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<discocaml> <darrenldl> finished writing a gopher client/crawler with it, but it remains fairly obtuse, not sure if i really enjoy using it hm
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<discocaml> <darrenldl> is there a way to do the equivalent of `Format.formatter_of_out_channel` in eio (with eio's flow or whatever)?
<discocaml> <beajeanm> I share the feeling, I'm implementing a simple nats client in eio, got most of the basic functionality working, but I felt I had to fight the API a bit too much. I'm hoping it's just a discovery phase, and it will rub-off on me...
<discocaml> <darrenldl> okay, i was being silly and didn't flush the formatter, using CCIO.with_out within `` works fine enough ish
<discocaml> <darrenldl> @beajeanm the type signatures read fairly obtuse to me still, maybe i'll get through it
<discocaml> <beajeanm> I don't think Eio will prevent you from using any of the "classic" IO functions, but they won't play nice with the scheduler I assume. (I.e. same story as with Lwt in that regard)
<discocaml> <darrenldl> yeah, still in cooperative scheduling land within a fibre
<discocaml> <darrenldl> is the consensus that eio is the new goto?
<discocaml> <darrenldl> go to option*
<discocaml> <darrenldl> (maybe asking what the consensus is is a bit silly on my part)
<discocaml> <beajeanm> Yeah, it's ocaml, we are not going to have a consensus 🙂 but Eio so far looks fairly close to become one.
<discocaml> <beajeanm> There is as an alternative, but I mostly see libraries going the eio route if anything.
<discocaml> <beajeanm> Also the scope of affect seems much more limited, for better or for worse, it only offers Fiber, not the whole I/O, capabilities, mock story.
<discocaml> <darrenldl> i guess better documentation is the way to go then since most are sticking with eio
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<discocaml> <Bluddy> Since I don't have experience with Eio, could you describe what you didn't like about it? Which part of the API was difficult to use?
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<discocaml> <beajeanm> I don't really have my feelings about it nailed down, but let me give it a try:
<discocaml> <beajeanm> - I've managed to successfully stay away from object in Ocaml, so for me signature like `<A; B>` or `` are totally foreign and something I had to get use to it as I was learning the API. Hopefully, I'll get my head around it, and that will be a none issue.
<discocaml> <beajeanm> - But I missed the Lwt monad 🤯 I was really surprise by that one, I would probably have listed getting rid of `Lwt.t` and `Async.t` as the main reason to switch to an effect based library. But as I was implementing my client library, I realised my brain was using the monad as a clutch to better understand which part of the program will be blocking and which part could be asynchronous. I can clearly see the difference between an `Lwt_io` f
<discocaml> <beajeanm> - There were other minor annoyances, e.g. `Eio.Buf_read` gives you a cut down version of Angstrom, but it was too hard for me to use to implement the Nats protocol parser, so I ended doing it in Angstrom and writing the integration function with `Eio.Flow`.
<discocaml> <beajeanm>
<discocaml> <beajeanm> But that's me liking to whine about everything, I've implemented what looks to me a working* Nats client in a few hours spread over the course of a week using a library I've never touched before. So it's definitely a win for Eio in my book.
<discocaml> <beajeanm> * Of course, if I ever try to use it in anger, I'll discover that it's full of bugs 😬
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<discocaml> <darrenldl> in a similar sense, it was a bit difficult to tell for me when it'll implicitly yield to the scheduler
<discocaml> <darrenldl> i might have a proper list when i'm less tired
<discocaml> <dinosaure> in some way, it's preferable, as `lwt` does (the diff between `lwt` & `lwt.unix`), to split the scheduler idea from I/O and let the user to wrap correctly (and as he/she wants) I/O through the scheduler.
<discocaml> <dinosaure> and I don't think that `eio` reaches a consensus 😕
<companion_cube> @darrendl I think you can implement Format.formatter_of_out_channel with Eio, using the out_functions API of Format
<discocaml> <darrenldl> ah okay, thanks!
