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<dh`> perf is linux-only, isn't it?
<dh`> also the basic blocks question stands
<companion_cube> Wdym by basic blocks?
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<dh`> in order to get useful profile results a profiler has to be able to connect object code locations to source locations
<dh`> in C code you can do this on a per-function basis and still get useful results (hence gprof) but that's not so true in ocaml
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<discocaml> <geoff> a
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<zozozo> dh`: I'm not sure what you mean, but if you build with ocamlopt -g, there is enough information for perf to map back to the source ocaml code
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<dh`> good to know
<dh`> not that perf does me any good since I'm not running on linux
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<adrien> which logging library should be used? I'm looking for one that is as light as possible at runtime and none mentions the runtime cost for disabled logging
<adrien> (seriously, there are more logging libraries than there are libraries to replace the stdlib)
<Armael> logs by dbuenzli?
<zozozo> the logs library was indeed made to be as light as possible when logging is disabled
<adrien> thanks
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<companion_cube> adrien: logs
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<Anarchos> hello companion_cube
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<companion_cube> Coucou
<Anarchos> companion_cube j'ai vu qu'un portage de gsourceview4 pour lablgtk était bloqué dans les limbes...
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<adrien> switched to Logs but I'm still getting a huge slowdown when I extract my not-so-hot-loop to a dedicated function no matter how much code I move; unrolling a for loop by hand makes the code much faster however (2-way makes it >20% faster and 4-way makes it 35% faster)
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<adrien> with opam, is there a way to create a flambda switch that has the same set of packages as an existing switch?
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<companion_cube> probably with export/import
<companion_cube> I don't recall the exact command
<adrien> thanks; I've spotted that in the manpages but I was hoping there was something more direct (although export/import isn't complicated either)
<companion_cube> you could also look at the assembly I suppose
<companion_cube> even in perf, it can show which instructions are hot
<octachron> "opam install ocaml-option-flambda --update-invariant" will replace your current switch with an flambda one.
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<adrien> octachron: interesting, thanks; I'm keeping my current switch though so that I can compare performance
<adrien> and I'm going to look at assembly and perf but I was hoping to make the code more readable first because that would make them more readable :D
<companion_cube> it really is a pity OCaml isn't relocatable
<companion_cube> otherwise you could just copy the switch
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<adrien> I had to tweeak output of opam switch export because the compiler options (or their lack) are exported too and that conflicted, but I only had to remove a couple lines
<adrien> the nice thing with ocaml is that the switch almost finished rebuilding by the time I had written that message
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<adrien> flambda performs significantly worse it seems
<zozozo> adrien: that's interesting, could you share the code ?
<adrien> zozozo: (this is the core of the hot loop) but this project still relies on a slightly patched xz unfortunately and it complicates usage by others
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<adrien> but anyway, if I unroll that loop, I get major speedups (although I skip up to 7 iterations but that should make little difference) and if I move some of the code to another function, it gets much slow
<adrien> er
<zozozo> adrien: ow, when you extract to a separate function, do you add type annotations ?
<zozozo> operations on bigarrays are specialised by the compiler when the type are known and concrete, and that can bring a big speedup
<zozozo> and if you extract to a function that ends up being polymorphic, then you lose that specialisation
<zozozo> (I suppose BA1 is a module alias to some bigarray module)
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<adrien> let me try; I had hypothesized the code got slower if I separate the use of the bigarrays from their creation but I wasn't able to actually test that (unfortunately I need to afk for a few minutes at least)
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<adrien> zozozo: that was it! (and BA1 is a thin wrapper around Bigarray.Array1 to provide create* functions tailored to my needs and it was natural to add the corresponding types)
<zozozo> adrien: yeah, when using bigarrays, you should be careful and add as much type annotations as possible to ensure that accesses and reads are correctly specialised
<zozozo> also, and very sadly, this specialisation (which can be criticla for performance as you saw) happens during typechecking iirc, and thus before flambda, so even inlining annotations would not help if I remember correctly
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<adrien> ah, ok; I had tried to use high thresholds for inline without effect
<adrien> and with annotations it's still a bit slower than when the code isn't moved but it's around 15% slower and not something like 1000% slower (I don't have exact numbers because I never waited long enough)
<adrien> (otoh, it's stupid to "for ... do f () done" rather than put the loop in the function itself so that's maybe not surprising)
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<companion_cube> ahhhh, yeah, bigarrays are dangerous
<companion_cube> (for inlining)
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<adrien> I just moved the "for" inside the function and got all the performance back
<adrien> I guess I'll try flambda again too
<adrien> but flambda is still fairly slower even with -O3
<adrien> I'm going to improve some stuff to reduce the size of one of the intermediate file so that it's smaller and almost sane to share
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<zozozo> adrien: ah, the manually inlined for loop is better because it allows the compiler to unbox the reference
<zozozo> With a recursive function emulating the loop, even with inlining, the ref would not be unboxed (however, flambda2 would be able to do that)
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<companion_cube> But with a for loop it would, right?
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<zozozo> Yup