target configure -event gdb-attach func -> I want the function to get a parameter.. any idea what maybe the best way to do that?
What value do you expect to be passed in the parameter?
Hawk777, my SoC has a few R5s, defered examine.. am654.cpu.r5.0 configure -event gdb-attach { puts "am654.cpu.r5.0"}
NishanthMenon_: So, do you mean that you want a way to get the name of the relevant target inside the handler?
Hawk777, correct.
trying to maintain a single function that does similar stuff based on just the target it was involed on.. (there are some 4 or so of the R5s)
NishanthMenon_: OK, I see. The “current target” while an event handler is running is always the target where the event occurred (it temporarily overrides the current target selected via e.g. Telnet).
“target current” should return the name, if you need to do something else with that.
For example I think you could do something like [target current] mww 1234 5678
Though since mww defaults to the current target, that would be redundant.