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<turska79turska79> * FFN has Forward/Backward as template methods, but from SAC calls to them are without template parameters as: learningQ1Network.Forward(learningQInput, Q1);
<turska79turska79> Shouldnt this be something like learningQ1Network.template Forward<>()?
<turska79turska79> For some reason im unable to build dynamic library version of mlpack for windows. Error LNK1104 cannot open file '\mlpack\build\Debug\mlpack.lib'
<zoq[m]1> Yash Sharma: Welcome, let me reference two links that should help you get started; 1. https://www.mlpack.org/community.html (checkout the "Getting Involved" section) 2. https://www.mlpack.org/gsoc.html
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<AnindKiran[m]> Hey everyone. Probably a super basic doubt, but here goes:
AnindKiran[m] is now known as ak33[m]
<ak33[m]> I'm trying to install mlpack following the tutorial - <https://www.mlpack.org/doc/mlpack-3.4.2/doxygen/build.html>
<ak33[m]> I'm using Ubuntu 20.04. The install worked. However, when I try to run the cli command, it doesn't work.
<ak33[m]> * doesn't work... Sort of confused., * . What am I missing here?
<ak33[m]> (edited) ... missing here? => ... missing here?
<ak33[m]> Edit: Path is edited to include install path (as mentioned in the documentation)
<zoq[m]1> Hello, I guess you are seeing an error message as well?
<ak33[m]> Yep, the usual "command not found, but can be installed with sudo apt install mlpack-bin"
<ak33[m]> Per my understanding, this should allow me to use the c++ library and all the language bindings along with cli, right?
<ak33[m]> What I ran: sudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev
<zoq[m]1> `mlpack-bin` has the cli executables `libmlpack-dev` has the lib and header files
<zoq[m]1> So if you have `mlpack-bin` you should have e.g. `/usr/bin/mlpack_pca`
<ak33[m]> Oh okay, that makes sense.
<ak33[m]> The python import doesn't work either though (haven't tried executing mlpack in c++ yet). I'd have to install the binding libraries separately?
<zoq[m]1> If you want the python bindings `python3-mlpack` is the package you have to install as well.
<zoq[m]1> You could install it through `pip` as well, but since you are on ubuntu already you can use the deb package.
<ak33[m]> Thanks! I'll use the deb package. Just a follow up question though - to make sure I understand - the `apt-get libmlpack-dev` installs only the required header files for c++?
<zoq[m]1> C++ lib/header files yes
<ak33[m]> Got you, thanks!!