<discocaml> <darrenldl> (I'll admit i gave up during trying to open a file the eio way already)
<companion_cube> I sure hope that Eio reaches a consensus and that we don't have more fragmentation tho
<discocaml> <darrenldl> then i think it has slightly too many moving components
<discocaml> <darrenldl> (maybe i'll work out how Eio.Path, Eio.Stdenv.fs, Eio.Path.(fs / "/wherever") fit together at a later point
<discocaml> <darrenldl> (well it gives flow, so that's there ig)
<companion_cube> but Flow seemed niceg
<companion_cube> -g
<companion_cube> granted, I mostly looked at the docs, cause at the time there were no SSL bindings
<companion_cube> but I like that channels are user-definable
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<discocaml> <antron> I'm going to stream Dream development and general OCaml office hours on most days at 14:00 CEST (Paris time), and definitely on every Thursday. See the post at, and the stream will be at
<companion_cube> o/ @antron
<discocaml> <antron> \o
<neiluj> do you know if some people are researching/trying to see how to introduce lifetimes and borrow checker to ocaml?
<companion_cube> there was a janestreet-ocaml thing recently
<olle> arenas ftw ^^
<companion_cube> … no?
<olle> ymmv
<olle> wdym no
<companion_cube> I don't think anyone is working on arenas in OCaml
<olle> Arenas with non-boxed values that can't escape or be aliased.
<olle> Yea I guess
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<discocaml> <darrenldl> i think ive gotten my hands dirty enough to begin drafting the erlang style process library i had in mind, hopefully will be fun
<discocaml> <darrenldl> (most interested in tackling the distributed process case head on)
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<zozozo> olle: gasche wanted to experiment with arenas, or at least regions of memory that would have different behaviour with the gc (such as a long lived" region that would be treated as one big block by the gc, and not scanned, or things along these lines)
<neiluj> oh nice, thanks for pointing out this document!
<neiluj> (brb)
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<olle> zozozo: oooh ok
<olle> wouldn't biggest gain come from non-boxing tho? maybe hard to interact with other code.
<companion_cube> they have plans for unboxing at JST
<companion_cube> @darrendl thoughts on serialization?
<zozozo> olle: depends on what you allocate I'd say
<olle> zozozo: mm
<olle> companion_cube: oh that's cool
<companion_cube> I'd love unboxed values
<companion_cube> e.g. if we could finally get array slices/string slices
<zozozo> companion_cube: bigarrays ? (or something similar if you want it to store ocaml values)
<companion_cube> no
<companion_cube> please no
<companion_cube> I mean actual slices of actual OCaml values :p
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<zozozo> companion_cube: sets of closures then, :p (basically, you need a infix-header trick or similar to get slices of ocaml values)
<companion_cube> yikes
<companion_cube> the whole idea of slices is that it'd be a value type
<companion_cube> that's why I say I'd love unboxed values :p
<zozozo> but the question is: do you really need slices of arbitrary ocaml values ? or just slices of arrays ?
<companion_cube> arrays and strings and bytes, most likey
<companion_cube> likely*
<companion_cube> that's already too many to special case
<discocaml> <darrenldl> companion_cube: re serialization, was initially thinking of relying of users to provide the serializers for remote nodes, still looking at ada and erlang for inspiration, but seems to boil down to picking a good binary encoding
<zozozo> what would be the exact semantics you'd want for arrays of ocaml values for the GC: if you have an array, get a slice, and only keep the slice alive, should the values outside the slice be GC'd ?
<discocaml> <darrenldl> still thinking how to remove that cost entirely when receiver is local at api level
<companion_cube> zozozo: no
<zozozo> companion_cube: then, just have type slice = array * int * int ?
<companion_cube> sure
<companion_cube> but then each slice allocates
<zozozo> yeah, and ?
<zozozo> if you try to program in ocaml and never allocate, well...
<companion_cube> and that's what unboxed types are there to avoid
<companion_cube> I mean, that's why JST is interested in unboxed types too
<zozozo> yeah, but it's a massive change to the compiler to be able to handle the unboxed types
<zozozo> it's coming, but it's a large change
<zozozo> and then, unboxed types are not values
<companion_cube> not regular values, sure
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<companion_cube> (but you can still store them, can't you?)
