rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
<turska79turska79> As i keep getting compile error from TargetsType. Need to get it to be arma::rowvec... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/8bd434a5d4f795da5abf1ae07933115c0fd05221)
<turska79turska79> s/Need//, s/to get it to be arma::rowvec//
<turska79turska79> s/Need//, s/to get it to be arma::rowvec//
<turska79turska79> s/Need//, s/to get it to be arma::rowvec//
<turska79turska79> * As i keep getting compile error from TargetsType.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/9a570f17cc0b4494c53b7ed32928c729a1cc3da8)
<NabanitaDash[m]> Can you share the steps to reproduce?
genisispig[m] has joined #mlpack
<genisispig[m]> I am having the same error as above on line 34 of ```mean_squared_error_impl.hpp```, ```C2228left of '.n_cols' must have class/struct/union```. As above, attempting to use ```mlpack::ann::FFN < mlpack::ann::MeanSquaredError<>> policyNetwork(mlpack::ann::MeanSquaredError<>{});
<genisispig[m]> ``` as a network in the SAC implementation causes this error. However, with other error functions, such as ```mean_squared_logarithmic_error```, I am experiencing different, but still build halting, errors
<turska79turska79> If i use mlpack::ann::EmptyLoss<> then it works as its Forward() method simply returns 0;
<genisispig[m]> The SAC implementation I believe is also missing the ```EnviromentType& Enviroment();``` and ```const EnvironmentType& Environment() const``` functions
<genisispig[m]> s/The SAC implementation I believe is also missing the ```EnviromentType& Enviroment();``` and ```const EnvironmentType& Environment() const``` functions/The SAC implementation I believe is also missing the `EnviromentType& Enviroment();` and `const EnvironmentType& Environment() const;` functions/
<turska79turska79> FFN has Forward/Backward as template methods, but SAC calls to them are without template parameters as: learningQ1Network.Forward(learningQInput, Q1);
<turska79turska79> Shouldnt this be something like learningQ1Network.template Forward<>()?
<turska79turska79> * methods, but from SAC calls
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