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< mlPackApprentice>
Hello. My team and I have made steady progress on building an RNN that predicts stockprices. There's just 1 thing that's bothering me. The RNN<>.Train(predictors, responses) function takes an arma::cube of predictors and an arma::cube of responses. The predictors is our cube of training data of hourly stockprices, divided in sequences of 24 (so 24 slices).
< mlPackApprentice>
For the responses cube, I understand it to work as follows: the rows should be what classes you want predicted (in our case 5 values so 5 rows). Then the columns should be equal to the predictors cube, as you want a prediction for each column (or data sample). Then for the slices is my question: If you only make your "responses" cube to have 1 slices, does that mean it will predict only the next 1 hour based on the 24 previo
< mlPackApprentice>
In other words, if my "Predictors" cube is 12x100x24, does that mean that if I make my "Responses" cube 5x100x1, I will get 100 x 1 predictions of all 5 classes for each of the samples in the corresponding slice?
< mlPackApprentice>
A second question: I noticed that if I initialize my "Responses" cube with "zeros" (so a matrix with only 0's everywhere), the Train() function will give me an IndexOutOfBoundsException. But if I initialize the "Responses" cube with "randu" (so values between 0 and 1), it works. So I am wondering: If the "Responses" cube is going to be filled with predictions from the RNN anyway, why should the fill values matter? They're go
< mlPackApprentice>
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read.
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