rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
<turska79turska79> Thanks, But im still getting same error after changing things to:
<turska79turska79> using SoftActionCritic = mlpack::rl::SAC<ml::ContinuousActionEnvironment, FeedForwardNetwork, FeedForwardNetwork, ens::AdamUpdate, ReplayMethod>;
<turska79turska79> I thought i got it right with that, but seems that i didnt
<turska79turska79> using FeedForwardNetwork = mlpack::ann::FFN<mlpack::ann::MeanSquaredError<arma::rowvec, arma::rowvec>>;
<rcurtin[m]> ahh, I have a lunch meeting today so I won't be able to join the video call :(
<zoq[m]1> will be a couple minutes late
Sarrah[m] has joined #mlpack
<shrit[m]> zoq: This one for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFtiUg_fP08
<zoq[m]1> Not sure that is for French in general, but people are tend to be very lazy here, so when they speak they just ignore certain characters.
<shrit[m]> it is in fact, some words have two meaning,
<shrit[m]> and a lot of words are pronounced the same
<shrit[m]> even if they are written differently
<zoq[m]1> yeah, why make it easy
<shrit[m]> it is not so easy
<zoq[m]1> But I think you can find that sort of things in basically every language.
<zoq[m]1> hehe, I posted that one in my french class channel :)
<zoq[m]1> I guess to be fair, the sentence is not something you would ever use.
<shrit[m]> no, never
<zoq[m]1> Same for the Buffalo I think.
<shrit[m]> I would never combine these words
<shrit[m]> but I have already crossed most of them
<shrit[m]> you would discover part of them in a sentence but not all of them at the same time
<zoq[m]1> yeah
<shrit[m]> The youtube channel of this guy is good, it will allow you to memorize all of these strange things.
<zoq[m]1> Watching some other videos from the channel already, I already enjoy it.
<shrit[m]> When you are a native speaker you never think about these stuffs, unless when you see people learning the language
<shrit[m]> then I say, this language does not make any sense
<zoq[m]1> Is he a french native speaker, can you tell?
<zoq[m]1> Is french accent is super strong, but I guess that is played.
<zoq[m]1> s/Is/his/
<shrit[m]> yeah
<shrit[m]> no he does not have an accent
<shrit[m]> unless if you mean the english accent
<rcurtin[m]> his English sounds pretty native too (at least to an American ear)
<zoq[m]1> I'm wondering if he is french and english native
<shrit[m]> yeah, I think he is both
<zoq[m]1> according to this he is French
<zoq[m]1> "He proclaims himself as "That French guy on TikTok"."
<zoq[m]1> the first clip ... hilarious
<rcurtin[m]> huh, he went to SCAD (a university in Georgia): https://www.backstage.com/u/loicsuberville/
<shrit[m]> In fact, the hat we put that on a letter to tell that there was an S after and it was removed
<shrit[m]> Hôpital = Hospital (old french)
<zoq[m]1> the walkie-talkie clip is another good one
<rcurtin[m]> nice, I never knew that! when we learned L'Hôpital's rule none of us knew how to say it, so I would jokingly pronounce it "L hospital"... I guess I wasn't *that* far off 😄
<shrit[m]> yeah, we do have a lot of this imported and inverted words
<shrit[m]> it is strange that they do not teach the origin of these words, it pretty common known here
<shrit[m]> * known here (hôpital)