybe it's caused by the packet loss. How did you turned off the power saving?
<Xogium> borneoa_: iw dev wlan0 set power_save off
<Xogium> that helped with the pings, like on 3580 packet sent I only have 0.1% packet loss
<Xogium> so that did something
<Xogium> but the reason=3 one now won't go away and is random
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<Xogium> ah reason=0 came back. Erk. Even with powersave disabled
<Xogium> I must be royally unlucky
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<Xogium> borneoa_: probably wishful thinking on my part but, I don't suppose there is a way to use the third mmc interface on the dk2 kit?
<Xogium> for example to hook up a 2nd micro sd slot
<borneoa_> Xogium: the sdmmc3 pins are available on the gpio expansion connector. You need to set them as sdmmc3 in the device tree. Then another gpio for the card detect switch. Looks feasible
<Xogium> borneoa_: ooh really ? Wow
<Xogium> that could be a lifesaver
<Xogium> borneoa_: if you're interested, I found a wifi+bt sdio module in sd card form factor, based on a QCA8377 SiP. I reckon this should also be supported by mainline linux, but it might be more portable for me than a rather bulky wifi usb dongle
<Xogium> I tried all I could to get the brcm chip to behave here, but I honestly can't manage it. It keeps disconnecting with reason=3 on wpa2 only network, and with reason=0 when wpa2/wpa3 is used
<Xogium> and since I can't find the cause for this… well. I kind of have to come up with new ways, I guess
<Xogium> reason=3 is apparently ok ciao I've had enough, I disconnect from this network
<Xogium> then 3 seconds later it reconnects
<borneoa_> Xogium: what is your plan for your products? To use dk2 boards or to make your own board later? In second case you can try different wifi.
<Xogium> borneoa_: well this is more for a personnal project of mine in the house, so I was thinking to use the dev kit, since it had everything I needed
<borneoa_> Xogium: Anyway ST buy the modules from Murata, so if the issue is with module's firmware it's in ST interest to get it fixed. If it's ST SW issue, it's ST duty to fix it. So far the issue appears with your AP. Would be good to replicate it somehow
<Xogium> yeah :/ I don't really know how though. How to replicate it, that is. I only have this one AP here, so I can't try with a different one
<PaulFertser> Xogium: it might be related to some fancy setting in that ubnt firmware, true.
<PaulFertser> Xogium: what about your computer, can't you run hostapd on it to serve as an AP?
<Xogium> PaulFertser: hmmm maybe ? It uh might work… I don't know actually, this wifi card is AX200 wifi 6
<Xogium> I don't know if it can do AP in 2.4 ghz mode
<PaulFertser> Xogium: check "iw list"
<PaulFertser> It should on 2.4 GHz band, afair.
<Xogium> ah yep I see it
<Xogium> lets try that
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<Xogium> ok setup as an AP, we'll see how that goes
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<karlp> PaulFertser: or anyone with acces to sourceforge: there's no "milestone" for 0.12 or anything future? the drop down only has 0.11 and 0.10?
<PaulFertser> karlp: just set 0.11
<PaulFertser> karlp: I'll add milestone later
<karlp> I think this is related the problem I've had before, the internal state of the flash vs the elf that gdb is looking for can be _wildly_ out of sync when you've connected, as you don't know what's in flash.
<karlp> and there's use cases for both, "yes, assume flash matches my flash when I connect" and "no, don't try and decoded rtos symbols based on the elf yet, that isn't what's in flash"
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