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Hey, so I'm using OpenOCD to connect to a Redbear Nano BLE v2 on Mac OS X Monterey, but it's just hanging with no feedback. Thinking it could be a lower level usb issue, any thoughts? I'm using it as part of Platform.io, debug eve info here https://pastebin.com/1rx9dv3Y
Greg40: hey
PaulFertser hey
Greg40: can you also try building with --HEAD please?
Greg40: and let's troubleshoot from there.
Greg40: it's rather odd it hangs there, I can't remember why it can be happening.
Yeah really odd, must be something lower level? Here's the pastebin for HEAD, same output. https://pastebin.com/vC3TkppR
Greg40: what's your debug adapter? Old regular CMSIS-DAP or newer v2 with bulk endpoints?
Greg40: btw, you shouldn't need that -s command, openocd binary knows where its scripts are.
PaulFertser, thanks, currently I am facing some issue with plain Lauterbach toolchain
during startup script loading I get "debug port failure while reading from Reg:0x00..."
mra90: if you have a jtag adapter supported by OpenOCD you can give it a try.
aha, I recently updated to Monterey, is reporting no apple CLI tools, so no gdb... could be it?
Greg40: brew should have installed everything needed for openocd to work.
Greg40: probably you have old hidapi or need it recompiled? I do not know much about macOS tricks.
curious, it's not finding gdb in my path
PaulFertser, ok but for now, do you have ssome experience with Lauterbach debugging?
mra90: I probably saw a config file for it once :)
wouldn't be the first time brew and OS X upgrades leave things in a broken state....will poke at that for a but. thanks.\
ahh ok :)
mra90: what's your target device btw?
ARC chip
DesignWare ARC
OpenOCD actually has some support for ARC, directly from synopsys.
It might provide different results since it's likely a rather different code from the one in lauterbach.
What do you mean by different results?
The target device doesn't care who is talking to it
at the end of the day its all about generating CPU debugging signals
mra90: but different code in OpenOCD might end up generating a different sequence of those debugging signals.
oh yay, gdb installs on brew get complicated by apple code signing / trust.. remember that pain:/ Maybe someone's just trying to tell me I should switch to Linux :)
ok, make sense
Also, different code might be interpreting the results it's getting in another way and probably providing useful diagnostics.
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