rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
<shashankshet[m]> jonpsy: zoq Is the CMA-ES enhancement problem still open for GSoC?
<jonpsy[m]> Not sure it constitutes as a "GSoC" project, but we could surely use a helping hand. Working on that issue would help you get to know the ensmallen repository better.
<jonpsy[m]> There were some previous work done on it I reckon, so use that as a base.
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<kuries[m]> How do I build the core part specifically from the source? I made some changes to the `cosine_tree.hpp` and I want to to run the tests for it.
<kuries[m]> Hey everyone,
<kuries[m]> I tried going through the Makefile for components that I could build individually but I could only find for methods 😅.
<rcurtin[m]> Binesh Munukurthi: follow the build instructions in the `README` to build the tests
<kuries[m]> No, I have the tests already built. I want the modified `cosine_tree.hpp` in the build. So, I wanted to know if it comes under any component, so that I can only build that specifically similar to how we build pca with `make mlpack_pca`.
<kuries[m]> I'm sorry I didn't mention that properly before.
<kuries[m]> * No, I have the tests already built. I want the modified `cosine_tree.hpp` in the build. So, I wanted to know if it comes under any component. So that I can only build that specifically, similar to how we build pca with `make mlpack_pca`.
<kuries[m]> I'm sorry I didn't mention that properly before.
<rcurtin[m]> yes, it's part of the tests; look for usages of `CosineTree` in `src/mlpack/tests/`. when you build `mlpack_test`, those tests will be a part of `mlpack_test`
<kuries[m]> rcurtin[m]: thank you 👍️
<rcurtin[m]> (I'm guessing at the next question :) it takes a long time to build `mlpack_test`, but if you've done it, then you modify some file like `cosine_tree.cpp`, CMake will only rebuild the necessary files when you run `make mlpack_test`)
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> rcurtin: Do we have progress bar in python binding?
<rcurtin[m]> Shubham Agrawal: I don't know what you mean, 'progress bar' could refer to many things
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> I mean like tqdm like progress bar
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> which shows eta like things
<rcurtin[m]> the question still does not make sense. what binding are you referring to? what is the task the user is trying to do where the progress bar would be shown? do you mean like the ensmallen progress bar for training? do you mean a progress bar for arbitrary tasks?
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> rcurtin[m]: like this
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> in main mlpack python binding
<rcurtin[m]> "main mlpack python binding": what is that?
<rcurtin[m]> if you look at the python binding documentation, mlpack makes available numerous individual bindings for individual tasks
<ShubhamAgrawal[4> mlpack/mlpack I mean
<rcurtin[m]> the question does not make sense.
<rcurtin[m]> I think maybe you might want to spend some time with the mlpack Python bindings to understand what they do and how they work first
<zoq[m]1> <shashankshet[m]> "jonpsy: zoq Is the CMA-ES..." <- https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/wiki/SummerOfCodeIdeas#enhance-cma-es is still an open project yes, also the extensions mentioned in the project description are just suggestions, in case you find some other interesting papers.
<shashankshet[m]> zoq @marcusedel:matrix.org: perfect!
<shashankshet[m]> I'll start looking into them