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<companion_cube> If only we could have better support for imperative constructs, heh?
<companion_cube> zozozo: how's flambda2 coming along?
<discocaml> <cemerick> Is it just me, or does logs' API feel fairly overcomplicated for what it does? πŸ€”
<discocaml> <cemerick> I guess the two biggest factors are it dragging formatter signatures everywhere, and then the weird little bits to help with lwt interop
<companion_cube> it's a bit complicated if you implement reporters yourself
<companion_cube> otherwise I find it reasonable
<companion_cube> (I normally instantiate the `Logs.src_log` once in many modules)
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<companion_cube> but the usage is otherwise `Log.debug (fun k->k "hello %d" 42)` which is fairly simple
<discocaml> <cemerick> companion_cube: yeah, I hadn't thought about it much until i had to write a json reporter. Right PITA tbh
<companion_cube> :D
<companion_cube> I'm starting to get used to it
<companion_cube> it's very flexible
<discocaml> <cemerick> Less than you'd think. Using formatters as it's core means that you really can't implement various non-stringy logging approaches, e.g.
<companion_cube> maybe with stags
<companion_cube> but Logs also has its own tag system, which I don't really use
<discocaml> <cemerick> stags? Not the same thing as logs' tags?
<companion_cube> no, Format's stags
<discocaml> <cemerick> Oh, right
<companion_cube> Format has a lot of… magic features
<companion_cube> e.g. stags can be used to add colors :)
<discocaml> <cemerick> Yeah, ive never used semantic tags
<companion_cube> @{<Red>howdy@}
<companion_cube> (this works with containers btw)
<companion_cube> I'm not sure exactly how messagetemplates would work in OCaml, I'm curious
<companion_cube> you'd probably need a ppx and/or register printers for the fields?
<discocaml> <cemerick> It'd be straightforward if you use yojson for the bag of attributes
<companion_cube> oh right, so the semantic values are just json
<companion_cube> or some fixed sum type anyway
<discocaml> <cemerick> I think it's probably a mistake to pay all the costs to drive typesafe stuff down too close to logging ... everything is veing spit out to stderr or (at best) json ingestion anyway
<discocaml> <cemerick> i.e. forget about custom printers, etc
<companion_cube> or other formats for the json haters among us πŸ™ƒ
<companion_cube> (yeah, yeah)
<companion_cube> in the API it could still make sense I suppose
<discocaml> <cemerick> Well, is there something besides json for log sinks?
<companion_cube> at least an equivalent of `%a` that takes a `'a -> json` and a `'a`
<companion_cube> for 3rd party tools, aside from opentelemetry, I don't think so
<companion_cube> for internal stuff, why not CBOR? :)
<discocaml> <cemerick> lol ok
<companion_cube> (opentelemetry uses protobuf)
<discocaml> <cemerick> Can't say ive used it actually
<discocaml> <cemerick> (At least not knowingly)
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<discocaml> <Scott GrΓ‘yson> I'll help anyone interested on how to earn $20k or more from the crypto market, but you will promise and agree to pay me 10% of the profit. Message me now for more information how to get started.
<companion_cube> oh god
<discocaml> <Kali> @admin
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<toastal> Is Matrix now full of spam? Too popular! Time to get back to IRC and MUCs.
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<zozozo> companion_cube: flambda2 is working quite well; there's a bit of a feature creep because of all the extensions that we're adding, but it's managing some nice optimisations (and some more are coming)
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<adrien> zozozo: yeah, I'm not surprised it's faster; the alternative was not even something natural to write; and I'll see if I can try flambda2 soon (but I actually have little time available for the next ~10 days)
<adrien> my next steps are to change the output from my modified xz from printf("%d %d %d\n", ...) to write these integers as binary since that'll make the output much smaller; and then I need to look at XZ Java to see if I can reimplement one of the match finders (actually, I need to benchmark several match finders in xz to see which ones to re-implement since I've been told the hash chains ones are similar to
<adrien> zlib's)
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<companion_cube> zozozo: are compile times still, err, bounded? :)
<companion_cube> I think that's what made flambda not that viable for many people
<zozozo> companion_cube: yes, the idea is to make the default level the "classic mode", which strives to emulate closure (i.e. the regular non-flambda compiler pipeline) both in terms of compilation time and optimizations
<companion_cube> ah yeah nice
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<discocaml> <cemerick> Is it right that in order to get long strings to wrap within the `Format` boxes I've set up, I need to `String.iter` through their characters so as to translate e.g. linebreaks into `pp_force_newline` calls?
<companion_cube> have you tried `pp_print_text`?
<companion_cube> or, if there's already newlines in it, you can use CCFormat.string_lines
<discocaml> <cemerick> companion_cube: I'm gonna cry
<discocaml> <cemerick> yes, `pp_print_text` is what I was looking for
<discocaml> <cemerick> thank you πŸ™
<discocaml> <cemerick> though in the process of doing it the hard way, I ended up doing some formatting that I might end up keeping anyway
<discocaml> <cemerick> ```
<discocaml> <cemerick> String.iter (function
<discocaml> <cemerick> | ' ' ->
<discocaml> <cemerick> pp_print_custom_break out ~fits:("", 1, "") ~breaks:("", 2, "")
<discocaml> <cemerick> | '\n' -> pp_force_newline out ()
<discocaml> <cemerick> | c -> pp_print_char out c)
<discocaml> <cemerick> s
<discocaml> <cemerick> ```
<discocaml> <cemerick> (makes longer multiline messages [like stack traces] a lot prettier)
<discocaml> <mbacarella> has anyone gotten ocaml-swagger to work with gcloud?
<discocaml> <mbacarella> separate topic: does it seem like there's more interest in ocaml ever since chatgpt?
<discocaml> <masterbuilder> why would that be?
<discocaml> <mbacarella> 'cause learning new things is easier now
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<discocaml> <masterbuilder> hm, I guess
<discocaml> <mbacarella> oh hmm it seems like google uses "json schema" for gcloud
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<companion_cube> has anyone ever tried to add `(x y : foo)` as valid syntax for multiple arguments of the same type?
<companion_cube> cc octachron I guess :)
<octachron> That has been proposed before.
<octachron> There is a minor conflict for patterns:
<octachron> (Some x: _ option)
<companion_cube> oh, it's a pattern position, right
<octachron> Hm, I cannot find back the discussion that proposed (x y:int), this probably was at least few years ago.
<companion_cube> no I get it, I think
<companion_cube> you could special case for variables only, but it's ugly
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<discocaml> <mbacarella> wow, github copilot just auto-completed like a stanza of atdgen code for me
<discocaml> <mbacarella> πŸ‘ AI πŸ‘ tools πŸ‘
<discocaml> <mbacarella> also dae chatgpt4 amazing
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