Can someone explain the difference between ```DiscreteActionEnvType``` and ```ContinuousActionEnvType```, they look pretty much the same thing to me
I used `scp benchmark.cpp -P 2222 rishabh@orange.ratml.org:~` to copy a file, but it is giving me this error - `ssh: connect to host orange.ratml.org port 22: Operation timed out`
Can somebody help me out with what am I doing wrong here?
<RishabhGarg108Ri> "I used `scp benchmark.cpp -P 222" <- You need to pass the port argument before the filename for scp to actually use the port. Usage would be something like `scp -P port path/to/local_file remote_host:path/to/remote_file`.
Oops silly me, jumbled the order of arguments๐ . Thanks @say4n:matrix.org :)
Np! :)
@rcurtin How do I compile mlpack programs on your machine?
When I tried linking with armadillo, it couldn't find it, but while building from source, cmake was able to find it
What is the message error you are getting?
Hey @shrit:matrix.org I was trying `mosh`. I installed iit and when I run `mosh -p 2222 rishabh@orange.ratml.org` then nothing happens, while connecting via ssh is working just fine. Is there some initial setup which I have to do after installing `mosh`?
Can you also paste the command you are using to compile `benchmark.cpp`?
I think you are using something like `g++ -o benchmark benchmark.cpp`?
`g++ benchmark.cpp -I $MLPACK_INCLUDE -lmlpack -larmadillo` Here `MLPACK_INCLUDE` is the path to the include folder of mlpack
hmm, and what is the output this gives? (sorry for the slow response, I slept in today ๐)
oh! you pasted it already
here the situation is that there is a version of mlpack installed to `/usr/local/lib/` which is out of date
Maybe there are different version of armadillo
it is looking for armadillo9
so just like you specified `-I`, you'll also need to specify `-L /path/to/mlpack/build/lib/`, and I think the `-L` needs to come before the linker commands `-l`
I also tried compiling with `g++ benchmark.cpp -I $MLPACK_INCLUDE -L $MLPACK_LIB -larmadillo. But that too gave some undefined reference errors
and, when you run, you'll need to set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to that same directory you used for `-L`
Yeah. I did set the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $MLPACK_LIB` too.
you'll still need `-lmlpack` even if you specify `-L` (and `-L` should be a directory, not a library name)
Adding `-L $MLPACK_LIB` and `-lmlpack` did the trick :)
awesome! sorry that I have an old mlpack installation floating around on that system ๐
That's fine. I am gradually getting used to these. Now its not that hard to debug these kind of issues as it used to be when I started on mlpack :)
:) I think that is how it always goes. the first time I encountered an error where there was another version of libmlpack.so that I was unintentionally linking to, it took me quite a while to figure it out
Just a thought, maybe we can have a section on mlpack's website where we can address these common issues?
Even I faced the same issue initially.
yeah, maybe a developer FAQ or something? that could be really nice
@ryan:ratml.org If I install any python package, then will it create any problem for you?
I am asking this because I want to install the xgboost python library. There are not many good tutorials on the usage of xgboost CLI
I can do it from the system package manager I think, hang on
I did it myself :)
I was just asking if it will interfere with your existing environment or not. If that's the case, I will work in a virtual environment
oh, ok, well in any case I installed python3-xgboost too
it won't interfere with the existing environment---everything you are doing is local to your user ๐
if the python3-xgboost package causes an issue just let me know and I will remove it :)
Sure. I will tell you if it causes issues :+1:
@ryan:ratml.org I have started the benchmark script. I used the same datasets that I used last time for `DecisionTreeRegressor` and using just one core.
๐๏ธ sounds good
Lets see how long it takes.
Right now I used only the default parameters and single core for both
Tomorrow, I am thinking of doing it for a variety of hyperparameters and multiple cores.