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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#8167 (master - a4eb23f : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< walragatver> rcurtin: zoq: I was thinking to merge #2036. However, I am quite new to it. So I am having a doubt do we need to update during the merge process?
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< zoq> Ideally it's part of the PR, but sometimes we forget and do it afterwards.
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< rcurtin> walragatver: what I'll do is this: if you click 'view command line instructions' to the right of the "merge pull request" button, it shows the manual process to merge a PR
< rcurtin> what I'll do is just add a commit to the branch: between "step 1" and "step 2", I'll just modify and commit it
< rcurtin> then continue with git checkout master && git merge --no-ff <branch name> && git push origin master
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< rcurtin> phew... I almost forgot the mlpack stickers for the GSoC mentor summit
< rcurtin> had to run home and get them before the flight :)
< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: When is the summit?
< sreenik[m]> Oh and who are the ones going from this community? :)
< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: this weekend; this year it's in Munich (so long flight for me...); Atharva and I will be there
< rcurtin> Marcus was on the waitlist, but didn't get a spot this year
< sreenik[m]> Great! I hope they have planned something special as this was the 15th GSoC. Would be happy to know about the proceedings. :)
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> yeah, I am really looking forward to it
< rcurtin> typically it's a series of unconference sessions where mentors get together and talk about various topics of interest
< rcurtin> I've always really enjoyed the discussions when I've gone
< rcurtin> anyway, I think I need to get to the airport, back later :)
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< sreenik[m]> Sounds good. Sure :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: Have a good flight.