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< AyushSingh[m]> zoq: Build the branch just now, still getting the same error.
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< AakashkaushikGit> Hey, Is Reinforcement learning still open for this year too ?
< AakashkaushikGit> For GSOC.
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< AyushSingh[m]> (edited) zoq: Build the ... => zoq: Built the ...
< zoq> AyushSingh[m]: Okay, I'll have to build the branch locally, I'll get back to you about the issue later.
< zoq> AakashkaushikGit: We have to find some interesting methods, but yes it is.
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< HrithikNambiar[m> Hello everyone! While using mlpack on Linux to run a simple code, i was shown the following error. Can someone please tell me the fix?
< ShahAnwaarKhalid> Hrithik Nambiar: Hi! As the error says, you need to add -fopenmp to your compiler command line. e.g g++ filename.cpp -std=c++11 -larmadillo -lmlpack -fopenmp
< HrithikNambiar[m> Shah Anwaar Khalid Thanks a lot :)
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< AakashkaushikGit> @zoq so i am familiar with a lot of deep learning approaches but not exactly much good with reinforcement learning and so i am thinking to explore this, so will you be updating the reinforcement learning ideas so i can use them as a guide ?
< zoq> AyushSingh[m]: Did you installed mlpack before e.g. using "make install"?
< zoq> AakashkaushikGit: I can update the idea and add some potential methods, but often it's more interesting to see what someone would pick and see if it fits into the currrent codebase.
< AyushSingh[m]> zoq: Yes, I have
< zoq> AyushSingh[m]: Okay, so we have to remove that one first. So if you are on debian or ubuntu and you used the default settings you should find the header files in /usr/local/include and the lib in /usr/local/lib
< zoq> If you are planning to contribute you don't have o use 'make install' will make your life easier.
< AyushSingh[m]> Thanks zoq, it worked.
< AyushSingh[m]> But, I am not able to use mlpack lib without 'make install'.
< AyushSingh[m]> (edited) ... without 'make ... => ... without running 'make ...
< zoq> Either add the path of the lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH or in g++ specifiy the path.
< AyushSingh[m]> Okay, got it, thanks.
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