ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< mxkopy>
does the model.Train method only take arma::mat as input?
< mxkopy>
i try to input arma::fmat and i get the error
< mxkopy>
cannot convert ‘inp’ (type ‘arma::fmat’ {aka ‘arma::Mat<float>’}) to type ‘arma::mat’ {aka ‘arma::Mat<double>’}
< zoq>
mxkopy: Hello, technically it's possible, but the boost::variant we use to store the layes are arma:Mat<double> based, so unfortunately you would have to wait for
< rcurtin[m]1>
wow, I didn't realize they were continuing to develop new features... I thought they got bought by private equity and things were really going downhill?
< zoq>
Yeah, not sure that feature is still active.
< shrit[m]>
I think we are going to use jenkins, at the ends, we will have a lot of architectures to add.
< shrit[m]>
@zoq, I give it a try, but it is not able to find the compiler toolchain in this case
< zoq>
shrit[m]: Can repost the packages again?
< shrit[m]>
Of course,
< rcurtin[m]1>
shrit: I did install the packages on `master` too, but not `bigglesworth`
< rcurtin[m]1>
bigglesworth will definitely be way too slow to emulate anything effectively 😃
< shrit[m]>
@ryan, yeah but I forget to tell you about the docker
< shrit[m]>
unless if master have already docker installed
< rcurtin[m]1>
it does, I'm running an arm64 container + qemu now to try and debug the arm64 bug someone reported for ensmallen :)
< rcurtin[m]1>
Jenkins should have permissions to start containers too
< shrit[m]>
I will try it on the master in this case
< rcurtin[m]1>
sure, you can also use pioneer or polar, whatever works for you; I just wanted to let you know I had it set up there too :)
< shrit[m]>
@zoq these are the packages for aarch64: g++ xz-utils g++-aarch64-linux-gnu gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu gfortran-aarch64-linux-gnu qemu-system-aarch64
< zoq>
shrit[m]: reinstalled, used the wrong docker image
< zoq>
Time to create a Dockerfile, for the jenkins build node and put it into the jenkins-conf repo.
< zoq>
rcurtin[m]1: You are running the build directly on the system?
< shrit[m]>
@zoq thanks, I will give it a try
< shrit[m]>
@ryan, actually the master does not have xz-utils package, it was not able to extract armadillo
< rcurtin[m]1>
it seems to be installed; are you running inside of a docker container or something? `xz` is definitely available