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< kaushal[m]> hey zoq is there a way to output the result in ubuntu terminal , as I was working on the DCGAN example , I wanted to see the noise vector result and the random seed is working right or not.
< kaushal[m]> i thought of outputting every step of the program to get a better view of the program
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< kaushal[m]> this is the error shown when the run the dcgan program
< kaushal[m]> I used g++ gan.cpp -larmadillo -lmlpack -fopenmp
< ShahAnwaarKhalid> @kaushal07: `gan.hpp` is present in `mlpack/methods/ann/gan/gan.hpp.`
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< kaushal[m]> <ShahAnwaarKhalid "@kaushal07: `gan.hpp` is present"> ohh ok ok. thanks
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