<zozozo> well... you'd need a container that can store non-values, and it's not yet clear how to do that; for instance the current proposal does not include a way to mix values and non-values in a single block, so you would not be able to do e.g. a list of non-vlaues
<zozozo> but an array of non-values would work
<zozozo> scratch that actually, you would have an array of the boxed versions
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<companion_cube> with the JST proposal, I wonder if you could reuse allocations (there's a section on thatr)
<companion_cube> -r
<companion_cube> like, if you have a record { …; slice: array_slice }
<companion_cube> and you want to change it in place, you could reuse the block
<zozozo> clearly, the jst proposal (for data races) wants to allow one to do that (using the overwrite keyword)
<companion_cube> right
<companion_cube> yeah that'd be swell
<companion_cube> the particular use case I have in mind, in this case, is writing lexers/parsers
<companion_cube> it's too useful to have string slices for that
<companion_cube> (or locations, for that matter ;))
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<theblatte> I'd like to downcast an element in a pair without re-allocating the pair but the typechecker is fighting me hard, eg let downcast_fst (pair : high * 'a) : low * 'a = (pair :> low * _) tells me it cannot be coerced because high is incompatible with low
<theblatte> so I have to do let downcast_fst ((x,y) : high * 'a) : low * 'a = ((x :> low), y) instead but that's rubbish
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<discocaml> <NULL> ``type high = [`A] type low = [`A | `B] let downcast_fst (pair : high * 'a) : low * 'a = (pair :> low * _)`` works for me
<discocaml> <NULL> You don't even need that many annotations
<discocaml> <NULL> What version of OCaml are you using ?
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<theblatte> ah, maybe so, but not with type low type high = private low
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<discocaml> <NULL> You're right, it's weird that it doesn't work as well. You can still make it work with a fully annotated cast : `(pair : high * _ :> low * _)`
<theblatte> ah, great stuff, thanks!
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<discocaml> <anmonteiro> @octachron I think there's a regression in OCaml 5.1 somehow related to variant typechecking. This code is failing to build on 5.1.0 alpha1:
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> snippet is:
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> ```ocaml
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> let kind : Changes_by_type.kind =
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> match name with
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> | "add" -> Add
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> | "modify" -> Modify
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> | "set" -> Set
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> | "remove" -> Remove
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> | _ -> raise_invalid_change_argument ~loc
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> in```
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> error is:
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> ```
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> > File "src/", line 587, characters 22-25:
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> > 587 | | "add" -> Add
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> > ^^^
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> > Error: Unbound constructor Add
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> ```
<discocaml> <antron> I'm going to stream Dream development and general OCaml office hours on most days at 14:00 CEST, and definitely on every Thursday. See the post at, and the stream will be at
<discocaml> <Nat> Opinion question
<discocaml> <Nat> `(val, err) result list` or `val list * err list`?
<discocaml> <Nat> Currently leaning towards the latter
<discocaml> <Armael> the former looks more informative to me; in the second case, the two lists could be of different lengths for instance
<discocaml> <Armael> if the invariant is that they are actually always of the same length then the first representation seems better as it makes this invariant explicit
<discocaml> <Nat> Sure, but we don't have that restriction
<discocaml> <Nat> Order isn't important either
<discocaml> <Armael> ah, also scratch that I got confused, what I just said is nonsense
<companion_cube> if you can make use of multiple errors, the second one is nice
<companion_cube> but oftentimes I personally might want `(val list, err) result`
<discocaml> <Nat> Yeah, we want to allow multiple errors here
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<discocaml> <octachron> @anmonteiro : it is a ppxlib bug.
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<discocaml> <anmonteiro> gotcha. I'm using ppxlib "trunk-support". makes sense that it isn't a compiler bug -- seems like there would be extensive tests for this
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<discocaml> <octachron> ppxlib is erasing the constraint on the value binding which is a not-completely-unexpected bug because I added a new parsetree node in the AST to represent those.
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> so probably fixed by
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> let me try this ^
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> confirmed it builds with ^. thanks!
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